Healthcare Professional Turnover - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-29
Healthcare Professional Turnover - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Employment Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 571 words
5 min read

Turnover is an essential player in enhancing the relationship between employers and their employees. In a healthcare setting, it may entail the rates at which the healthcare organization replaces employees due to others leaving. Professional turnover is a common experience in healthcare as the workers continuously move due to various reasons. Imbalance in the selection of employees is the primary reason for turnover in healthcare facilities. The mismatch and difficulties in engaging employees have adverse effects on the moral and cooperation of staff and eventually leads to employee turnover. Secondly, the healthcare profession, just like any other, requires positive growth and progression (Islam et al., 2018). Thus, workers prefer working with organizations that identify and nurture their professional development. Thirdly, working in a poor environment, especially in the healthcare facilities, leads to overworking and burnout. Many healthcare staffs take extra responsibility in their normal engagement. Therefore, burnout and overworking could be a reason for healthcare professional turnover. Fourth, poor communication in the healthcare facility would lead to insufficient recognition and feedback for employees. Lack of feedback that can help struggling individuals in healthcare would lower their morale and participation and eventually be the primary reason for healthcare turnover (Islam et al., 2018). The fifth reason for employee turnover in healthcare is restrictions for their involvement in decision making. Healthcare professionals who feel that their decisions are never valued in the organization can get better working environments. An excellent example is that of a nurse who has to leave a health facility for another as there is no room for her contribution to the organization. Turning over a position in the healthcare sector comes with different associated costs. Some of these costs include hiring, training new staff, new forms of remuneration like bonus packages, and the costs of handling the position in case a suitable candidate to fill the slot is unavailable (Wood, 2009).

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Several strategies are available for increasing the retention of healthcare professions and preventing turnover. The creation of professional development opportunities in the healthcare sector is one of the ways of reducing turnover. Turnover is most likely to be low since healthcare professionals are highly motivated by opportunities to advance their careers. Poor relationships between junior and managerial staff is another factor leading to a turnover. Thus, enhancing the positive relationship and reducing the tendency by managers to compel juniors to leave will reduce turnover (Brooks, 2017). Strengthening the onboarding process in a health facility improves the retention of staff and reduces turnover. Appreciation of staff, constant recognition, and providing an ergonometric sensitive work environment reduces overworking burnouts and overwhelming workspace. In turn, it enhances physicians’ and nurses’ engagement (Brooks, 2017). A good example of the application of this approach is the provision of transportation utilities for healthcare staff working in odd hours, provision of sick offs, and enhancing a safe work environment through the provision of personal protective equipment.


Brooks, S. (2017). Health Care Leaders’ Strategies to Improve Nurse Retention. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from

Islam, T., Ali, G., & Ahmed, I. (2018). Protecting healthcare through organizational support to reduce turnover intention. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare. Retrieved September 28, 2020, from

Wood, B. D. (2009). Turnover among healthcare professionals. Radiology Management, 31(4), 24-9.

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