Essay Sample on Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Training Plan

Published: 2022-11-07
Essay Sample on Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Training Plan
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Medicine Technology
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1227 words
11 min read

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) is the collocation of electronic health records (EHRs) and other related health information technologies that are implemented in health facilities to boost healthcare service delivery. Such technologies promised not only a modernized and revolutionized healthcare but also the impacting change for medical education and training. Electronic medical records have many benefits to the healthcare sector despite that less has been done while integrating the efforts into workability. The result has created challenges for small practices in implementing the system. However, the electronic medical record (EMR) system requires a training plan for the implementation to be successful.

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There are some common EMR implementation barriers in small practices that hinder the successful delivery of healthcare services (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). The biggest threat is limited technical resources, and it affects not only the medical staff but also patients regarding services delivery. Small practices healthcare facilities do not have enough technical resources as seen in vendor healthcare practices. For the challenges to be avoided right hardware and existing software need to be inputted into the system. Despite the threats, the implementation of the new system is expensive, and this makes it depend on large vendors to provide solutions that offer functionality and in-house built technology.

Inadequate training during the implementation of the EMR system may result in a threat. Training is the most important strategy that demonstrates the successful implementation of any medical technological system. Training of employees suggests that there will be an improved workflow of services hence improvement of healthcare service delivery. Despite that small practices health facilities lack resources and finance to run their operations, it is important to note that efforts and resources required for practice are the most substantial impediments that will forward thrash the successful implementation of the system. Similarly, the amount of capital required for implementation especially for small practices is costly. Advances in health information technology are expensive in use and even implementation. The process of implementation starting from the physical infrastructure, support and training result in barriers when there is not enough capital to fund it.

Healthcare facilities experience information exchange challenges, especially on the small practice network provider. This means that information is not recorded in the system and this may result in challenges especially when it comes to the implementation of the EMR system. In small healthcare facilities, all systems are not technologically connected, and therefore, when some information is recorded on the envelopes, it becomes difficult for the implementation to take over fully (Boonstra & Broekhuis, 2010). All practices running in the healthcare facility should be run into the EMR record to ensure that too much information is not passed to third parties.

Most of these challenges are similar to those affecting large healthcare systems although some challenges are different in an explicit way. For example, large healthcare systems do not have problems with technical resources because the government and other healthcare institutions sponsor most of them. However, some challenges are reflected in large healthcare facilities due to corruption and other challenges that contribute to the threats in the implementation. Another challenge that is different is the problem operational cost which is used in funding the implementation process. Large healthcare systems have a potential of supporting other healthcare institutions for the fact that most of them have investments that boost most of its operations.

The key stakeholders who could benefit from training on the threats are clinicians, office staff, billing team, marketing team, board members to mention but a few (Greene, Reid & Larson, 2012). However, the first slot of individuals to be positively impacted by the training is the clinicians. Planning and selection process point to the healthcare clinicians because they are the first people to interact with the system and test it before it fully starts functioning. Clinician services are conducted by nurses and other allied staff in the healthcare facility. These are the individuals who assist in reducing the threats that can interfere with the implementation of the EMR system.

Members of the board or administration occupy a crucial juncture in either ensuring implementation of the system or being a barrier. They are, therefore, not only expected to benefit from the system but seeing its implementation through. Stakeholders in this field are pulled into the system by the training practice which comprises of the functionalities and cost-reducing avenues that jip in to assist pitch medical-related healthcare. On the other hand, the marketing teams are the individuals to facilitate the communication of the doctor-patient relationship. As clinicians, they benefit from training to become familiar with the operationalization of the whole system. They can thereby solve challenges as they are interacting on the patient portal hence avoiding challenges that may come up.

The practical support and utilization of an EMR require a training strategy for the members and stakeholders to build skills for successful implementation (Crowe et al., 2011). First, the team responsible for training should select healthcare staff computer skills and then introduce basic training. This practice will ensure that existing clinicians are primarily exposed to computer skills and software usage hence making it easy for healthcare technologies to be part of the users. The next step is to organize the super users with high computer literacy in such a way that, they can perforate and train other employees about the processes of navigating the system. Not only that, some employees may be excited by the new system and then learn quickly. It would be the best solution to conduct such an analysis to ensure that those who are willing to explore the new system are given priority. Before implementation sessions are affected, employees should be trained in areas they could use. This could enable them to learn intensively throughout the process hence eliminating confusion.

The electronic medical record is a critical system and therefore before it is fully implemented, it requires some essential elements of training. According to the study of adult learning theory, a desire to learn is a crucial element to be included in the training process (Figlietti, 2016). Following this is the self-direction, experiences of the past work done and current learning, motivation about the new system, and then problem-based learning. However, the most significant element of it all is the consistent follow up of the skills learned to ensure that the implementation intervention is being underscored and utilised. There is need for more frequent training for the system to be successfully utilised by the staff and other allied healthcare users.

In conclusion, electronic medical record (EMR) training ensures continuity of technology-based assessments which lead to transparency and privacy of healthcare information. It also hastens the performance and delivery of healthcare services hence making the process useful and admirable. When the training plan is galvanised under the appropriate strategies, implementation of the system will be done in such a way that, fewer barriers and challenges will be experienced.


Boonstra, A., & Broekhuis, M. (2010). Barriers to the acceptance of electronic medical records by physicians from systematic review to taxonomy and interventions. BMC health services research, 10(1), 231.

Crowe, S., Cresswell, K., Robertson, A., Huby, G., Avery, A., & Sheikh, A. (2011). The case study approach. BMC medical research methodology, 11(1), 100.

Figlietti, C. D. (2016). Developing an Electronic Health Record Training Program for New Employees.

Greene, S. M., Reid, R. J., & Larson, E. B. (2012). Implementing the learning health system: from concept to action. Annals of internal medicine, 157(3), 207-210.

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Essay Sample on Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Training Plan. (2022, Nov 07). Retrieved from

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