Marketing Essay Sample: Four Points Sales Pitch to Javits Centre

Published: 2019-09-24
Marketing Essay Sample: Four Points Sales Pitch to Javits Centre
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Sales Hospitality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 653 words
6 min read

The Summer Fancy Food Show is a food show to yearn for the start of every summer. The festival is the largest food show in North America and this year Four Points Hotel we are seeking to host the show in our fancy and highly classy hotel. The event attracts all the biggest players in the food industry, the top food manufacturers and the creme de la creme industry thought leaders, through quality service and ample accommodation of industry players and visitors at Four Points we believe that we are going to be the perfect host for this years Summer Fancy Food Show ("Javits Center Prod", 2016).

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Four Points by Sheraton Midtown is a state-of-the-art, 3-star hotel situated in the heart of New York in Manhattan. We offer a 24-hour service to all our clients, and happy clients check starting at 1500hrs and they can check out as late as 1200hrs. To host the Summer Fancy Food Show, we would gladly offer single suites, double rooms with double beds, suites, and even the King rooms. Kids, pets and other personal favorites are welcomed in the hotel; we seek to offer high-quality service to all our clients without the hustle of being too stringent on our customers needs and preferences ("Sales Pitch: Write a Winning Pitch in 10 Minutes", 2016).

Our room bookings will be made available to all the visitors for the guests attending the food show through the dates 26th of June to 28th of June. The hotel will be open for guests arrival, and a reception cocktail will be served to all guests on the D-day on the rooftop bar. All we seek is ensure that our clients are comfortable with our residents as they enjoy the fancy food show. We offer high-quality service at relatively competitive prices, taking the case of two adults visiting with two kids, our service plan is $801. All other requirements will be attended to depending on the customer requirements (Xotels, 2012).

At Four Points by Sheraton Midtown, we understand the concept of proving a comfortable environment for all the attendees of the Summer Fancy Food Show. We are located close to the Jacob Javis Centre; the hotel is going to offer transport services to all the guests that will reside in our hotel. Concierge services will be provided by the hotel team of experienced concierges; we also have an ample parking space to cater for all the prospective 250 guests ("Summer Fancy Food Show", 2016).We are the best at specialized personal care to all our clients; this is in comparison to our competitors in the market. We just dont offer quality, but our members of staff are friendly and easy to approach. Due diligence and a fastidious response are given to all our guests' requests. At Four Points we dont focus on just providing quality service but specialized personal service to all our clients.

We understand the needs of the Summer Fancy Food Show, with our team of highly experienced staff working in collaboration with the event organizers we believe that Four Points by Sheraton is going to host a memorable Summer Fancy Food Show for 2016. As the Four Points by Sheraton, we would be pleased and honored to be awarded the contract to the hosting of this great festival; the pleasure is ours (Lane, 2009).


Summer Fancy Food Show. (2016). Retrieved 20 May 2016, from

Sales Pitch: Write a Winning Pitch in 10 Minutes. (2016). CRM Software Blog & CRM Tips by SuperOffice. Retrieved 20 May 2016, from

Javits Center Prod. (2016). Retrieved 20 May 2016, from

Xotels, P. (2012). Hotel Reservations Sales Process - Selling Techniques for Hotel Reservation Agents. Hotel Management Company - Hospitality Group - Xotels Ltd.. Retrieved 20 May 2016, from

Lane, N. (2009). Special issue: strategic sales and strategic marketing. Journal Of Strategic Marketing, 17(3-4), 189-190.

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Marketing Essay Sample: Four Points Sales Pitch to Javits Centre. (2019, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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