Ethical Management: Building Trust, Respect, and Communication in Organizations - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-04
Ethical Management: Building Trust, Respect, and Communication in Organizations - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Communication Ethics Organizational culture
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1106 words
10 min read

According to you, 'ethical management' spread of unethical behavior throughout the managers' organization is the biggest problem. The highly ranked leaders have pulled down their names and the companies by not acting ethically. This has made the employees respect their leaders and has affected the company's success and growth. Besides, Lawton (1998) argues that ethics has everything to do with management. Managers who fail to give proper ethics to the team or employees contribute to the company's loss and downfall. Many leaders ignore that and assume ethics to be a confidential matter between the individuals and their consciences (Lawton, 1998).

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From your argument, corrupt leaders make dealing with unethical behaviors hectic since they would not take any action when reporting an issue to them. Unethical issues can be dealt with away, but without an ear to hear the people's cry, it becomes problematic. Having integral management will help fight unethical behaviors and bring trust to the team (Lawton, 1998). Integrity holds an organization more and is of better standards. I agree with you when you state that there have to be good managers who lead as an example for a better chance and more significant progress in an organization. There should be a good relationship between the managers and the employees (Lawton, 1998).

Furthermore, the paper states that respect for each employee and mutual respect is fundamental. People have different cultural beliefs and religions that should be respected in every working environment (Snell, 1993). Managers should know that it is crucial to treat their employees with respect, even though they are highly ranked. It is also true that the manager is responsible for making sure that every employee treats each other with respect as well. Not all employers will agree with each other, but they have to show proper respect for each other's opinions and ideas (Snell, 1993). When the team is not together, there will be nothing productive in the organization.

According to (Snell 1993), a manager needs to make sure there is transparency in decision-making. They should make the employees understand why they are making the decisions and also have their opinions based on their personal beliefs. By this, the employees will work as a team and be more likely to listen to the manager's decision rather than not sharing any information with them (Snell, 1993). From your argument, there is no procedural fairness with the managers when implementing some procedures. It is crucial for the managers to make sure that all the procedures they implement are fair to all the employees. They may not have control over them, but they should make sure that everyone is favored.

Managers should practice participation, not partialism. According to your response paper, managers should not decide on their own what is good or bad for them (Huang et al., 2008). They should assess the employee's needs first from them before making any decisions. In your paper, the managers do not consider their employee's opinions in any way or the other. This makes the employees feel as if they are denied their rights. Ethics requires managers to respect their fellow team and consider them always (Huang at al., 2008).

Moreover, you have indicated that some managers do not value forgiveness, and it is an essential practice of any management. Managers do not consider forgiving their employees whenever they do wrong and end up sucking them from work without really knowing what went wrong (Huang et al.,2008). Forgiveness helps people recognize and admit their mistakes; this will help the employees to continue operating ethically. Managers or leaders should take ethics with a lot of consideration to help both the employees for growth and the organization as well.

According to (Huang et al., 2008) some managers, do not have good morals in their place of work. Moral management ethics has to be considered by the managers for ethical values and principles. If the managers use moral values during difficult times, the employees will also be of good moral values with or without them. The workers mostly follow in the footsteps of their employers. Some managers have destroyed their names and even the company with their behaviors. These companies end up being destroyed, and employees have no personal growth for themselves (Huang et al., 2008). Your research states that unethical behaviors can be corrected with good leaders or managers who are understanding and ready to change the policy of the organization that does not favor everyone.

Effective communication between the managers and the employees is also considered a problem; according to Steidlmeier (1999), when there is no proper communication and transparency between the team members, nothing can really build up properly. In the paper, managers do not see the need to communicate well with the team because they assume that with their power, they can decide anything by themselves. Good communication builds a good team and relationship (Huang et al., 2008). This ethical behavior is so essential, and managers should stop being negligent about it. Using force to ensure that the managers are ethical was thought to bring change for the companies since the leaders are not considerate and show no difference.

Managers do not trust their employees, according to Steidlmeier (1999), but trust is necessary for the team in any organization. For financial issues and other private projects of the companies, the managers do not trust their employees. They handle almost everything by themselves, not considering that they need to share any team (Steidlmeier, 1999). Being that the managers are also corrupt, they get to misuse the company funds. Lack of trust in the employees has made them feel not useful or not taking part in any activity that they should be (Steidlmeier, 1999).


In conclusion, I agree with your argument that ethical behaviors in any organization create credibility and are believed to have been guided by moral values and get a lot of respect from society. Ethical values should be taught and practiced wildly. Leaders of good moral values and unity collectively bring the employees on a common platform, helping them achieve a common goal. Ethics tries to create a sense of right and wrong in organizations, and more often, when the law does not go right, eventually, the same ethics will try to prevent the organization from harming society.


Huang, P., Louwers, T. J., Moffitt, J. S., & Zhang, Y. (2008). Ethical management, corporate governance, and abnormal accruals. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(3), 469-487.

Lawton, A. (1998). Ethical management for public services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Sashkin, M. (1984). Participative management is an ethical imperative. Organizational Dynamics, 12(4), 5-22.

SNELL, R. S. (1993). Developing skills for ethical management. Chapman & Hall.

Steidlmeier, P. (1999). Gift giving, bribery, and corruption: Ethical management of business relationships in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 121-132.

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