Essay on God's Global Purpose: To Know and Follow Him

Published: 2023-11-15
Essay on God's Global Purpose: To Know and Follow Him
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Religion Christianity
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 683 words
6 min read


In the last eight weeks, I have learned that God’s global purpose was people in the whole world to know him and live according to his will. From the very start in the creation story, God created man in His likeness. He then instructed man to fill the earth and subdue it. All the creation was supposed to give the universe the image of God. It shows that man was supposed to have a personal relationship with God. When man sinned against God, he sent Jesus his only son to redeem the connection back. In the book of 1 Samuel 17:46, the purpose of David to challenge Goliath was so that "all the earth may know there is a God in Israel.” God saved his people through a small boy David, something that many people would not have imagined. My perspective on the current events now is that in any situation around the world, God has the power to rescue his people.

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Globally there are problems like diseases with no cure example being COVID 19. Other challenge includes wars in different parts of the world. What we need to ask ourselves is whether we are living according to his purpose. Living according to God’s will is spreading the gospel to the people who have not received it so that the whole world can have the image and likeness of God. Following Christ in the current global perspective means doing the will of God and continuing with the mission of Christ. Whatever the situations in the different parts of the world, the followers of Christ should continue giving a message of hope to those who have not received the gospel yet. Christians are the followers of Christ. Jesus came to save humanity and to continue with the mission of his father. In the book of John, we see that God gave his son out of his love for the world. The Bible provides us with a compass on which direction to follow to reach all the people, and that is the will of God, but not a map to concentrate in one area only.

Becoming a World Christian

To become a world Christian according to the life on purpose articles means reaching out to those who have not received the gospel. There are some steps I have to follow to ensure that the unreachable are reached. I have to practice reaching the others, whether in the locality or those who are far. There are many people who have not yet received the good news. Therefore, they are not living according to the will of God. Those who have received the good news already are tasked with spreading it to the others. The other step is welcoming. I must listen to those who are sent to spread the gospel. In the book of Luke, when Jesus was commissioning the 70 disciples, he told them that they should shake off their dust in the houses they were not welcomed as a sign of judgment.

As a disciple, I should be ready to be broken, as shown in the book of Matthew. Jesus told his disciples that he sends them as sheep amid wolves and so they were supposed to be wise. To be a world Christian means also sending and supporting the missioners. Jesus told the 70 disciples that they were not supposed to carry anything. They were to stay and eat in the houses that they were welcomed. Therefore, when one becomes a missioner, he should put his total reliance on God for provision. To become a world Christian, I will ensure that I mobilize others for the purpose of spreading the gospel. One person cannot do the work of reaching out to others. As Jesus puts it, the harvest is in plenty, but the labourers are few.


Ahrend, Todd. Hawthorne, Steven. Hickman, Claude. Life on Purpose, 2009.

International Bible Society. The Holy Bible: New International Version: Containing The Old Testament and The New Testament. International Bible Society, 1984.

Winter, Ralph D. Perspectives on the world Christian movement: a reader. William Carey Library, 1981.

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