Paper on Education and Poverty Video Critique

Published: 2023-12-28
Paper on Education and Poverty Video Critique
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Sociology Society Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 659 words
6 min read


Poverty is the major there highlighted in the video and its cause among children in the United States. There is a wide variety of issues that cause a high poverty rate in society, which puts the children at a disadvantage. However, in most cases, the significant problems causing poverty are not highlighted by the mainstream media. For example, in most cases, it is reported that racial inequality is the primary cause of poverty. However, in the video, the issue of race is not given sufficient weight. The reason behind it is that many people in any race live in poverty. Therefore, poverty is an issue that is affected by much more than just an individual's race. Poverty is cultivated in society for a long time, based on a wide range of issues that are rarely discuses. Therefore, the video gives a narrow but detailed analysis of poverty among many people in the United States.

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Video Critique

The central focus is on the children in the population and their relation to poverty. The reason for focusing on children is the high chance that children have a higher chance of living in poverty if they were raised in poverty. According to the video, poverty limits the resources that the children are exposed to. With fewer resources, they have lower chances of matching up to the other students that have adequate resources in their families. For example, in families with sufficient resources, they are better positioned to attend a better school. Some better-qualified teachers instruct the students better at the better schools, enabling them to achieve comparatively better grades. In the long run, they qualify to get higher education in Ivy League institutions. Furthermore, there is a higher chance that their talents will be nurtured. The nurturing is made possible because of the availability of time and adequate resources to make the children get to the limit of their abilities. However, for children from poor backgrounds, there is a lower chance that they will succeed in perfecting any skill. In the long run, the children end up in the vicious cycle of poverty.

A difference in the type of schools that children attend is the other reason that leads to poverty. For some schools, the rate of poverty among the students is comparatively low. Therefore, there is a higher chance that the teachers have the best resources for their instruction. Moreover, there are better facilities to nurture the talents and abilities the students have. However, on the other side, some schools have an acute shortage of resources. Therefore, the students are faced with a massive challenge of learning or nurturing talents. Thus, their skills and education are not cultivated in the best way possible. After school, the skills they have are less marketable than those owned by the students who attended better schools. Therefore, unemployment looms, which threatens the children, now adults, to poverty. Thus, the significant contribution to poverty is the environment the students are raised in the community.


In my opinion, video is an excellent analysis of the causes of poverty in society. When children are subjected to deprivation, there is a higher chance that their adulthood will be in poverty. However, when parents have more resources when raising the children, the probability of living in poverty later in life is far much lower. Therefore, poverty is inherited across generations. The problem is associated with the government's resource distribution, and the poverty people inherit from the previous generations. The video further highlights education as a significant issue that significantly contributes to poverty or freedom from poverty. When children succeed and have better careers, the chances of living in poverty are lower. However, the video does not highlight other causes of poverty in communities. There are many causes of poverty that are not associated with poverty or governments' role in resource distribution. However, with the few issues highlighted, it was an excellent analysis because of the established causal relationship.

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