Free Paper Sample: Depression and Anxiety in Relation to Sports Psychology

Published: 2024-01-03
Free Paper Sample: Depression and Anxiety in Relation to Sports Psychology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Sport Depression Anxiety disorder
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1410 words
12 min read

As mental health-related issues continue to rise worldwide, scholars have reviewed physical activity as a prospective solution to anxiety and depression. Having evaluated how physical activity improves peoples' psychological health, researchers are now determined to study the impacts created by physical activity on human psychology. According to the preliminary studies, 5-10% of children and 25% of teenagers are affected by depressive disorders. Since physical activity presents an activity for socialization, stress-relieving, and building confidence, it has been associated with the reduction of mental health-associated diseases. Therefore, physical activity has been proven beneficial to young people (especially those in their adolescence), reducing the risk of severe mental disorders. Physical activity is also recommended for body fat reduction, improved bone density, increased muscle strength, and healthy body weight. Therefore, both personal and team sports are essential in mitigating the risks associated with psychological disorders, and thus, physical activity serves as a treatment measure.

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Organized sports participation helps individuals reduce depression, illicit drug usage, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and hopeless feelings. According to research, sporting activities positively correlate to an individual’s mental health as compared to other instances of physical activity. Organized sporting activities lead to increased self-esteem, decreased depressive symptoms, and improved social abilities. Thus, the social benefits associated with sport participation lead to reduced stress. Studies have proved that those who do not participate in physical activities have a higher risk of succumbing to depressive disorders than those who actively participate in sporting activities. For instance, those who do not participate in athletics have approximately a 20% chance of suffering from mental health disorders. The benefits of physical activity and sport on mental health metrics have been firmly and well established.

Although physical activity and sports have been associated with numerous benefits on human mental health, all sports do not have a mental impact on the same measure. Studies have proved a significant difference between individual and team sports based on athletic success, motivation, and psychological skills. According to Kajbafnezhad, team sports in young people encourage physical fitness and improve their social and mental skills. Team sports encourage people to learn to work well with others and efficiently cooperate with others to achieve the desired result. Group work results in acceptance and support, which plays a critical role in reducing depressive mental disorders, leading to healthy relationships. Preliminary studies have revealed that team experiences, such as coaching, peer support, and skill improvement, play a key role in creating social acceptance feelings, leading to decreased body dissatisfaction, which ultimately leads to fewer depressive symptoms.

Individual sports are also very important in cultivating individual ability to concentrate and improve mental strength. It is worth noting that individual sports such as sports do not significantly impact the individual’s psychological health than team sporting events. Athletics is an example of individual sporting activity. Athletes usually practice purposefully to improve their skills. Individual sports usually require a lot of preparation, as they are highly dependent on individual skills. Thus, individual players may suffer from depressive problems resulting from internal accountability. There are also several disadvantages of participating in team sporting activities such as team dynamics, competition, and training/coaching-related problems individual sports can cause greater internal insecurity and attribution, linked to mental problems. Studies prove that individuals engaged in team sporting activities have slightly lesser exposure to depressive disorders than those who participate in individual sports.

Depression and anxiety are common psychiatric issues associated with sporty individuals. Phobic anxiety and performance anxieties are mostly sport-related. For instance, athletes usually experience anxiety, which may be related to a predefined medical condition or substance abuse. During the presentation, many players typically feel stressed or overwhelmed, which may lead to depression. The anxiety resulting from the performance is usually connected to the performance's specific components, which cause intense feelings in the player. For instance, when a player is injured or has recently recovered from injuries, they may be overwhelmed by the fear of failing to meet their expectations.

Emotional processes are essential for human survivorship. Anxiety falls in the category of the most prevalent natural emotions. It is the feeling of apprehension for future expectations. Depression, on the other hand, is a feeling of severe dejection or despair. Sporty and active people are not exempt from mental illnesses. Anyone can be exposed to anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression problems occur to players as frequently as they appear to the general population. Even though sports serve as a tool for helping players cope with their mental disorders, sports can also cause pressures that may lead to anxiety and depression. Several examples of depression that might affect sporty and active individuals are manic/bipolar disorders and depressive psychosis.

Antecedents and consequences of burnout in athletes: Perceived stress and depression. (n.d.). | Science, health and medical journals, full-text articles, and books.

The source closely examines athletes’ perceived depression and stress as a result of burnout. The study's purpose is to determine the situational and personal factors that lead to athletes’ burnout. The study results proved athletes suffer from depressive disorders as a result of psychological and physical preparation. Science Direct is a credible source that provides a variety of reliable information for research purposes.

Influence of symptoms of depression and anxiety on injury hazard among collegiate American football players. (2014, March 21). ResearchGate.

This information explains the symptoms of depression among players. Players are usually psychologically affected by sports-related issues such as competition and coaching issues. Injury is also recognized as a potential factor that causes depression among players. Moreover, according to the studies conducted, more than 10% of players who experienced anxiety and depression were more likely to face injuries. Therefore, injuries lead to depression, feelings of anxiety, and depression, which may lead to injuries.

Kajbafnezhad H., Ahadi H., Heidarie A. R., Askari P., Enayati M. (2011) Difference between the team and individual sports with respect to psychological skills, overall emotional intelligence and athletic success motivation in Shiraz city athletes. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific

The research conducted has revealed a significant difference between team and individual sports. According to this source, team sports are less likely to lead to depressive disorders than individual sports. Team sports create an environment where the members of the team feel accepted. Moreover, there is less tension before the performance of a team as compared to an individual. Therefore, team sports are more helpful in the mitigation of depressive disorders.

Learning from elite athletes’ experience of depression. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

According to this source, athletes are more prone to depression disorders due to the fear of losing or substance use. Athletics are categorized under individual sporting activities. Athletes usually suffer depression as their sport is more personal than team sports where members can cooperate.

Team sports athletes may be less likely to suffer anxiety or depression than individual sport athletes. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

This study also proves that team sports players are less likely to suffer from depressive disorders than individual players. Group work creates a sense of acceptance and support, which plays a significant mitigation role in the creation of depressive mental disorders and leads to healthy relationships.


Team sport athletes may be less likely to suffer anxiety or depression than individual sport athletes. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

Learning from elite athletes’ experience of depression. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

Antecedents and consequences of burnout in athletes: Perceived stress and depression. (n.d.). | Science, health, and medical journals, full-text articles, and books.

Influence of symptoms of depression and anxiety on injury hazard among collegiate American football players. (2014, March 21). ResearchGate.

Kajbafnezhad H., Ahadi H., Heidarie A. R., Askari P., Enayati M. (2011) Difference between the team and individual sports with respect to psychological skills, overall emotional intelligence and athletic success motivation in Shiraz city athletes. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific

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