Free Essay - Personal Values, Contributions, and Future Goals: A Journey Towards Purpose and Impact

Published: 2024-01-26
Free Essay - Personal Values, Contributions, and Future Goals: A Journey Towards Purpose and Impact
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Goal Students Business Environment
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 712 words
6 min read


As a student, I created my own online business that was focused on selling pastries and baked treats. I managed to gather many followers on many social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, where I market my pastries. So far, I have been able to sell my pastries and continue to get more customers I started an environment cleaning campaign by the youth in my neighborhood. The campaign was successful as many of the youth in my neighborhood have come out to participate in the cleaning activities around the park. I have participated in several community projects, such as visiting the orphanage and providing support in mentorship to the students living in the orphanage. I also helped fundraise money for the orphanage to purchase new computers to facilitate online learning by opening a fund, which allowed us to fundraise money online. I also managed to work with a team that advocated for women's empowerment and gender equality in school. We have so far managed to reach out to other universities and advocate for the same.

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Core Values

My core values include dependability and reliability to ensure that my customers can always rely on me to deliver the products—loyalty to myself and those around me. Commitment is also among my core values. To always be committed to my goals. Consistency to always finish what I am working on. Efficiency in all my tasks and ensure they are done properly. Honesty is also among my core values. I endeavor to be truthful in my words and my actions. In my business, to always deliver what I promise to my customers. Open-mindedness is also among my central values; I am always open to new ideas. My central core values include creativity, problem-solving, analytical, and positivity. I am also very compassionate to both people and animals. My central core value would be created, which proves essential in creating opportunities and finding solutions to everyday problems.


To the world: I will spread my business to other parts of the world and create employment for more people worldwide. I will also venture into other businesses, more so in the field of technology. To further humanitarian efforts in marginalized places worldwide and create an impact by helping people in the world. To ensure I protect the environment and limit the impact of climate change on the earth.

To family: to be a team member in the family, compassionate and considerate towards my fellow siblings. To foster leadership in how I treat my younger siblings and the rest of the family. Ensure I create a good environment for my current and future family filled with love, respect, and compassion.

To my future employer, to be hardworking and reliable with all my tasks. To show how creativity and innovation coupled with consistency and resilience can improve the organization's profitability and increase its revenue.


Short term; the goal is to grow my online business and get employment after school to get the needed skills and experience needed to further my career.

Long term; the goal is to grow my business further and expand internationally. To develop my talents and ensure I live a purposeful and happy life. Serve humanity through engaging in voluntary humanitarian efforts.


My mission is to impact every individual I meet positively. To consistently go after my dreams, seek new opportunities wherever I go, act on my passions, and endeavor to be the best version of myself constantly. To read more and be knowledgeable on many issues. My mission also entails continuously embracing growth and change in my life, career, and future ("Goal Setting and Personal Mission Statement," n.d.)


My vision is to create impactful relationships with those around me through various interactions. Create a sustainable business that will sustain my future family and I. promote the environment's conservation to mitigate climate change. Provide service to humanity in my career and business. Lastly, to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling (Searight B & Searight H, 2011).


"Goal Setting and Personal Mission Statement." (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2020, from

Searight, B. K., & Searight, H. R. (2011). The Value of a Personal Mission Statement for University Undergraduates. Creative Education, 02(03), 313–315.

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Free Essay - Personal Values, Contributions, and Future Goals: A Journey Towards Purpose and Impact. (2024, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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