Essay Sample on H2O Solution: Centralized Planning Model Fails to Produce Desired Results

Published: 2023-11-14
Essay Sample on H2O Solution: Centralized Planning Model Fails to Produce Desired Results
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1282 words
11 min read


H2o solution is a company that can be traced to in San Francisco. The company focuses on producing water-saving recycling systems that are used for residential purposes. The company is noted to have hired enough expertise in all the sectors of the company. However, the company plans and sets goals using senior leaders in the company. The company uses centralized and top-down planning models that seem not to bear the best fruits that are required in the company.

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It is significant to note that the older, original planning and goal setting process will not work out for the company, H2o solution. Firstly, the senior leaders in the company are the ones that come up with goals that need to be accomplished. These goals may not work out as the target group. The employees may need something else (Hirschmann & Neurath, 2017). The diverse expertise that is in the company may not align with the goals that the leaders want and hence fail to achieve the goals. Secondly, the set-out goals and processes are difficult to change, even if they do not work out for the organization. Before changes are made to the procedures and goals that are set out, it will consume more time that the company would have used for production. The process has to undergo various meetings so that it can be changed.

The solutions that the senior leaders in the company only provide limited coverage. The answers are said to touch on a few things in the company and do not cover the critical issues that may be affecting the company (Wells, 2017). Therefore, it is likely that the older, original planning and goal setting process that the company is using will longer be active and lead to the success of the company.

Recommendation for Planning and Goal Setting Approach

Having noted the company uses a top-down approach, I will recommend for the company to use the bottom-up approach. A top-down management approach is an approach that involves the senior leaders in the organization to make goals, plan projects, and tasks that are supposed to be carried out to achieve the purposes of the company (Norbury, 2017). On the other hand, a bottom-up Approach is a management approach that leans on the employee feedback to come up with goals, tasks, and projects in an organization.

Therefore, the Bottom-up Approach will be a useful model that the company can use so that they overcome the challenges in management. It will ensure that the company makes an informed decision and delivers precisely what is needed to the employees (Norbury, 2017). Also, employees feel motivated when they are heard and provided with all that they need. The company can also incorporate new changes faster as compared to using the Top-down Approach. This will be a successful approach for planning and setting goals in the company.

How the Approach Will be a Good Fit for H20 Solutions

The approach, bottom-up approach, will be used for overcoming the planning and setting essential goals in the company. Firstly, the company will be able to engage employees in the process. Employees across all the levels are their expertise for all the processes, will get involved, and participated in the decision making and hence the company reaching its goals. The employees will give feedback to the senior managers and consequently consider the critical issues that the employees want (Hirschmann & Neurath, 2017).

Secondly, employees are given a chance to set goals that align with their strengths or areas of development. In the top-down approach, there is no consideration of the forces and what the employees have when coming up with the goals. This is the reason as to why the company has not been able to achieve its goals even with the various expertise in all the fields. However, in the bottom-up approach, employees understand exactly what they are capable of an come up with decisions and plans of what they want as they share with the top management. Through doing this, the company will come up with decisions that align with the needs of the employees and hence make optimal success.

How the Approach will be more Nimble, Agile and Responsive to Market Trends

The approach is dependent on employee feedback so that it comes up with planning and set goals in the organization. Often, employees are well informed about the trend in the market, new technologies in the market, and the needs of the customers. Using this model will mean that the company gets feedback about the technology, changes in the market, change in taste of the customers, and the technologies that are needed. Therefore, the company will use this information to adjust and remain in the market as it will change as per change in taste, technology, and the needs of the customers (Hirschmann & Neurath, 2017). It is vital to note that the company focuses on external factors and needs when making decisions as compared to the top-down approach that focuses on internal factors to come up with decisions.

Benchmarks to H2o Solutions that will serve as Indicators for the Success of a New Approach

The success of the company will depend on how the company uses the bottom-up approach to incorporate changes in planning and goal setting. To benchmark the success of this approach, I will look for employee retention and improvement in the production of the company. Employee retention is one of the major successes that is caused by a bottom-up approach. Employees are satisfied since their feedback and opinions are adhered to, and they receive all that they need to accomplish their desired activities.

The model also encourages productivity. Employees work in their areas of specialization as compared to the top-down approach that does not allow employees to choose tasks according to their specialization. This ensures that there are decreased errors and increased working hours since employees are satisfied, and they have all that they need to achieve the organization goals that they have helped to come up with the decisions. Successful companies have ensured that there is job satisfaction and increased communication between the lower workers and senior leaders while sharing vital information for decision making (Hirschmann & Neurath, 2017).

The Resistance that the Executive Management Might Experience

Changing from one approach to other approaches is a process and involves resource allocation together with time to change from one approach to another. The executive management may face that they are wasting vital time that could be applied in production. The leadership and structure are supposed to be rescheduled to ensure that the employees can share the view to the top managers so that they aid in decision making.

Also, executive management may receive resistance that is caused by employees who do not have education, resources, and the support that they need. It is anticipated that all the employees have the knowledge and can help in coming up with decisions. The executive may not get the support that they feel that they need so that they come up with vital decisions. Also, some feedback from the employees may not align with the business mission and long-term vision, and hence the executive may not go by the model.


Hirschmann, S., & Neurath, M. F. (2017). Top-down approach to biological therapy of Crohn’s disease. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 17(3), 285-293.

Martinich, L. P. (2016). Excellent execution: balancing top-down and bottom-up management. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 44(2), 20-22. doi: 10.1109/EMR.2016.2568720

Norbury, G. (2017). The case for ‘bottom-up’pest management. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 41(2), 271-277.

Wells, C. L. (2017). Understanding issues of control in top-down management pedagogies. Power and Education, 9(3), 192-201.

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Essay Sample on H2O Solution: Centralized Planning Model Fails to Produce Desired Results. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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