Free Essay Example: Eight Steps to Inclusion

Published: 2023-07-30
Free Essay Example: Eight Steps to Inclusion
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Organizational behavior Developmental psychology Career development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 731 words
7 min read

Building a culture of inclusion so that diversity thrives is not an overnight accomplishment; instead, it requires willingness and commitment (OIEatDUKE, 2011). This paper seeks to explain the eight steps to inclusion and their significance upon application by an individual or organization. These steps of inclusion involve transformation through experience, vigilance, and collaboration with other members. A new level of insight has the potential to generate growth and a unique experience for the staff and the organization (Barak et al., 2016). A competitive organization's culture can accommodate arising diversity in the course of its inclusion.

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Knowing self first is the initial and the most critical step since it involves the identification of internal and external resources that can be of support to the organization (OIEatDUKE, 2011). Through recognition of one's strengths, it is possible to utilize abilities and talents more effectively on what pleases most (Wilton, 2016). It involves an assessment of one's vision and mission, which are essential navigation tools that help to understand the purpose of work, and hence commit to accomplishment.

Valuing self by understanding self-worth as well as limitations is critical in decision-making processes (OIEatDUKE, 2011). Valuing a person reflects one's beliefs, and therefore, an individual or organization can set limits on what to expect and react to specific outcomes or situations. At the individual level, self-valuing gives an individual better focus and hence find work more appealing.

Acknowledging stereotypes and prejudices assists leaders to understand the essence of inclusion, which is to ensure that every member's voice is heard, considered and valued regardless of the size of the contribution (CrashCourse, 2014). Based on the contribution, they can define the areas that require attention and what to exclude.

Mostly, every individual or company must be open to change (OIEatDUKE, 2011). Openness entails flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing situations within the organization's environment (OIEatDUKE, 2011). Change creates room for new skills and opportunities, which would benefit the organization through increased commitment and new ideas (Barak et al., 2016). Being open to change challenges the past ideas, thoughts, and beliefs and can, therefore, be very liberating.

Learning about other people or organization modes of functioning through thorough examination in critical to a successful journey (OIEatDUKE, 2011). Evaluation entails benchmarking critical aspects of an organization's culture to understand the experiences of the employees prior to changes to promote inclusivity (TSNE, 2010). Learning from others improves trends in decision making and escalates the chances of growth by minimizing mistakes.

Including other members is critical in the progression of the organization (OIEatDUKE, 2011). Any organization or individual can expand its circle to optimize diversity since, through workplace collaboration, efficiency is generated (Brown, 2017). Including others build a conducive working environment that enhances safety and equality in the distribution of the workforce.

The final step to inclusion involves embracing personal growth (OIEatDUKE, 2011). The individual utilizes time to evaluate the extent of progress. Embracing personal growth requires the understanding and development of one's self to develop to full potential (Wilton, 2016). Both formal and informal evaluation assesses the overall organizational impact and change of inclusion and diversity efforts.

These steps have numerous benefits in the organization's environment, such as enhanced creativity, Faster problem solving, more and better productive communications, and enhanced services and programs (Rankin-Gomez, 2011). Through the application of these steps, it would be possible to expand inner circles beyond one's demographic and dimensions of thinking. In an organization setting, diversity and inclusion cause staff to feel accepted, valued, and safe (SHRM, 2020). Consequently, an excellent organizational environment builds a rigid workplace culture that attracts success for the firm.


Barak, M. E. M., Findler, L., & Wind, L. H. (2016). Diversity, inclusion, and commitment in organizations: International empirical explorations. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 2(2), 813

Brown, J. (2017). Inclusion: Diversity, the New Workplace & the Will to Change by Jennifer Brown. Publish Your Purpose Press.

CrashCourse (2014, Nov 17) Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39. Retrieved from (2011, Nov 6) Charting the Path Forward: Exploring Diversity & Inclusion. Retrieved from

SHRM (2020). SHRM. Retrieved from How to Develop a Diversity and Inclusion Initiative:

MissionWorks. Retrieved from Diversity and Inclusion Initiative: A Step By Step Guide:

Rankin-Gomez, K. (2011). Managing Workplace Diversity: The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion (Doctoral dissertation, Davenport University).

Wilton, N. (2016). An introduction to human resource management. Sage.

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