The Free Essay About Findings and Recommendations for Skrillics

Published: 2022-12-06
The Free Essay About Findings and Recommendations for Skrillics
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Professional development Strategic management Leadership development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1193 words
10 min read

Cost and quality are critical factors that together describe the effectiveness of a healthcare facility of the Skrillics caliber. It is essential to note the role of practitioners such as nurses, physicians, and healthcare managers toward alleviating the amount of care cost the people and facilitators incur. Notably, it is necessary to recall that Skrillics Medical Center must align the stakeholders' needs to operational milestones through strategic formulation, enactment, and adherence through the various practices that are adopted with the interests of patients and investors. Also, the relatively bigger size of Skrillics compared to other care and treatment providers prolifically contribute to the dangerous susceptibility to costly activities and operations as well as quality compromises. In the recent past, the organization has registered addressable errors that led to cost increments and quality deteriorations. For instance, based on the performance of the organization for the past fifty years, a wide range of factors have contributed to a bigger assortment of quality and cost issues.

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Patient engagement incapacities have led to a broader spectrum of quality and cost issues. When caregivers and health practitioners fail to engage the patients adequately, it has been difficult to attain an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the care and treatment practices (Johnson & Marrero, 2016). As a result, medicinal adherence is vastly jeopardized since neither do the patients understand nor reckon the significance of the prescribed treatments. According to Fendrick and Chernew (2017), the patients are eventually vulnerable to hospital revisits and unsuccessful healing owing to disabled access to the appropriate healthcare practices. Furthermore, various extant literature scholars concur regarding the role of information and personal level engagement for the patients when seeking to pave the way for informed compliance with the medical guidelines and treatment policies that enable progresses toward healing.

The Skrillics Hospital workforce is also a contributor to quality deteriorations due to miscommunication and improper application of technical skills. It is essential that practitioners require a vast understanding of the knowledge and skills that must be applied to assist patients. Some of the key hospital practices include diagnosis, translational research, medical analysis, report interpretation, and informational dissemination (Johnson & Marrero, 2016). Therefore, a lack of well-organized employee training and development practices deter practitioners from using the correct mechanisms to address various issues that affect the patients.

For instance, the inadequacy of educational growth limits the use of diagnostic and treatment standards that befit diseases and illnesses that affect the patients (Stammen et al., 2015). In the long run, the patients spent extra money while seeking medical attention through hospitalization and repetitive attempts. Further, hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are hard to curb when the practitioners are accessed to limited knowledge, conceptual understanding, and skill application (Cohen et al., 2018). As a result, HAIs cost Skrillics dearly in an attempt to save its employees and clientele from repeatedly contagious ailments that could have otherwise been avoided through informed practices. Similarly, the quality of services is lowered significantly owing to the eventual reputation of improper practices that could curb the occurrence of preventable diseases and activities.

In response to the prevalent issues in the Skrillics hospital setting, the management has prioritized some of the deemed influential strategies for reducing the cost of care and retention efforts. Besides, quality assurance and timely improvements are some of the newly adopted strategies at Skrillics. The effectiveness of these practices leads to a call for routine improvements and sustainable growth that encourage the attainment of the organizational goals in cost and quality accountability. Unit training has been used in the recent past to equip the practitioners on duty with inevitably imperative skills and knowledge that together guarantee effective service delivery. This practice is founded on the premise that continuous learning paves the way for quality betterment in a healthcare workplace (Stammen et al., 2015). The use of units was prioritized to address a large number of nurses, physicians, and caregivers that befit Skrillics' needs and requirements.

The hospital management has also strived to ensure competencies through informed human resources and personnel management tactics. These guidelines and rules are compiled and presented in the workforce practices manual, which aims to direct and guide hospital workers toward a common goal that is easily achievable. Further, a set of policies are worth adopting in Skrillics to align individuals' practices to the benchmarked standards of healthcare activities when it comes to impacts on quality of services and cost incurred by the hospital and stakeholders such as patients and program facilitators (Stammen et al., 2015). Notably, these current practices have failed to bring about a sustainable result to all the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the organizational practices. Therefore, there is a call for better strategies that promise effective accountability to quality and cost while pursuing the Skrillics Hospital goals and objectives.

Suggestively, effective adoption of transformational and transactional leadership techniques in Skrillics promise to enhance positive transformations and oversight services to reduce expenses and quality deterioration risks in the Skrillics functionality model (McCaffrey & Reinoso, 2017). To enhance a positive change in the people, employees, facilitators, and other critical stakeholders that play an essential role in discerning quality and cost, transformational leaders must be trained to utilize information, knowledge management, training, and development practices while interacting with the essential role players (McCaffrey & Reinoso, 2017). This recommendation will encourage the formation and adoption of a desirable organizational culture whereby integrity, transparency, and accountability form the center of practices in the healthcare system. Education and awareness also promise to revamp the people's behaviors that affect cost and quality in a healthcare setting (Stammen et al., 2015).

Following these findings and recommendations, the Skrillics' board of directors is urged to consider policy and strategic changes. These changes refer to feasibility analysis and adoption of the suggested strategies such as through training and sound leadership techniques to curb cost increments and quality alleviations (McCaffrey & Reinoso, 2017). Further, an informed evaluation and assessment scheme should be considered to enable Skrillics' capacity to recognize and address performance constraints, especially in terms of quality and cost incurred in the healthcare working environments.


Cohen, C. C., Liu, J., Cohen, B., Larson, E. L., & Glied, S. (2018). Financial incentives to reduce Hospital-Acquired Infections under alternative payment arrangements. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 39(5), 509-515. Retrieved from:

Fendrick, A. M., & Chernew, M. E. (2017). Precision benefit design-using "smarter" deductibles to better engage consumers and mitigate cost-related nonadherence. JAMA internal medicine, 177(3), 368-370. Retrieved from:

Johnson, S. B., & Marrero, D. (2016). Innovations in healthcare delivery and policy: Implications for the role of the psychologist in preventing and treating diabetes. American Psychologist, 71(7), 628. Retrieved from:

McCaffrey, R., & Reinoso, H. (2017). Transformational leadership: A model for advanced practice holistic nurses. Journal of holistic nursing, 35(4), 397-404. Retrieved from:

Stammen, L. A., Stalmeijer, R. E., Paternotte, E., Pool, A. O., Driessen, E. W., Scheele, F., & Stassen, L. P. (2015). Training physicians to provide high-value, cost-conscious care: a systematic review. Jama, 314(22), 2384-2400. Retrieved from:

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