Essay Example on Mass Media in Previous Generation

Published: 2023-05-14
Essay Example on Mass Media in Previous Generation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 903 words
8 min read


I interviewed my grandfather about the mass media used in his generation. After analyzing the information that I got from him, it showed clearly that their generation differed much from my generation.

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He was born in 194os, grew up in the rural part of was the period for world war2 when the Japanese made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, an American naval base. Radio was the primary form of media in this period. Since he came from a less fortunate family as he explained, they were not lucky enough to have the radio, but the neighbor was fortunate to have one. He went ahead, saying that the radio was also more economical, as it was a one-time investment of a radio set. Astonished America stayed glued to their radio sets to listen to the news.

Newspapers still supplied daily information and advertising, but continued consolidation of newspapers caused the public to question whether the press was controlled and standardized by a few press lords. Despite radio being the leading mass media in my grandfather's generation, some families that were considered as a high class in the region by then had a television. A good example was my grandfather's relative, who had the television. Early television was quite primitive, all the action at that first televised baseball game had to be captured by a single camera.

The limitations of early camera forced actors in dramas to work under impossibly hot lights, wearing black lipstick and green makeup. My grandfather and the cousins were great fun of the children's program Howdy Doody that was so interesting as he illustrated. Whereas, the parents glued to the radio all day listening to news updates concerning world war 2.

Mass Media in My Generation

In my generation, things are quite digitalized compared to my grandfather's generation. We use the internet in browsing websites, browsing the internet on phones, and browsing social media. You can watch the news updates via social media on your phone, that is, live streaming, which is easily accessible. In my generation, watching is not limited since you have gadgets and the internet. Things in my generation are quite impressive, different channels have a different program. There is this program; it is known as soap opera, where we see different love stories based on the Philippines. Dolce Amore is the best soap that has touched my heart.

Social media is also used for various purposes in my generation, such as advocacy, both for social concerns and business. It includes public relations, advertising, political communication, marketing, and propaganda. Entertainment, traditionally was through music, performance of acting and sports along with light reading since my grandfather's generation also through computer games.

Journalism in my generation is a career, it is the act of collecting, analyzing and presenting information concerning current issues, people and trends. Unlike my grandfather's generation where there was no school for such careers. The person in charge of this act is known as a journalist. Internet in our generation has allowed us to express ourselves than in my grandfather's generation. We can share every personal experience of our lives on Facebook.

We can start expressing our talents through writing so that we can get followers from all over the world. We can post our photograph skills on Instagram and we can also use silly emojis as we chat with friends. Internet has also contributed to global mass communication in my generation in different ways. I can communicate with my friend in Italy via video call chat or email.

The Future of Mass Media

There exist expectations in the mass media industry pointing towards revolutionary changes, based on the technological advancements getting witnessed every day. One, integrated electronic devices will get used to convey information to the masses. Landline telephony has gotten used in this industry over time, but slowly getting replaced by the use of tablets and mobile phones. Technological advancements keep discovering better electronic equipment with high operability, reliability, better storage, and other improved advantages (Lucian-Vasile, 2014). The electronic equipment will run multiple applications, thus making significant improvements in the mass media industry.

Also, the sector gets expected to have a more generalized interconnection. Wireless connections and enhanced satellite services will get generalized and at cost-effective prices (Lucian-Vasile, 2014). Therefore, better internet services in line with the integrated devices will strengthen communication, access to information or news, and research. Cases of poor network reception will get done away with, a big step towards a revolution in mass media. These devices will get diversified in terms of their use. A device will be able to handle different tasks that initially required a combination of several devices to achieve the results.

Cloud computing will help mass media meet the expected improvements in the future (Lucian-Vasile, 2014). This will enable many people to benefit from the applications and generalized services without the concept of how these applications get made. Services such as web hosting or broadband will be available at affordable costs. Therefore, most online platforms, like an online newsroom, will be easy to access. The need for physical workspaces will get minimized. All these features are meant to improve the mass media industry in line with the visions expected to get achieved in the future.


Lucian-Vasile, Z. (2014, December 19). (PDF) The Future of Communication: From new Media to Postmedia. Retrieved from

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