Handling nursing Conflict

Published: 2022-12-06
Handling nursing Conflict
Type of paper:  Article review
Categories:  Health and Social Care Business Technology Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 651 words
6 min read

Conflict management is regarded as one of the effective means of ensuring quality provision of services as parties from conflicting sides, tend to shift their focus in achieving their ultimate goal (Callahan, et al., 2016). In health care facilities, nurses play a huge role in the process of a patient recovery process; this refers to the performance of the daily routine services, such as data collection and dissemination of the information to the relevant channels (Basogul, and Ozgur, 2016). However, in a conflicting environment where nursing differences are not managed, the patients suffer, which may result in premature deaths of the patients within a given healthcare facility.

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As Mishra, et al., (2017) points out, the nursing management must thoroughly advance this challenge from all directions since it highly involves working relationships that affect the unit function of the entire organization. Nearly most of the nursing conflicts are caused by excessive overworking (Kim, et al., 2017). In this case, the ratio of nurse to patient is lower, hence resulting in nurses being overworked. Never the less, this encourages higher nursing to turn out, a step that leads in overworking of the on-duty nurses (Moreland, and Apker, 2016).

AlHamdan, et al., (2011) observes that effective conflict resolution management requires explicit communication, as well as understanding the level of affected areas that lead to disagreements. In this case, all the possible solution to the situation will be addressing the root of the matter rather than the cause (Sullivan, and Garland, 2010).


The management should consider both sides under a closer scope to ensure that the problem is solved without favoring any side. In this manner, nurses can work in harmony without causing any human errors due to fatigue at work. Never the less, nursing inspiration is one of the techniques used by most of the organizations in calming the situation. In this case, management inspiration is aimed at increasing the productivity of every single nurse in the health care.

On the other hand, teamwork is another important aspect to consider in handling the crisis. As Kelly, (2011) points out, nursing is an activity that requires a greater interconnection with all the stakeholders in the hospital. In this manner, empowering of teamwork provides collaboration of workers which leads to better results.

On the other hand, teamwork is another important aspect to consider in handling the crisis. Guerra, et al., (2011) points out, nursing is an activity that requires a greater interconnection with all the stakeholders in the hospital. In this manner, empowering of teamwork provides collaboration of workers which leads to better results Bowers, (2014).


AlHamdan, Z., Shukri, R., & Anthony, D. (2011). Conflict management styles used by nurse managers in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of clinical nursing, 20(34), 571-580.

Basogul, C., & Ozgur, G. (2016). Role of emotional intelligence in conflict management strategies of nurses. Asian nursing research, 10(3), 228-233.

Bowers, L. (2014). S afewards: a new model of conflict and containment on psychiatric wards. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 21(6), 499-508.

Callahan, A., Ames, N. J., Manning, M. L., Touchton-Leonard, K., Yang, L., & Wallen, G. R. (2016, May). Factors influencing nurses' use of hazardous drug safe-handling precautions. In Oncology nursing forum (Vol. 43, No. 3, p. 342). NIH Public Access.

Guerra, S. T., Prochnow, A. G., Trevizan, M. A., & Guido, L. D. A. (2011). Conflict in nursing management in the hospital context. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem, 19(2), 362-369.

Kelly, P. (2011). Nursing leadership & management. Nelson Education.

Kim, S., Bochatay, N., Relyea-Chew, A., Buttrick, E., Amdahl, C., Kim, L., ... & Lee, Y. M. (2017). Individual, interpersonal, and organisational factors of healthcare conflict: a scoping review. Journal of interprofessional care, 31(3), 282-290.

Mishra, A., Rani, S., & Bhardwaj, U. (2017). Effectiveness of e-learning module on first aid: a study on student nurses. International Journal of Nursing Education July, 9(3), 6-10.

Moreland, J. J., & Apker, J. (2016). Conflict and stress in hospital nursing: Improving communicative responses to enduring professional challenges. Health communication, 31(7), 815-823.

Sullivan, E. J., & Garland, G. (2010). Practical leadership and management in nursing. Pearson Education.

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Handling nursing Conflict. (2022, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/handling-nursing-conflict

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