Paper Example. Ethical Standards for Human Subjects

Published: 2023-11-19
Paper Example. Ethical Standards for Human Subjects
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics Human
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 491 words
5 min read

Ethical issues relating to human subjects are a critical and integral part of scientific research. The primary ethical standards considered in evaluation plan relate to obtained informed consent, human subject protection, high level of integrity, and confidentiality (Resnik, 2018). Ethical standards help in producing accurate, reliable, and trustworthy results.

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In my evaluation plan, assessing how skills obtained through a particular program can potentially benefit students in their professional paths, the informed consent of participants will be acquired, and I will explain to them what the evaluation is concerned about. The involved human subjects including, learners, program sponsors, content specialists, tutors, and school administrators will complete a survey to inform me how they think the skills impact the future professional careers of learners (Colosi et al., 2019).

I will also be respectful and mindful of their opinions and decisions should they opt to decline or disengage from the study; thus, no coercion or manipulation whatsoever to engage them in the evaluation. Besides, all participants will be treated fairly and equally without bias (Resnik, 2018). Information about my evaluation and the reasons for undertaking the work-study programs will be discussed. Moreover, the respondents to the evaluation are guaranteed of confidentiality of their information, and it will not be shared or used on any other means besides this specific evaluation (Colosi et al., 2019).

Moreover, financial integrity will be a key focus in my evaluation. Accuracy will be maintained in representing contributions concerned with evaluation proposals and reports. Collegiality will also be upheld in interactions, including resource sharing and effective communication (Hulkower et al., 2020).

Aaronda's post concerning ethical standards in her evaluation plan - assessing the different reasons for students working in the work-study programs/jobs - adheres to ethical research issues, although not entirely. The evaluation plan seeks informed consent from involved human subjects through a mailed request for participation. Also, the plan preserves confidentiality by sealing the identities of the participants in the research. Furthermore, the plan promotes the protection of participants considering that email is a secure and confidential communication channel maintaining the utmost privacy. However, the plan does not stipulate how integrity will be maintained and if the participants' opinions relating to their opinions and decisions were respected.

Human subjects are the most critical part of the success of an evaluation plan. Their informed consent, protection, and confidentiality build their confidence in the evaluation. Therefore, they get to provide accurate, trustworthy, and reliable results.


Colosi, H. A., Costache, C., & Colosi, I. A. (2019). Informational privacy, confidentiality and data security in research involving human subjects. Applied Medical Informatics, 41, 16-16.

Hulkower, R., Penn, M., & Schmit, C. (2020). Privacy and Confidentiality of Public Health Information. In Public Health Informatics and Information Systems (pp. 147-166). Springer, Cham.

Resnik, D. B. (2018). Privacy and Confidentiality. In the Ethics of Research with Human Subjects (pp. 149-163). Springer, Cham.

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Paper Example. Ethical Standards for Human Subjects. (2023, Nov 19). Retrieved from

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