Free HR Essay: Employee Training and Career Development Paper

Published: 2019-09-24
Free HR Essay: Employee Training and Career Development Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Career Professional development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 929 words
8 min read

The concern of organization for the long-term success has been the skills, the motivation, and physical orientation of their employees. The corporate sector has undertaken initiatives to ensure that the employees attached to the firm will assist the business to achieve the set goals. The human resources of an organization define the extent to which the business will grow, interact with customers, and comply with the regulations. Therefore, the management is always concerned with the development of the necessary skills among the workers that will assist to orient them towards the strategic missions. This paper outlines the training, development, and the relationship with organizational development briefly.

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The training process is an essential process in an organization is important because it orients the new employees to the culture of the organization. When the newly recruited workers should be informed of the procedures of the company for them to familiarize with the structure and duties. Whenever the employees are subjected to training activities, then the shortcomings in an organization will be eliminated or reduced to levels that will not cripple the functions (Sahinidis & Bouris, 2008). Investment and performance have been escalated through employee training. The experiences of the workers regarding motivation and job satisfaction can be enhanced if they are subjected to training activities. Apart from strategic planning and additional investment, the level of productivity in an organization can increase the contributions of trained employees.

Several scholars have identified different methods that can be used to develop employees. It is essential to note that no universal formula can be utilized across all organization; therefore, each firm can design a development methodology suitable for their respective culture, structure, and objectives. Conferences and seminars have been vibrant platforms to inform the employees of the emerging trends in their expertise through capacity building. Such an approach has been useful for firms since it is cheap, easy to manage, and takes a short time. Vocational learning has contributed to enhancing the competencies of the employees by engaging them in new ideas in their respective skills (Thursfield & Hamblett, 2001). Job rotation helps the workers to obtain multiple expertise and efficiency that is essential for development and growth of the organization. Constant performance appraisal allows employees to know their capabilities and areas to improve. Moreover, the human resource of a business can be developed through teamwork, additional responsibilities, supervision, and provision of relevant manuals.

Employee development is an essential aspect that enhances the growth of an organization. The composition of the workforce regarding their respective skills, experiences and training assist the team in the implementation of the strategic plans. The satisfaction levels of the employees build their commitment to duty, which increase the productivity of the company (Reilly & Peter, 2000). When the employees are trained on customer experience, they assist in improving customer satisfaction levels that enhance the competitive advantage of the organization in the industry (Harrison, 2000). Quality production that emanates from active appraisal mechanisms and supervision enables the brands of the firm to register increased sales in the market. The level of development of the employees guarantees the growth of the profit margin and investments. The internal process of management is made easier through capacity building and vocational training, which is essential for the development of business enterprises.

The process of career development in an organization is a critical element of human resource management. The management is entitled with the responsibility of improving the performance of the employees and the future need related to the workforce through strategic human resource management (Hilson, 2016). Such a move is essential because it assists the company to set up a measure that will curb future shortcoming originating from the labor needs. The management of workers is necessary when the organization is seeking to outline the career paths in their structure and approaches to be followed to achieve the set objectives. In the next five years, I will be starting my clothing business as a lifetime career. The current plans that I am undertaking involve the analysis on how I will utilize the human resource capacity of my business to achieve maximum profits by integrating the process of selecting workers, assigning duties, and developing the employees. Through effective human management, my business will have smooth internal operations and efficient customer satisfaction, which will come from employee motivation, training, and development.

In conclusion, the processes undertaken in an organization towards employee development contributes to the achievement of the respective goals. The training process of the employee enables them to acquire skills that will build their competence while undertaking their duties. Using multiple methods to train employees is associated with more benefits towards the growth of the organization. Moreover, for my lifetime career to be useful in the next five years, the process of human resource planning will ensure that the clothing business runs according to the plan of activities. My company will focus on the development of the skills and experience of the employees to ensure they are aligned with the clothing business.


Harrison, R. (2000). Employee development. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.

Hison, E. (2016). Human resource management career development organized by group II page

1. Retrieved from

Reilly, P. A., & Peter. (2000). Flexibility at work: Balancing the interests of employer and employee. United Kingdom: Gower Publishing Company.Sahinidis, A. G., & Bouris, J. (2008). Employee perceived training effectiveness relationship to employee attitudes. Journal of European Industrial Training, 32(1), 6376.

Thursfield, D., & Hamblett, J. (2001). Mutuality, learning and change at work: The case of employee led development. Employee Relations, 23(4), 337352.

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