Health and Civility of Workplace - Essay Example

Published: 2023-10-11
Health and Civility of Workplace - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Healthcare Organizational behavior Organizational culture
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 542 words
5 min read

Clark Health workplace inventory offers a good evaluation of health and civility levels in the workplace. A selection of the desired and best responses gave a clear picture of what the health program had to do. I obtained an inventory used by groups and individuals to support in raising awareness and evaluating the health of a given organization. The other important aspects are establishing places that require improvement and encouraging and congratulating areas that have performed well.

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Two Things That Surprised You about the Results

The two surprising things I observed are the incivility within the program and incapacity to relate the civility to the healthy work environment statements.

An Idea Believed Before the Assessment That Was Confirmed

Before the assessment, I had a belief that the coworkers had a negative impact on their interaction with patients and the workplace environment

Health and Civility of Workplace

Incivility refers to a low-intensity behavior that influences various practices such as being rude, impatient, and violating of workplace code (Marshall and Broome, 2017). To address the civility in workplaces, nurses should come up with the desired techniques and methods for effective communication. Since it is quite difficult to have an important conversation, there is a need to develop a certain technique to give the entire team guidelines of achieving a certain objective. It is crucial to create a healthy environment to offer patients the best healthcare.

Explanation of the Theory or the Concept Presented In the Selected Articles

A major concept in the articles was the cognitive rehearsal with a particular team. Cognitive rehearsal is a technique whereby a person works closely with a facilitator to find a solution to a bothering situation in a peaceful environment. The facilitators offer tests to the workers to get feedback and maintain communication in the team.

Relation of the Theory to the Work Environment Assessment

The team members started began taking into consideration the various challenges faced by patients. The members have developed cohesion among themselves and help each other in challenging times. The practices have helped improve the team's reactions. The team has learned from the process and eliminated the discomforts within them.

Application of the Theory to Improve Organizational Health and Create Stronger Work Team

Programs that promote teamwork and the use of cognitive rehearsal should be developed in healthcare organizations. Staff meetings ought to be set, and attendance is taken seriously by everyone in the organization. During the meetings, cognitive rehearsal concepts should always be incorporated to tackle the issue of incivility.

General comments

The aim of carrying out inventory analysis of the workplace was to determine the civility and health levels. A literature review is essential to ascertain whether the desired changes were put into action. The results of the assessment are useful in highlighting areas that need improvement in the workplace. The assessment’s initial step is creating awareness. Teamwork and communication are essential in passing vital information.


Broome, M., & Marshall, E. (2017). Expert clinician to transformational leader in a complex health care organization: Foundations. Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader, 3-36.

Clark, C. M., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., & Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering civility in nursing education and practice: Nurse leader perspectives. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(7/8), 324-330.

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