Free Essay Sample on Line Managers' Role in Performance Management

Published: 2022-09-27
Free Essay Sample on Line Managers' Role in Performance Management
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Management Human resources Productivity
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1803 words
16 min read


Every company requires a performance management system that is effective. The reason for this is that with an effective performance management system, it is easy for the jobs to be specific despite them covering a broad range of operations all over the company. Another reason pertains to the ability it provides the company to align itself together with the strategic culture and direction that has been created. It is also not only practical but also easy to understand as well as use. An effective performance management system also helps in the provision of accurate insight into the performance of each employee (Armstrong and Taylor 2014; 14). It includes partnership processes that enable goals to be set and performances to be reviewed based on the communication that occurs two ways between the manager and the employee. Besides this, it helps in monitoring and measuring both behaviours and results.

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This paper will consist of an overview of line managerse role in performance management, how they were managed in the past and how they are managed in today's world. This topic is not a new topic as Human Resource Managers requires of notifying upper management that their employees are due for their performance review. Performance reviews do not always mean a pay raise for employees but are good criticism for employees to see where their struggles are falling behind to help better them and the organization. This paper will disclose the role of line manager in the performance management and give account of the HR on performance management process.

Performance Management

Performance management refers to the process through which employees and managers work together not only to plan and monitor but also to review the work objectives of the employee as well as his or her general contribution to the company. Performance manager differs from the annual reviews that companies conduct. The reason behind this is that performance management involves a more continuous process whereby the objectives of the employees are set, the performance progress of the employees are assessed and the employees are provided with continuous coaching as well as feedback that helps them meet their career goals and their assigned objectives (Collings, Wood and Szamosi 2018; 12).

Performance management refers to activities that ensure that the goals of an organization are frequently achieved. For managers to successfully manage the real performance of their jobs there are critical programs to be followed this include: the performance coaching this offers managers with skills and techniques that help in the success of the employee. The second program is the result motivation that helps managers learn ways of influencing motivations. Reviewing performance by discussing guidelines used in performance rating and the error involved in the rating process. Lastly, setting goals for success help in, examination of realistic goals characteristic by the participants. Quality management is a continuous system of improving products and service quality by mainly putting a focus on customers and expected to help enhance the satisfaction of clients. Process and knowledge management assist in that accurate delivery of data to the employees. In this way, the total quality management practices are well achieved. Statistics have confirmed that this management of knowledge help in improving the performance operations. A firm that practices complete quality control should necessarily train its employees to improve their task performance. This training helps to improve the employee's knowledge in the industry and the firm's structure. The training also if made effective improve the loyalty of the employees in the enterprise. The supplier quality management the development of alliances that are strategic to the suppliers and working with them together help in meeting the business expectations. The performance of an operation is also positively affected by the quality management system by the vendor. Concerning the customer focus effect, external customers are the primary Target that total quality control is focusing on serving. The customers' expectations should first be studied well, and the solutions should be found to offer the products and service ( ). This help in the improvement of goods and services quality. Through this customer satisfaction is improved and expectations are met. The strategic planning of quality involves things like the firm's mission and visions. Employees are considered as an input in the mission and vision development when their efforts in quality planning are useful.

The line manager's role in performance management/appraisal

Line managers ensure that they achieve employee engagement whereby they supervise them and are able to learn issues that affect their performance and so on, the line supervisors are the ones who create a culture for the employees. They implement performance appraisals for the employees after assessing and rating employee performance. The line managers keep the appraisal practices credible. The line managers discipline their employees. This starts by the line managers setting team expectations and goals. As a result, rule and policy procedures are implemented for the team to meet the expectations and this is done by the line manager. The line managers influence the performance-related pay by presenting the reports about the employees who from their performance deserve an increase in their pay.

In a technology-driven, constantly changing corporate environment, the often tedious, once-a-year evaluations-that risk inspiring employee fear more than improved performance-are already in danger of becoming archaic (Finken and Marcus Buckingham 2015). This method allows employees to receive feedback quickly and in a timely manner about certain projects and their overall performance, which makes employees have more appreciation for the organization and themselves. Employees are constantly receiving feedback from real-time evaluations and not having to wait 6 months to a year to receive their feedback. This will help employees to constantly be reminded that everyone has struggled, but the organization wants to see them succeed and will help give them the appropriate tools to do so. Using the real-time feedback method will make employees happier in their work surrounding, which benefits the organization for having loyal employees who work hard.

In improving performance where it has fallen, the line manager can the several actions to boost performance. Firstly, we start with the Harvard model theory which involves and analyzes the commitment of employees. According to this theory, employees should be committed and competent in their roles. Secondly, is the Michigan model which holds that people in the organization should be managed and disciplined just like other resources ( ). Additionally, this theory emphasizes the carrying out of appraisal and having selections of the best employees for the appraisals. According to this model rewards to employees and appraisals gear organizational performance to its best.

Furthermore, the Warwick model provides a critical analysis on the human analysis management as well as its impacts of the human resource strategies as well as business strategy including the overall human resource context. Moreover, the organizational commitment theory this theory addresses the importance of the human resource being able to identify the right individuals for given roles as well as their engagement. Additionally, there is the motivational theory, this theory is about the factors that affect the factors that affect the set behaviour hence influencing the human resource practice to get the employees engaged so that they can identify these factors that are affecting employees so that the can keep on being committed and motivated to achieve the set goals and visions.

Analysis and discussion of the benefits of the Organisation

Performance management is the measuring criterion for the industry or organization growth that helps in accomplishing goals and targets for the development of the company. Performance management helps and aims in achieving the following:

  • It enables the workforce to know what should be done and needed also should be his or her responsibility in gaining such targets.
  • It also helps in having a true and honest relationship between the staff.
  • Enables each person to feel aggravated at workplace thus by making one feel important in the workplace.
  • Enables the company to reward or give a prize to the staff for the contribution towards the industry.

Performance appraisal

Performance review or appraisal is a process whereby employees and line managers discuss their development and performance, at the same time what they require in their responsibility. An appraisal is used to look at the recent performance and also focus on the objectives, resources and opportunities needed. While being an important factor, performance appraisal is not performance management; but is a group of tools that manage performance. Performance management is a process that is holistic by bringing the collective contribution to effective organizational and people's performance. This is one strategic process that is broader and has issues that have long-term goals.

Performance appraisal is carried mostly by managers rather than Human Resource experts; its advantage is that they understand their performance and how appraisal helps in the overall aims of performance management. When carried out sensitively, appraisal Act is a vehicle that is essential in maintaining and increasing this relationship.

The role of HR in the Performance management process

Good routine performance benefits both the company and the employees. When the staff is performing at their level best, they are likely to be motivated, confident, engaged or even generate new ideas that will benefit both the people they serve and the organization. So as the staff and employees to perform well, companies should provide the surrounding and structure in which the staff can like. These factors should be considered:

  • Good leadership
  • Empowerment and confidence all over the company
  • Go-ahead to learn from mistakes
  • Policies should be ethical and fair
  • Practices should face and motivate sanitation factors
  • support and sustain so as to develop

The performance management responsibility lies within the company, the employee and also the manager. Industry levels correct procedures, policies, and opportunities which are supposed to be in place. Companies need to encourage actively on an educational culture; this is through the line managers who need to be encouraged, supported proactively so as to develop its team. This is through discussion with workers that they expect to achieve from education activities before they begin. While managers and companies provide the support and surroundings to allow fruitfully develop and learn, the responsibility should lie with the staff and employees in general; as everyone should take ownership of their success.

Managing the routine of workers is an unbroken procedure. This will involve making sure that the staff routine contributes to both industry and team goals as a whole. The plan also is to constantly develop the person's routine and that of the industry

Conclusion and recommendations

In summary, it is important to understand that the line manager works together with the human resource department within the company to ensure that effective performance management systems are in place. Besides this, these two have been responsible for ensuring that communication ensues between the line manager and the employees to explain not only the importance of the appraisal system but also how it works.

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