Free Essay: Ethical and Legal Issues in Provision Healthcare Services for Children

Published: 2022-04-20
Free Essay: Ethical and Legal Issues in Provision Healthcare Services for Children
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Ethics Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1262 words
11 min read

Structured Question: did you take an unprescribed drug?

This question is called structured since the respondent is expected to respond in a specific manner. In this case, the interviewer is expecting either a yes or no answer. It is closed-ended in that the respondent will not introduce any further argument apart from one of the available options for him or her. All the interviewer needs are to know whether the respondent has ever. The interviewer may not know the answer to the question but he is sure of an option between the two applicable alternatives. It is, therefore, a type of question in which straight responses are needed and limited time is normally allowed and fortunately required to accomplish a related interview. Regarding the above question, the interviewee does not have o demonstrate a significant input in terms of cognitive processing to generate a response to a given question. In a structured question, the searcher is looking for a simple answer without necessarily inquiring for details. This is reflected in the requirement of the question, as the expectation is not beyond "yes" or "no."

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Semi-structured Question: what is your opinion regarding the issue of corruption?

The question is referred to as semi-structured because it is not fully structured. The interviewer would like to know the feeling of the interviewee based on the issue of corruption, which can be positive or negative. The respondent is further required to expand on his or her responses by giving more information about the opinion. The question tends to assume an existence between the rigid and open-ended aspect of the interview. The question appears to have been a structured one initially but modified to reduce the restrictions in answering. The researcher in question could have considered that however much one's opinion is required, supporting facts are necessary. There is no formal trend that the interviewer follows in formulating the question. It is possible that the interviewer only prepared general topics and generate questions as the conversation with the resource person proceeds.

Unstructured Question: what ethical challenges are most likely to encounter while handling childhood illness and retention.

The question is totally open for the respondent to provide adequate details regarding that he or she knows about the problem in question. The question is neither inquiring about an opinion nor a specific aspect of the response. The interviewer is expecting many detailed issues, which he or she cannot predict, however, the respondent has to provide appropriate answers. The question is not established in prior but is developed according to what the researcher experiences in the field. The question might have been formulated with regard to the manner in which the interviewing session proceeds. The requirement of the question does not take any predefined category to allow the interviewee to express him/herself openly. The question presents some advantages and disadvantages to the respondents. For instance, they enjoy the exercise since they have a sufficient time and opportunity to explain what they know of the same. However, the limitation is connected to a possible lack of enough detail on the issues. The interviewer expresses the respondent to provide adequate information, however, the latter may not be at a position to express oneself beyond merely stating the points. This could be resulting from a situation in which one lacks language for expression. The conventional nature of the unstructured questions reflects on this one; it is flexible in that the respondent has a number of options in terms approaching the response according to one's preferences.

Childhood Disease and Illness: Ethical and Legal Issues

Provision of healthcare services to children requires demonstration of an adequate aspect of ethical and legal consideration. This introduces the need for principles, which guide any individual who has been tasked to handle any disease and illness issue among children. The issues to be considered reflects on the fact that a child may not be at a position to reason effectively; therefore needs a second or third party to intervene to the understanding of the intervention measures to adequate healthcare services. This may be associated even with the recommended ways of handling a pregnant woman to ensure that the developing fetus is protected.

A significant legal issue to consider is the distributive justice in which every child is entitled to high-quality service irrespective of any distinguishing features. A professional healthcare provider is therefore expected to recognize the need to offer services evenly to children population, which is affected by a given disease in case of an outbreak. In the legal context, the service provider in question has no option but to recognize and implement the issue of equity; there should be no discriminative dimensions under which a sick child may be attended to.

A healthcare provider may also interact with an advocate. Children may accept any decision made an elder, therefore, a professional individual is normally tasked to advocate on behalf of the children. The advocates are responsible monitoring whether the children are handled in accordance the existing guiding laws. The professionals may decide to consider an issue as a case and sue a health provider in the court of law. Accompanied by evidenced complied regarding a misconduct, an advocate stand-in for the plaintiff to demand a better level of service provision.

An example of an ethical issue, which is most likely to be encountered, is the need to consult the parents before carrying out a critical intervention on the children health condition. A healthcare care provider is therefore expected to get directions from whoever is responsible for the child in question. this implies that the professional in question may not decide on his or her since the outcome may be more problematic and would to blame. However, the professional in health sciences also requires that one use the professional knowledge to inform his or her operations. This creates some aspect of a dilemma, therefore to adjust, a health provider should be able to balance between the possible options to remain within the ethical constraints.

Techniques to Promote Retention in a Study

Accommodate volunteers

There could be volunteers with whom a researcher would interact and their role may count as much as that of the people gotten through recruitment. Accommodating them covers being flexible to adjust to their preference with regard to their participation in the study in question. For instance, the scheduling of their study visits should be accommodated appropriately so that their input is recognized.

Create a friendly environment for the participants

A researcher carrying out a study on a topic should demonstrate a considerable level of kindness to the participants by, for instance, always appreciating them after their participation. This implies that would demonstrate sufficient confidence while responding to the questions under study.

Use of reminders in cases of referrals

In case an individual carrying out a study relies on referrals from the other providers, they should always be reminded to keep them engaged. Personal reminders should be sent to keep them updated on the role that they should play in the research in question. reminding them should also be considered when a meeting is scheduled to occur and thanking them for experiencing their participation.

A regular meeting of the team members

Regular meeting act as a platform on which the issues regarding a study can be discussed on a frequent basis. The team members are reminded of the roles of each of them. Furthermore, they are informed of the aspects of the study, which are likely to work appropriately, and the necessary adjustments to be made for the achievement of the stated objectives.

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