Free Essay Example - Environmental Policy and Air Pollution Control Permitting

Published: 2024-01-25
Free Essay Example - Environmental Policy and Air Pollution Control Permitting
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy United States Government Air pollution
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1730 words
15 min read

The United States of America is the leading nation in contemporary issues of environmental transformation changes. This is because of the extreme events that have been experienced by American citizens as a result of environmental pollution. Pollution of the United States environment has been a grave phenomenon distinct to the United States Texas region. Starting in the twentieth-century period, the United States transformed into steam energy and then advanced to electrical power to steer industries. The subsequent coal fumes from incinerator heaps began to pollute the skies. The employees from the factories and surrounding communities existed within manufacturing dust and factory soot. Pollution also developed into other forms. Toxic smells and elements in the air became prevalent issues. This made the United States play a leading role in the current history of environmental transformation. Through various ecological management organs and policies such as the National Environmental Policy Act, the Central Government has instituted an environmental strategy pattern to manage the environment (Traylor, 6). The central Government has also established an environmental quality instrument besides conducting an environmental impact assessment. Nevertheless, environmental past outlines indicate that partisan development and distinct welfare oversee the environmental justice aim by the insufficient observance of the National Environmental Policy Act guidelines. Community contribution is a crucial necessity for attaining environmental justice and instituting a critical environmental impact assessment element. Texas is the second-largest state in the United States, and it holds several industries and power plants. Texas has had numerous federal problems with the United States government. Among them is the environmental plan and air contamination control permit. Several businesses in Texas were required to heed the guidelines that were initiated by environmental regulatory agencies.

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The federal administration of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of the 1980s has not only created an environmental planning template meant for other countries to emulate, by building a regulations standard on environmental quality (EQ) and also environmental impact Assessment (EIA). Several industrial facilities in Texas were requested to satisfy new regulations, and EPA implemented measures. Moreover, these rules were set to safeguard public health. However, some of these industries argued that they did not entail the materials to gadget these new rules (Traylor, 6). As led by Attorney General Abbott, Texas has struggled with the federal Administration for management over numerous matters, including environmental regulations and oversights of voting laws (Traylor, 6). In recent decades with improved technology, the claim for more amenities and the rise of big enterprises come with more harmful waste (Yakubu, 9). This disposal is mostly dumped in the towns' exteriors close to underserved societies creating an unhealthy environment for the public. Past struggles replace the new fights against those who contaminate the water they drink and their air. Among others, these rules were incorporated to protect our society's health and have a purified better Air quality. The United States Congress created federal agencies, like the U.S. Environmental Protective Agency (EPA), as primary custodians of the surroundings and charged them with administering the state's comprehensive national environment regulatory package. The toxic waste dump that posed such threats to the public of Barrett Station is recognized as the French Limited site. Located a few miles away from the San Jacinto's east bank and around its sedimentary 100-year flood plain, it was close to three communities. A sole statute – known as the Clean Air Act offers critical executive authority for developing the President's climate alteration goal.

Additionally, the Clean Air Act of 1970 was the primary comprehensive federal environmental regulatory plan. Today, it stood the critical national environmental legal framework that controls air pollution from mobile backgrounds, such as trucks and cars. It fixed sources, such as refineries, factories, and power plants. Developing climate attention globally and progressive congressional gridlock at home escalated the Clean Air Act's regulation of greenhouse gas emissions (Symanski, 11). Moreover, under the Obama government, the EPA proposed a set of rules that implement the Clean Air Act for this aim. This essay explains the environmental and air pollution measures, where these regulations are essential in international and domestic registers. Under the United Nations Setting Convention on Climate Change, the U.S. and closely each state globally have acknowledged a common goal and mutual pledge to prevent catastrophic climate change. The complex history of the United States' responsibility in this treaty and its implementation designs a significant background to the Administration's second-term procedures to local climate action. This method has been multi-faceted, integrating regulatory measures by federal agencies with policymaking guidelines and bilateral discussions. Still, it is essential to understand the Clean Air Act hinges on the Government's climate mitigation policy (Yakubu, 9). The experience of the Clean Air Act's responsibility is currently crucial at the insight of the U.S. and other critical emitting nations to gain the purpose outlined in an original global contract penned at the end of 2015 in France, Germany, and also Paris.

Through the environmental policy, the NEPA, E.J., and EIA over its NEPA 1970, together with subsequent legislation, the U.S. guided and initiated inventive model planning for other countries worldwide. Considering the NEPA promulgation, several international programs, like the World Bank (W.B.), the Organization for Economic Corporation and Development (OECD), and the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) created EIA, NEPA delivering officials. Environmental planning affords businesses and governments a platform for achieving and itemizing their surrounding objectives and goals. Alongside the guidelines, the NEPA requests that for projects to impact the environment crucially, EIA should be assessed before designing the project (Schmalensee, 38). This allows appropriate regulatory agencies to decide whether to subject permits or even deny applications for implementation of proposed environmental. This creates a viewpoint of controversy against statutory interpretation. The EPA read the statute to want that once GHGs were "controlled pollutants" under the accessible sources part of the ACT, they should be regulated under the legislative source-allowing programs. In other terms, the agency views the favorable period of the Tailpipe regulation as an initiation for legislative source rule, impacting power firms, and more (Symanski, 7). The issue with this interpretation, by the EPA's admission, was applied in nature; its literal influence was to crucially extend the EPA's regulatory scope to contain several stationary sources concerning the recent focus to the Clean Air Act allowing obligations. To reserve administrative likelihood in the fixed origins setting, the EPA crafted a so-known Triggering Regulation, describing the perceived initiative impact of accessible source rules of GHGs into the legislative source content and a Tailoring Regulation that restricted this development by tailoring GHG control of stationary source the most significant emitters.

Federal environmental rules engage the implementation of federal environmental legal statements, like the Clean Water Act, and Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act. The EPA is the key responsible for enacting federal water and air quality standards; the United States Wildlife and Fish Service is initially tasked with managing and controlling endangered species. Therefore, the state administrative agencies will mostly connect enforcement tasks with the EPA on matters like air pollution, hazardous waste, water pollution, and other related environmental issues. The federal and legislation Clean Air Act requires every state to attain federal measures for air pollution. Through this act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency breaks state air quality values purposed at limiting pollutants from steel mills, industrial factories, chemical plants, and utilities. Individual states can enforce stricter air standards if they select. However, each state should follow the EPA's minimum pollution measures (Mendelsohn, 75). States tool federal air ideals through a state implementation policy (SIP), which should be permitted by the EPA. The Clean Water Act is defined to address and keep the chemical, physical, and biological position of the waters of the U.S. Again, the EPA also regulates water pollution backgrounds and offers financial support to the state to metropolises for water quality plans. According to studies done by The New York Times using yearly averages from 2005 to 2008, Texas had 2,840 facilities that were controlled annually by the Clean Water Act. Lastly, an average of 1983.6 facilities violated the Clean Air Act annually from 2005 to 2008 in Texas, and the EPA enacted the act a mean of 152.6 times a year in the state.


In summary, the United States offers the best template for establishing and comprehending successful environmental planning globally. Comprised within the NEPA deliverance is a diversity of legislations that help to discourse environmental public health matters. Hence, the complexity of numerous factors impacts the achievement and implementation of the NEPA goals. For instance, in the setting of the NEPA, EIA acts as a worthwhile device for representing E.J. Therefore, EIP success relies on the range of achievement of E.J.'s purpose so does E.J.'s accomplishment on public participation (PP). To base skills, the myriad of effects measures the triumph of EIA, entailing the comprehensive components of P.P. In practice, EIA tries to be successful when its setting affords a platform for all stakeholders, containing residents of the community of concerns CoC, to experience significant subjects that are connected with the proposed project. This commonly results in upsurged communication that produces shared reliance and confidence between stakeholders. Additionally, the agency's credit of all the worth and interest of residents around the CoC, as well as thought of these as essential in the surrounding decision procedures, are also necessary. Identifying all possible options, comprising "no activity" also improves the general environmental decision-making planning. Are the terms of applicable regulations about EIA and its several components, containing the PP? procedures followed? This deliberates how participants adjudge the legality and fairness of the process. Transparency and sincerity in the task's agency's section promote the general environmental decision-making course and lower disputes. Another crucial aspect that determines the accomplishment of the EIA is funding. Limited agency's materials to perform the needed work outcomes are skewed evaluation results, irrespective of how excellent the framework might appear.

Works Cited

Mendelsohn, Robert O., and Nicholas Z. Muller. Using marginal damages in environmental policy: A study of air pollution in the United States. AEI Press, 2013.

Schmalensee, Richard, and Robert N. Stavins. "Policy Evolution under the Clean Air Act." Journal of Economic Perspectives 33.4 (2019): 27-50.

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