Essay Sample on Effects of The Decisions That We Make

Published: 2023-10-10
Essay Sample on Effects of The Decisions That We Make
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Poem Analysis Writers
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 602 words
6 min read

In the poem “Calvin and Hobbes” by Bill Watterson, the author presents the theme of adventure. The poem expresses how we take life seriously, but when we take a step ahead, we realize that the step we took was unimportant. When the author started, he said, “A small choice can prove to be essential” to explain that people might make decisions that do not seem very important and, at long last, benefit from the step.

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In the second paragraph, the author uses a tone of voice that shows empowering, where he says, "I must have been distracted when I left home." The tone of voices helps build the theme of adventure in the poem by showing that the persona was considering options. His verse is about humor and family life, including philosophy satire. The author tells us that the mother used to monitor every move they made at a very close distance.

In the first line, the author says, “I made a big decision a little while ago. I don't remember what it was, which prob'ly goes to show. That many times a simple choice can prove to be essential, even though it often might appear inconsequential”. The lines show that the author used an adventurous tone to support the theme of adventure in the poem. The author tells us that that small choice we have to make at times might impact big on us.

The author uses a hyperbole style when he says, "my mother has eyes on the back" the words are just an exaggeration as no one can have eyes on the back. However, the author uses the words to mean that his mother was very observant always to see when he did something wrong. The author uses hyperbole to explain why the persona had to leave home at an early age. The words are also used in a comic tone and help to explain how the mother was very cautious. Moving from home influences what the author becomes at the end, so the style helps build the central theme of the poem.

The author uses imagery as a figurative language of writing, where he pictures things that could have possibly happened. In the poem, the author uses imagery, where he says, "what if my bones were in a museum." the use of imagery makes the writer able to display how the risk he took in leaving home was dangerous as it could have caused death. The illustrative style of writing helps the reader get how the adventure was hazardous and, therefore, helps build the theme of the poem. The author wanted to adequately describe how dangerous the decision he took was and achieved it through the use of imagery.

The poem also uses the style of comparison to bring out the theme of adventure. The author compares being in the hands of his mother and dying; he tells us how the mother was very nagging. On the other hand, the poem talks about what could happen if the persona was dead. He speaks of how his bones could be in handled by aliens in the museum. The use of comparison in the poem helps us to understand the nature of the adventure that the author took. Comparison tells us that although the writer ran away from home, the mother's strictness was not more threatening than death. The author has used a combination of style and tone much to build the theme of adventure. Adventure is the main central theme of the poem.

Works Cited

Watterson, B. (2005). The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Andrews McMeel Publishing. HYPERLINK ""

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