Free Essay Sample: Nursing Diagnosis, Care and Education to Patient RJ

Published: 2023-12-03
Free Essay Sample: Nursing Diagnosis, Care and Education to Patient RJ
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Health and Social Care Nursing
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 406 words
4 min read

RJ is a 52-year-old male patient who underwent a knee replacement after his recurrent aching experience. Despite the knee complication, RJ is generally a healthy person. He showed no anomalies on inspection, and neurological examination, while the auscultation test hinted at a healthy respiratory system, including clear lung sound and no sign of breathing distress. However, palpation indicated s1 and s2 characteristics in the cardiac field with no murmur, a general pulse 2+ that characterizes a slightly diminished pulse (Kim et al., 2020), Percussion test indicated inconsistency in the shape of the knee cover.

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Percussion directed an urgent fix of RJ’s right leg, through elevative total right knee replacement. RJ has a psychosocial problem as well. He is addicted to smoking and can consume up to half a pack of cigarettes in a day. The physician should discourage him from the habit, especially since he is to take Calcium Carbonate PoqAM medication and meloxicam PoqAM as his medication to prevent opportunistic complications like seizures (Jovic et al., 2019). However, the assessment results indicated replacement of the knee as RJ's high-priority nursing diagnosis.

The success of the process would need proper planning (Doenges et al., 2016). The method systematically involved inspection, palpation, percussion, neurological examination, and auscultation. The outcomes of the process were realistic. Since RJ is a warehouse worker, one would expect that frequent movements, probably carrying bulky goods, would cause complications in his body joints like the knee. Apart from reducing smoking, his physician should communicate with the employer to reassign RJ to a new position that would reduce the movement. This intervention would suffice, considering his age (Jovic et al., 2019). Since the complication is non-infectious, communication only helped RJ to appreciate the need to adhere to prescriptions.


Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2016). Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care. FA Davis.

Jovic, D., Mulford, J., Ogden, K., & Zalucki, N. (2019). Diagnosis and Management of Chronic hip and Knee Pain in a Tasmanian orthopedic clinic: a study assessing the diagnostic and treatment planning decisions of an advanced scope physiotherapist. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25(1), 60-65.

Kim, S. H., Lee, Y., Hwang, S. Y., Shin, J., Kim, C. K., & Park, J. K. (2020, September). The relationship between poor pulmonary function and irregular pulse in the elderly: findings from a nationwide cross-sectional survey in Korea. In Healthcare (Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 312). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.

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