Essay Example on Creating and Leading Effective Teams in Hospitals

Published: 2022-12-16
Essay Example on Creating and Leading Effective Teams in Hospitals
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Nursing management Nursing leadership
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1046 words
9 min read


The medical world consists of different forms of leadership. The leadership in hospitals ensure that the different departments are well coordinated and that their functions are clearly defined. Successful leadership in hospitals consists of working departments with a precise structure from the top management to the internship level. Leaders ensure that the organization delivers effectiveness and that each team member plays a role (Groysberg, Lee, Price & Cheng, 2018). The team is also very cohesive, and team members often meet to discuss different aspects regarding the dispensation of their roles. Successful teams often communicate laterally, and all members are considered equally integral to the success of the department (Blanchard, 2018). The independence of each team is important to the success of the organization because it ensures that roles within the hospital are not duplicated. Proper coordination between teams, ensures there is efficiency in the handling of patients.

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Factors to Consider When Leading in Different Organizational Levels

The hospital leadership is often a significantly structured concept. Leadership is not based on the complexities of the departments or the seniority of the professionals but the roles of the different functions at the hospital play. The top management ensures the logistical issues concerning the hospital are handled (Choi, Kim & Kim, 2018). This includes; legal issues, human resource management, and financial management. Departmental heads at the hospital manage the procedural aspects of the department and ensure that there are no cases of malpractice. Middle-level managers at the hospitals are concerned with employee relations. They recommend staff members for promotion and also chart policy recommendations. At the lowest leadership scale are the supervisory officers. Supervision is important as it ensures that human resource data is well handled and managed, to deal with welfare concerns about each employee (Blanchard, 2018).

Executive Level Leadership

Executive level leadership is assigned to very senior personnel, often with academic and professional experience. These leaders comprise the executive committee that runs the affairs of the hospital. The leaders at this level also serve in different departments but offer leadership above the departmental level. For instance, an executive leader at a hospital could be the head of surgery but a member of the oncological team. Executive members play different professional roles at the hospital, save for different teams such as finance and human resource where administrative roles are given to non-doctors (Smith, Fowler-Davis, Nancarrow, Ariss & Enderby, 2018). Executive leaders make decisions on behalf of the hospital and can represent the interests of the hospital in different forums on healthcare. These leaders discuss policy issues at a national level and also participate in union activities to champion for the rights of the medical staff (Groysberg et al., 2018).

Identification of Team Members and Launching Teams

Each team is established out of necessity. A team is a collection of employees who serve a specific mandate. They have particular working routines, shifts and even among the team, different strengths are utilized effectively. In a surgical team, for instance, there are equipment operators, anesthesiologists, and oncologists. Individuals ensure that they perform their functions as desired to contribute effectively to the rest of the team (Choi, Kim & Kim, 2018). When selecting a team, it is critical to consider all the different roles that need to be performed and ensuring that enough staffers are playing each role. It is also critical to ensure that the team can feel motivated and operate in a friendly environment (Blanchard, 2018). When launching teams, it is important to have physical meeting places where team members can occasionally meet, and also brand the team with a name that they can all identify with. The particular name can be the departmental name or a name chosen by the team, as a mark of identity among team members.

Productivity of Teams

The continuity of a team is based on the input from the different team members, and the perceived growth these team members may have at the end of it all. It is critical to have ambitions as a team. Each member should have a vision for the future and ensure that they constantly perform tasks that contribute to their experience and academic record as well (Groysberg et al., 2018). A good team spirit is competitive. Members of the team should seek positive competition in different career goals, work throughput, and even social aspects. Competition is healthy as it fosters a better working relationship among team members. Competing for a particular goal also ensures improved technical skills among the team members (Smith et al., 2018). To encourage competition, management should reward effort through prizes, honors, and promotions. It is important to see team statistics go up and even have inter-departmental competitions to determine the best department on an annual basis.


Different religious ethnicities and diversities often enhance team chemistry in the organization. Often, the comparisons between Christianity and Islam take center stage in most religious debates. As a leader, it is important to use religion as a socio-cultural marker. Religious experiences and practices often affect the social behavior of the individual. It is important to encourage religious discussions on ethics, and how these can be applied better to the individual (Smith et al., 2018). Leaders should encourage religious tolerance while allowing employees to engage in religious debates as well. It is necessary to leverage the diversities in religious beliefs to encourage the employees on how to handle clients with different beliefs.


Blanchard, K. (2018). Leading at a higher level: Blanchard on leadership and creating high performing organizations. FT Press. Retrieved from

Choi, E. H., Kim, E. K., & Kim, P. B. (2018). Effects of the educational leadership of nursing unit managers on team effectiveness: mediating effects of organizational communication. Asian nursing research, 12(2), 99-105. Retrieved from

Groysberg, B., Lee, J., Price, J., & Cheng, J. (2018). The leader's guide to corporate culture. Harvard Business Review, 96(1), 44-52. Retrieved from's%20Guide%20to%20Corporate%20Culture.pdf

Smith, T., Fowler-Davis, S., Nancarrow, S., Ariss, S. M. B., & Enderby, P. (2018). Leadership in interprofessional health and social care teams: a literature review. Leadership in Health Services, 31(4), 452-467. Retrieved from

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