Free Essay with a Reflection and Feedback on Nursing Practice

Published: 2022-06-24
Free Essay with a Reflection and Feedback on Nursing Practice
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 695 words
6 min read

Contemporary nursing practice demands an in-depth comprehension of organizational behavior within healthcare settings. This occurrence has emerged as being fundamental in the sense that when interventions are undertaken to optimize positive organizational behavior, quality and proper patient care are guaranteed. From a theoretical point of view, nursing leaders are expected to formulate interventions of motivating employees owing to the emotional and energy draining nature of nursing practice (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou, 2014). As a result, motivation has emerged as a critical component in the realization of the organizational objectives as is epitomized in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This theory categorizes the needs of an employee as being love, esteem, safety and security, psychological and self-actualization. Indeed, when these components are reinforced, the motivational levels of a worker are optimized although they have to be met hierarchically (Borkowski, 2016). Alderfer's philosophy seconds the perceptions of Maslow where he states that security and psychological may be categorized as the mandatory minimum requirements which serve as the impetus to any employee.

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Given that the current nursing practice gravitates towards establishing a network of team members, the group thinks concept during the process of decision making is taken into consideration. The primary approach of the group thinks approach involves developing the harmonious understanding amongst members which results in rational decision making (Keyko et al., 2016). Additionally, such an approach establishes an ideal communication channel as each team member is allowed voicing their opinions. Equally important is the fact that the group think intervention would facilitate smooth engagement with community members especially in the implementation of interventions that focus on public awareness.

Most professionals that more often than not nursing is perceived as a strenuous and seemingly tedious work which culminate in the development of agreements and conflicts. According to Borkowski (2016), such adverse occurrences may jeopardize the organizational or individual health at the workplace, evidence-based measures have been adopted with the aim of optimizing the performance of workers. For instance, most research studies focus on the need for time management for nurses as one could easily diminish the level of conflict and stress. Indeed, coming up with a comprehensive time plan for their daily tasks would guarantee less strain and collision with the employer or fellow employees. Since change is a continuous process, contemporary nursing theory dictates the need for the management of organizational change. Some of the steps to be considered in ensuring the successful management of organisational change includes establishing the sense of urgency; forming powerful coalitions; developing the vision for change and coming up with ideal strategies; communicating the change vision; eradication of obstacles through systems change; building on the identified change and finally implementing the change.

The complex nature of the nursing profession necessitates the need for the establishment of team members based on their specialties. As a result, the treatment of the modern day patient demands extensive coordination amongst clinicians with the objective of achieving quality healthcare practice. Accordingly, there is a need for establishing an active communication channel where each member of the organization is familiarised themselves with their roles. Moreover, such a process allows individuals to contribute their input and raise concerns as deemed fit and in the process, medical errors as a result of replication of duties may be avoided (Eng & Pai, 2015). Additionally, effective communication provides an ideal platform through which employees may be motivated. Indeed, the nursing leadership may employ positive communication skills by highlighting their activities and initiatives that have been put in place to offer support to the welfare of workers. Without a doubt, a motivated workforce ensures that the management has control over organizational activities hence it becomes easier to implement organizational activities.


Borkowski, N. (2016). Organizational behavior, theory, and design in health care (3rd ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN 978-1-284-05088-2.

Eng, C. J., & Pai, H. C. (2015). Determinants of nursing competence of nursing students in Taiwan: the role of self-reflection and insight. Nurse Education Today, 35(3), 450-455.

Keyko, K., Cummings, G. G., Yonge, O., & Wong, C. A. (2016). Work engagement in professional nursing practice: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 61, 142-164.

Kourkouta, L., & Papathanasiou, I. V. (2014). Communication in nursing practice. Materia Socio-Medica, 26(1), 65.

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