Education Enhances Mental Ability: Lux Mentis lux Orbis - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Education Enhances Mental Ability: Lux Mentis lux Orbis - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Mental health
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1167 words
10 min read


Education helps in enhanced mental capability. An educated person is expected to have gone through the learning process and thus acquire an enhanced mental processing ability. You become Lux Mentis lux Orbis which means Light of the mind, the light of the world. An educated person becomes a light to others. Education is a process that takes many years of practice and reading. It is a re-socialization process that refines a person's mind to become better at observing and analyzing events. Through education, one can perform effectively while performing tasks or engage other people. Personal and intellectual life becomes refined and better through education. Education is a process that empowers a person with general thinking and leading abilities. One gets general language abilities to be able to communicate his or her ideas to other people effectively. Education gives one the ability to learn new things and understand them. Learning is continuous, and the world keeps changing. Different scenarios happen that require a solution. Education is both professional and liberal. The student can gather general knowledge and specific knowledge that helps them becomes better professional in particular fields. The general objective of education is to make life better for all. The school thus has a better and higher purpose in society.

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Education and Continuous Learning

Being educated is to know that one can take action and learn something new every day. Malcolm X, on homemade education, puts it that he made a personal commitment to education. He made sure that he learnt new things and was able to write and speak coherently (Moberg 12). Education is a continuous process, and being educated means being able to realize the importance of learning new things through personal commitment. Everything cannot be taught in class. Knowing where to get material to read and understand for personal and professional growth is a product of education. Every person should strive to keep learning and getting new ideas to provide solutions to problems experienced in the community.

Education and Responsible consumers

Being educated means being responsible for consumers. Becoming responsible consumers helps one realize the true self, just like the shepherd boy who meets the wise man in the Alchemist story by Paulo Coelho. The wise man emphasizes the need to realize one's true self. Being educated helps one achieve his true self and become a responsible consumer of food and content (Mawaddah 7). One can understand what food is healthy for the body and which food should be avoided. Not all materials have helpful content. Through education, one can analyze what is useful and what is not helpful and remain objective. It helps create change in society and on a personal level.

Education and the Globe

Being educated means becoming conscientious global citizens. An educated person understands the essential elements of life from different perspectives. Respect for all is emphasized in education and makes it easy for an educated person to interact with everyone. Education prepares one to be successful in every aspect of life at any place around the globe. In the story, tiled the Beauty: When the other dance is the self, Alice Walker narrates her experience at the fair. She tries her best not to forget anything for those who never went to the county fair (Walker 257). It was a joy to her. Alice was fairly educated and young. Education makes one understand the beauty of diversity. To be educated means to become conscientious with new places around the globe.

Education and Culture

Being educated means gaining a broad cultural perspective. The society we live in tends to instill some cultural beliefs that are bot accommodative of other cultures. It has the potential to create cultural hate. Becoming educated helps one erase the cultural hate that may have been instilled through community socialization. It helps one retain the positive cultural impacts in life and discard the negative cultural practices and believes that may harbor hate for other people. In the narration titled how it feels colored by Hurston, he says that he sometimes feels discriminated against courtesy of his color and culture (Hurston 17). He wonders why one would deny himself his company. Education has helped Hurston gain a broader cultural perspective where he has attained a level of love for others. He wonders why others can’t do the same. That’s the power of education. Being educated means having a broader cultural and racial perspective.

Education and Leadership

Education helps people be active leaders in the future. The guests, as narrated in the story by Chekhov titled The Bet can discuss capital punishment or life imprisonment. The talking is intelligent and focuses on the welfare of prisoners and the role of the state in punishing them (Chekhov & Poe 7). It is an example of how education helps people become better leaders. Through education, you become an active leader in the society. One can give ideas that can help the community become a better society for everyone. By becoming an authority in a particular field, for example, a good lawyer or a good doctor, one gets an advantage of talking form a point of power that helps define leadership.

Education and Career

Being educated helps in helping people understand ways we can use our knowledge as we move toward meaningful careers. Professional education builds a job for people. Professionals must have an in-depth understanding of their subject through education. Training makes the confidence to help one provide solutions to specific problems facing others. For example, one becomes a good lawyer or a doctor through education. Further education helps people grow in the line of study and become best at what they do. Parents should encourage their children to work hard in their learning at school to help them become better in their future careers.


Education for all, should be encouraged. It helps make the world a better place through innovation and creativity. It helps create a solution for all human problems. Gaining a new perspective on life through education helps one live a quality life. It creates better leaders who assist in shaping the world and leading people in the right direction. One gains a broader perspective on life and all the events that happen in one's life. Governments should make education accessible to all. No one should be defined as an opportunity to be educated and help make a change in personal experience and others' lives. To be educated means to be of definite purpose in life. Education makes life better for all.

Works Cited

Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, and Edgar Allan Poe. The Bet. Angus & Robertson, 1995.

Hurston, Zora Neale. How it feels to be colored me. Carlisle, Mass.: Applewood Books, 2015.

Mawaddah, Siti. "A Main character analysis of the alchemist by paulo coelho using hierarchy of human needs of abraham H. Maslow's theory." (2010).

Moberg, Eric. "The Self-Education of Malcolm X." Online Submission (2006).

Walker, Alice. "Beauty: When the other dancer is the self." Living with Contradictions: Controversies in Feminist Social Ethics (1994): 257.

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