Discussion of the Ethics of Human Cloning - Essay Example

Published: 2019-05-22
Discussion of the Ethics of Human Cloning - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Sociology Medicine Ethics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 880 words
8 min read

Discuss the implicit statements used in the reasoning of the chosen passage. Create an argument diagram that clearly and completely denotes the inferential relations among the various parts of the argument in the passage.

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The passage on human cloning consists of several implicit statements, for instance, Allowing cloning would be taking a significant step toward a society in which human beings are grown for spare body parts, and children are engineered to custom specifications; and that's not acceptable. . . . I believe all human cloning is wrong. The statement is just, but an implication by the writer of the passage and is not entirely true because there is no substantial evidence on which the claim rides on. The statement lacks proof of harvesting of human organs for the purposes of human cloning. Another implicit statement in the passage is, Cloned human embryos created for research would be widely available in laboratories and embryo farms. The statement is inherent in nature because the writer of the passage is not and anyone for that matter knows whether embryos would be widely available or if there will be any embryo farms after the legalization of human cloning. One of the implicit statements used in the reasoning of the passage is that life is a creation and not a commodity. The passage argues that cloning will tend to promote a semblance of the existence of human beings for merely their body parts leading to people not appreciating life as a sacred gift. Another implicit statement on the passage about human cloning is that it goes against the ethics of the medicine profession, which categorically states that no human life ought to undergo exploitation for the benefit of another.

Discuss any tacit statements used in the reasoning of the chosen passage.

Just as in the case of implicit statements, the passage on human cloning has several tacit statements. Unlike implicit statements, tacit statements are easy to understand from the first reading and without the writer implying or showing (Whiteman, 2012). For instance, Science has set before us decisions of immense consequence. The statement is clearly trying to put across the fact that scientific experiments and advances have resulted to negativity on human living in an effort of trying to solve a certain a problem. Another tacit statement in the passage is, the benefits of research cloning are highly speculative. The statements clearly put out the fact that there is no research and reasoning enough as to why human cloning out to be legal and permitted. The statement is usable for the writer of the passage in dismissing the need for human cloning, at least until when there is enough substantial research and not just mere speculations.

Discuss the acceptability of the assumptions in the chosen passage.

The assumptions in the chosen passage are highly acceptable because of the opulence of knowledge and information they carry in them. The assumptions are hitting the nail on the head going straight to the point with where the discussion is leading. Moreover, the assumptions are more acceptable because they tackle the most important and very reason for the existing of human beings, life. The importance of life is at the epicenter of the discussion making it more acceptable and giving the passage its ability to catch the attention of predominantly anyone.

Discuss the quality of the reasoning used to arrive at the conclusion from the assumptions in the chosen passage.

The quality of reasoning used to arrive at the conclusion of the passage is nothing short of impressive, relevant and truth. The conclusion talks about how legalizing human cloning would lead to increase the market for egg harvest and donor consequently leading to the exploitation of the bodies of women.

Explain any named fallacies that the chosen passage commits.

I found the statement, Cloned human embryos created for research wouldbe widely available in laboratories and embryo farms. to be a fallacy I dont think the legalization of human cloning would result in the wide availability of human embryos because the government and other agencies would have measure of controlling human cloning. Moreover, human cloning would be entirely for scientific purposes and exploitations rather than the generation of an entirely new human race or breed (Kass, 2008).

Discuss any validity of the deductive arguments used in the chosen passage.

The conclusion of the passage is one such fine example of deductive reasoning because it has its basis from the arguments that comprise of the paper. The reason is highly valid that allowing human cloning would not necessarily require men and women to copulate, a factor that would increase the market for the eggs leading to the exploitation of the exploitation of female bodies.

Discuss any strength of the inductive arguments used in the chosen passage.

The strengths of the inductive arguments used in the passage are they first inform the user before giving the reason for a certain statement. The strength of the inductive arguments is such that they make the reader aware first then gives the supporting statements. Therefore, one is able to rule out arguments with having to read further.


Whiteman, N. (2012). Undoing ethics: Rethinking practice in online research. New York: Springer.

Kass, L. R., & Wilson, J. Q. (2008). The ethics of human cloning. Washington, DC: AEI Press.

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Discussion of the Ethics of Human Cloning - Essay Example. (2019, May 22). Retrieved from https://speedypaper.com/essays/discuss-the-implicit-statements-used-in-the-reasoning-of-the-chosen-passage

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