Free Essay Example on the Outbreak of World War II

Published: 2022-12-14
Free Essay Example on the Outbreak of World War II
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  World War 2 War Europe
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 993 words
9 min read

World War II was a devastating war that lasted for six years. The fight was a battle between the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) and their Allied Powers steered by Britain, France, and Russia. Germany's intrusion of Poland provoked Britain and France to proclaim war on Germany in September 1939 (, 2019). This denoted the start of World War II. However, there were many events across the world that led to the outbreak of the war. From multiple points of view, World War II was an immediate aftereffect of the strife left by World War I. The following are some of the fundamental causes that led to the outbreak of World War II in Europe.

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Treaty of Versailles: In 1919, a meeting between the leaders of England, Italy, France, and the US was set up to discuss how Germany was to pay for the damages it caused during World War I (Corrigan, 15). Woodrow Wilson from the US wanted the treaty to be based on his plan which he believed would bring lasting peace to Europe. Georges Clemenceau from France, on the other hand, wanted payback. Since the French wanted revenge, the treaty of Versailles was made in favor of France and not on Wilson's 14-point plan (Corrigan, 16).

This treaty called for Germany to surrender the territories owned by France that they had claimed amid the Franco-Prussian War (MacMillan et al. 32). Further, Germany was asked to pay massive amounts of money as repatriation. Germany was highly displeased with the outcome of the treaty. They lost two cities along their border with France, and as per Wilson's 13nth point, Poland was re-structured to have access to the Baltic Sea passing through Germany. This resulted in Germany being split into two. The central part and the northern portion, Danzig corridor. The Danzig corridor aggravated Germany for a long time, but there was little they could do since they had lost World War I.

Italy was also unhappy about the Versailles treaty. They were furious because they felt that the land that they had gotten as an installment for their support in the Allied exertion against Germany did not counterbalance the expense of the war, nor did it fulfill their aspirations to develop (MacMillan et al. 40).

Japan was as well irate over the Versailles treaty. As a reward for their participation in the victory over Germany, they wanted to gain control over China (MacMillan et al.). This was not the case, and they were furious.

Failure of peace efforts after World War I: Wilson's 14-point plan included the League of Nations; a forum where nations could settle their differences. The setback, however, was that the League held no real powers. The League could only ask the culpable country to concede, or else economic sanctions will be imposed (, 2019). The League was generally weak, and the penalties they tried to impose had negligible effect or even sometimes ignored. Washington Conference was another peace effort that was unsuccessful. At this gathering, the primary maritime forces consented to restrict their naval forces as indicated by a fixed proportion. Be that as it may, again none of the troops indeed proceeded with their understanding.

Locarno Conference was yet another fizzled peace effort. This deal created an arrangement between France and Germany ensuring that their borders were guaranteed. Nonetheless, we realize that this bargain fizzled because Germany attacked France amid World War II.

Paris Peace Act was the last unsuccessful peace treaty. At this meeting the majority of the major nations, barring Russia, and numerous littler countries concurred that war was not a national strategy and expressed that they would endeavor to determine issues through diplomatic methods. The primary way that war was adequate in this demonstration was by means for self-defense. These did not legitimately cause World War II. However, they made it conceivable by their conspicuous absence of power. Nations still did not confide in one sufficiently another to finish the quick thoughts that they had.

Fascism: Although Fascism was there before World War I, it did not have severe political power until Benito Mussolini in 1922. Under Mussolini, Italy turned into a Totalitarian government where worker's guilds were canceled and political rivals were executed or hushed ("The Aftermath of WWI: The Rise of Fascism in Germany and Italy | Guided History"). This made numerous things happen to Italy's social and financial issues. Mussolini utilized strategies much like the communists in that he had all out command over the majority of the Italian populace and could have individuals murdered at whatever point he needed.

Germany followed suit by embracing Fascism, only that they called it National Socialism. This came to call itself the Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazi party contrasted marginally from Mussolini's legislature in that the Nazi's were progressively bigot and trusted that it was their fate to make the world subject to the ideal German individuals. These occasions did not straightforwardly cause World War II. However, they conveyed people to the edge of war. Individuals that tuned in to these tyrants trusted that these men could send them to global control.

Other causes of World War II include the isolationism of America and Britain, Adolf Hitler's goal to make German the master race and the re-armament of all Europe's forces.


In conclusion, major causes of World War II came from the Versailles treaty. If that arrangement had been exceptional, there probably wouldn't have been World War II. In any case, World War II occurred and we can gain from the mix-ups we see from an earlier time.

Works Cited

Corrigan, Jim. Causes of World War II. OTTN Pub., 2005. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2019].

MacMillan, Margaret et al. "The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment after 75 Years". International Journal, vol 55, no. 1, 1999, p. 165. SAGE Publications, doi: 10.2307/40203472.

"The Aftermath Of WWI: The Rise of Fascism In Germany And Italy | Guided History". Blogs.Bu.Edu, 2019,

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