Essay Sample on Dining Etiquette

Published: 2023-05-14
Essay Sample on Dining Etiquette
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 687 words
6 min read

In the modern era, many businesses and interviews occurring over meals have been on the rise. Many potential employers frequently take their selected candidates to dinner for various reasons. The interviewees need to be updated and know what is expected of them during this kind of interview. Etiquette refers to a set of unwritten regulations that are usually practiced in social situations, relations, and in the professional workplaces. Good business etiquette is a very precious skill-set that enables someone to effectively stand out from the other individuals, enhancing more success chances and simultaneously helping one to land on that dream job.

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Dining etiquette can sometimes be very critical to a career as well as job search success. Generally, being aware of good dining etiquette is always essential. It becomes more critical when it comes to nurturing one's career. A dining interview is an avenue that allows an employer to keenly observe how I behave and how I handle conversations and communicate with others. The way I conduct myself and the kind of treatment I will give to the other individuals involved will give my employer either a good or bad impression. It is, therefore, crucial to know good dining etiquette to learn how to handle clients and my superiors in my career. Good etiquette can lead to job promotions in the working area and also more opportunities for working internationally.

Good table manners are the visible signals regarding the state of demeanor, which is always fundamental for professional success. Also, good dining etiquette is essential for numerous positions and especially for those roles that mainly require customer or client-facing. They normally provide a better chance for evaluating social skills and ascertaining whether someone can handle and work under pressure gracefully. The impressions I make on the employer will directly determine my abilities to succeed in my career, either locally or globally.

Concerning the given presentation, I prepared myself by wearing an interview-appropriate outfit. I also left my house earlier to ensure that I arrive at the place of the interview fifteen minutes before the stipulated time with my host or the employer. All these helped me in composing myself and getting ready for the face to face discussion as I eat food at the same time.

I have learned that in a condition whereby I have serious dietary restrictions or allergies, it is very inappropriate to request for a different food without the host's knowledge. It is, therefore, good to inform my host early in advance before the meal is served. In a situation whereby I have to refuse a particular meal or drink, it is essential to explain to my host without disclosing a lot of information and not to everyone to the table at large.

I was not aware that, after the meal, the knives and forks must be placed on the plate with handles at 4 o'clock and tips at 10 o'clock, which usually signals the waiter or the host that am done. Also, the host may signal the end of the meal on behalf of everyone by placing the napkin on top of the table.

I did not know that it should be made very clear concerning the person to pay the bill before the Meal starts, whereby the waiter or waitress should be informed too to hand it to the respective person when it is ready. There should be no fighting for the bill at all, which is inappropriate.

Besides, I did not know about the B-M-W rule, that is Bread on the left, the meal in the middle, and Water/Wine on the right. The rule emphasizes on eating from my left side and drinking to my right side. Also, knowing that any food placed to my left is mine and any glass placed to the right is mine too.

Observing a good dining etiquette is very important at all times, and thus anyone should practice good table manners all the time. It is also essential to learn and be aware of how different cultures handle various foods regarding their dining etiquette to avoid hurting other people belonging to other cultures.

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