Essay Sample on FOCUS2: Online Career Planning Tool

Published: 2023-06-14
Essay Sample on FOCUS2: Online Career Planning Tool
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Career
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 678 words
6 min read


FOCUS2 is an online career planning edition tool to be used by the students who are in colleges. It will allow you to self assess the career to make it reliable to access the personal qualities which are relevant and the personal qualities and have the exploration career fields and the and the majority study that he areas of education about their achievement on the assessment. In choosing the primary area of study, FOCUS 2, which is the reliable system, allows you to have a decision of the occupation, which is vest in your characteristics and the requirements of the education and the essential elements for the profession. You will have to review the profession, which mostly appeals to you as a high career potential, which pays specific attention to the education degrees, courses certification, and career goal.

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Therefore in the field of information technology, we have the profession of a database administrator who is always responsible for the organization and the integrity of data within an organization. These consist of specific information such as the financial numbers, customers' shipping records, and the payroll data. A database administrator ensures that the data is always available to the consumers, and it is kept in as a cure way from the access of unauthorized or accidental corruption or loss. It is however very essential to familiarize yourself with the responsibilities and the duties which ate in that field b ensuring this you are a crucial informed decision on the profession and about the future of your profession

A database administrator has tasks such as he is responsible for the evaluation of database software purchases in an organization. He also ensures that there is proper supervision of modification to any database which exists so that it can meet the requirements of the nod user who is the customer. More so, they are mandated that the integrity of data within the organization is kept at the high security and guaranteed that the data is optimally and securely maintained. A skilled database administrator is required by many organizations with the demand, which very top in which they value the sensitivity of their data such as the insurance, the content providers, and the insurance.

In the education sector, a database administrator must have a minimum of a four-year college degree in the fields which are related and are relevant to the experiences. In education, they must have a bachelors' degree in information communication technology or a computer science course. In certification, it should be an advanced education and certifications which are required to work as an administrator of the database. However, it is not much needed to obtain the various database management certifications, but it is beneficial. In the experience section, the worker may be required to have a three to five-year experience to add on the requirements in education. A database administrator to work out well in a given organization, they should have the following skills and traits since most of the employers seek them. It may, however, vary based on the application of the job and its requirements.

The person should have an analytical skill where he can monitor the performance of the database and come out with complex information. He should have excellent communication skills where they can communicate effectively with the members of the organization ad his team. He should be a problem solver in situations where a problem arises; they must troubleshoot them and have a solution to them. The salary of a database administrator may have necessary variation g the area of the expertise, education level, certification the level of the experience of that administrator, among other factors. Therefore a database administrator can earn a median annual salary of about $100,070 and the top 10% yearly salary of 140,320 and the bottom 10% annual salary of less than 58,340. Basing on all these, I can testify that I am the right candidate for this profession since I have reviewed, and I have an interest in the professions. Mores I have all the qualifications to undertake this professional course in being the database administrator.

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Essay Sample on FOCUS2: Online Career Planning Tool. (2023, Jun 14). Retrieved from

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