Essay Example on Measles Policy

Published: 2023-01-22
Essay Example on Measles Policy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare policy Public health Policy analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 983 words
9 min read

The measles policy is a health policy initiated by the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust Development in the year 2017. The policy targets the issue of measles vaccines and immunisation against measles in the areas where the organisation has reach. The policy was formed under the specialist services, infection prevention and control unit of the health sector of the organisation. The policy should have started from 30th October, 2017, and run for six years until 2023. Among some of the activities that are contained in the policy includes patient experience, assurance of framework, monitoring, finance performance and the CQC fundamental standards regulation number twelve.

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The policy has been ratified by the Infection Control And Decontamination Assurance Group. The implementation follows the outlining of the duties of various staff in the immunisation and treatment process. These include the medical director who ensures that there is sufficient resources for effective management of admitted patients (Public Health England, 2013). The director of prevention and control provides advice and guides the team in charge of prevention and control. Nursing and medical staff will work mostly in the clinics area, responsible for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The remaining activities will be done by other staff like the ward people, occupational health physician, and consultant microbiologist among many other staff.

The process will follow the confirmation of the diagnosis where the disease is confirmed virologically. Once the confirmation of the presence of the disease has been made, the consultant for communicable disease control will be contacted and given the result. If the infection is severe to the point of admission, the patient is to be kept in an isolated room and receive care in the isolation since the disease is highly contagious. The staff should first be immunised following the results of their susceptibility.

The adaptation of the policy will be made possible and sustainable through the support of the organisation and that from others like WHO and the Public Health of England. This is an initiation by Royal Devon and Exeter and are the ones to finance it at first. The contribution of the other bodies will ensures its sustainability. This is because, measles is a case that affects everyone at large therefore, and there is ready help to any group willing to fight against it. This therefore gives the organisation an assurance of support from other teams.

There are various barriers to the policy. The first one is lack of enough medical health professionals in this section of communicable diseases. This is a global problem and is spreading so fast since it is an air bone disease is highly contagious (Ramsay et al., 2009). The ratio of the medical specialists and the patients is high and therefore, the policy faces the challenge of adequate staff for the implementation.

There is also the problem of inadequate awareness therefore leading to little demand for immunization. So many people are not aware of the measles immunisation and therefore majority would be ignorant to visit the health care centres for immunisation. This would make it hard for the implementations of the policy and the achievements of the goals of the organisations.

One of the strategies for the implementation is to train locals on the administration of the vaccine. However, it becomes difficult where there are only a few people who are willing to volunteer to learn administer these drugs. This therefore becomes another limitation in the implementation of the policy. This becomes difficult especially in the remote areas where people are ignorant of such health issue. In such societies, locals would be resourceful had they been taught the importance and actually volunteer to participate in the immunisation activity. This would make work easier however, majority are still ignorant of this fact.

In order to mitigate these barriers, there are various things that could be done. Efforts should be made if possible to legislate this policy so that it aids in creating awareness and displaying the importance of the policy. Health departments should also make some effort to provide guidance and actually motivate locals towards embracing this policy (General Medical Counsil, 2013). Access to the immunisation programme should be made available, especially through the national programme in order to coordinate the activities even at the national level. There is need also for support from the federal government especially with those children with incomplete immunisation. This can be helpful if the health institutions, under the permission of the federal government allow the admission of these immunisation with the private sector. It would be easier since this is where a majority of these people especially the patients can be found.

The policy will help improve the health of those who have been impacted. This categorises those who have specifically gained from vaccines. The benefits includes treatment and cure. Those who have not yet been affected will get a chance to be protected through the immunisation. Those who already have the disease will receive treatment and regain their health back. This policy affects the health sector at large since measles is a worldwide health problem. Therefore it will call for the attention of every health care specialist to put their concern of this.


In conclusion, the measles policy is aimed at improving the health of people through immunisation and vaccination. This is an initiative whose target is the world a large the case at hand is a worldwide thing. The whole project if to be run by Royal Devon and Exeter with the assistance of other groups like WHO and Public Health of England.


General Medical Council (2013). Good Medical Practice - Risks posed by your health. Available at:

Public Health England: (2013). Immunisation against infectious disease: The Green Book. Chapter 21: Measles. Available at:

Ramsay, M. Manikkavasagan, G. Brown, K. Craig, L. (2009) Post Exposure Prophylaxis for Measles: Revised Guidance May 2009.

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