Free Essay with the Movies Analysis

Published: 2022-03-03
Free Essay with the Movies Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie American history
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1515 words
13 min read

Far and Away Movie Analysis

Movie theme

The movie envisions the theme determination to pursue one's goals. The theme is well-brought home by the two characters, Joseph Donnelly and Shannon Christie. Joseph's father dies. The family is not able to pay its rent in time and their landlord using some goons burn everything that belonged to the Donnellys. Joseph vows to revenge, fights with Christies the landlord but gets hurt. He is then taken to Christie's house where Christie daughter Shannon identifies and falls in love with him. Driven by the promises of free land in America's Oklahoma, the duo sets a journey all the way from Ireland. In America, Joseph has to participate in a commercial boxing where he soon loses his wealth in a plotted robbery and becomes hopeless in the streets with Shannon. They soon find land at Oklahoma despite all the hardships.

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How it illustrates the theme of the unit

A movie that educates on being determined and taking the reader through a painful love experience that ends with the characters fulfilling their dream of owning land in America is worth watching. Unit three's theme is credit movies; these are movies that have a moral lesson and should be watched because they help instill a lesson to the audience. Far and Away is thus a credit movie.

Characters that explore theme and symbolize different aspects of life

The characters are Joseph Donnelly and Shannon Christie. Joseph Donnelly moves from being the son of a poor family, revenging against his landlord to a man who can sustain himself and the daughter of a rich man as he fights as a commercial boxer at a local club to make a living. He and Shannon hold on together through many thick and thins and finally secure land in Oklahoma.

On the other Hand, Shannon has a different view of life and not like his rich parents who never want her married to a poor man. She falls for Joseph Donnelly whom she too sticks to through many problems and finally they secure land for their own.

By sticking together in love even after many problems then, it becomes clear that determination helps one achieve their goals.


Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Movie Analysis


The Main theme here is deception of the Native Americans. The Federal government and its soldiers continually trick the Native Americans into signing contracts that lead to stealing the native's land while they are corralled at the reservations. To make matters more complicated, some natives conspire with the government to deprive the natives of their land. They are gullible and the federal government makes false promises that it will never honor wooing the natives into giving away their land. This is the helm of deception.

How it illustrates the theme of the unit

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee is a credit movie in that it helps reflect on the history of the Native American tribes. By understanding the atrocities that were committed against the group, then it will help understand the pain of a people and perhaps help work towards reconciliation. Above all, the audience will clearly understand the history of America.

Characters that explore theme and symbolize different aspects of life

Charles East man; a young man who has a French-Indian blood is regarded as the true generation of assimilated natives who through governmental subjugation has lost the old identity.

Sitting Bull; he is a native chief at the Sioux reservation who leads the natives to resist the government policies to strip the natives of their land and their identity too. He represents a force that counters the governmental atrocities.

Henry L. Dawes; he is the architect of the Federal government whose policies contribute to the alienation and deprivation of the natives. He helps to bring home the theme of deception and deprivation of a people.


Geronimo Movie Analysis


The movie pervades the theme of heroism. The Federal government has lured the natives into settling at the reservations and their land was taken away. However, not all Natives who are here of Apache descent are able to adapt to the life in the reservations. Particularly, corn farming. Geronimo first fakes accepting the false government offer where he later amasses a resistance army of natives to frustrate the U.S.A. He would later surrender in the battle where he is charged with a lot of respect because the government knows that his demands are genuine.

How it illustrates the theme of the unit

Like the, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Geronimo entails another version of a government subjugation and deprivation of the Native Americans of their land as they are pushed to the reservations and forced to adopt a culture that is not theirs. The story thus helps to understand the culture of the past and a history of the people which helps understand where the country has come from and where it is going.

Characters that explore theme and symbolize different aspects of life

Geronimo; He is an Apache Indian who forms a resistance movement against a deceptive and violent government against a community for rightfully defending what is theirs. His wits in forging an acceptance of the government promises and later fighting and retrieving what is rightfully native's.

Gatewood, Davis, and Chato; they are a government who fight Apache resistance and give Geronimo a level playing ground to prove his heroic nature.


The Alamo Movie Analysis


The Alamo features the theme of politics and War. The movie is captured on the events of 1846-1848 the Mexican revolution. The Texan Mexican border had all been peaceful. Mexico, under Santa Anna Lopez, was working communist policies but Americans who were streaming into Texas opposed and criticized Santa Anna. Texas then sent troops to Alamo to seize the border where Santa Anna commands his troops to fight Americans. For two years many Mexican and Americans die. The war symbolizes the American Capitalism struggle with communism.

How it illustrates the theme of the unit

The movie is worth watching as it helps to explain the origin of some ancient rivalry that has permeated to date. Capitalism has been known to be the United States highly pursued economic ideal that has been an antagonist to communism. Besides, watching the movie, one comes to understand how Texas, was annexed from Mexico and the origin of Mexico, U.S.A animosity.

Characters that explore theme and symbolize different aspects of life

Santa Anna Lopez: The Mexican commander is determined to defend the socialist ideals and defends Texas from being annexed even though it has finally been annexed. His sending the troops to Alamo causes a war with Texan troops.

Colonel William Travis. The Texan commander leads his troop against the Mexican. Many of his members are slain in the war but he advises no retreat and America finally wins the battle and annexes Alamo.

Crocket: helps mediate Travis and Bowel differences and helps prevents Bowel from withdrawing his men splitting and weakening American troops that would have lost a war and land to Mexico.


Into the West


The movie revolves around the theme of adventure and luck. A long-distance traveler grandfather David Kelly is followed by a mystical horse on one of his many voyages. He drives the horse home and takes it to his grandchildren; Tayto and Ossie. The young boys keep the horse in their father's house who is a drunkard. The horse is then stolen and the boys begin looking for it. Eventually, they find it and decide to escape from the northern Dublin to the West where they find a good place than the north, "Tir na nog" in Irish a name that had been called the horse by their grandfather. Eventually, they realize that the name did not just mean the name of the horse but "the eternal land of the youth" they find to the West.

How it illustrates the theme of the unit

Into the West entails a story set in the West, Northern Dublin and encompasses a story of an ancient traveller something that enables the viewer to interact with the old economic activities of the Irish people of Dublin in the United Kingdom; trading was one of the activities and this is the reason why the grandfather is a long distance traveller. The fact that he finds a mystic horse that later leads the boys to the West means that traveling around would then land an individual with great treasures.

Characters that explore theme and symbolize different aspects of life

Grandfather David Kelly; his stories are very charming and from traveling, he meets the mystic house. Little did Tayto and Ossie know that this horse would lead them to a new land with opportunities.


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