Comparison Essay Sample: Diesel Versus Gas Cars

Published: 2022-03-03
Comparison Essay Sample: Diesel Versus Gas Cars
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Automotive industry
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 804 words
7 min read

When an individual is deciding on buying a vehicle, the type of fuel a car consumes become a basic factor when making a choice. Each has advantages and disadvantages, which require proper analysis before reaching a final decision on which car you are going to acquire. The diesel and petrol engines have similarities and differences. When one is considering acquiring a car, a question of "is a gasoline or diesel truck better." It is not clear, but there are several things to consider when making this choice.

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From the article, the writer has argued his points according to four major factors in the car. These factors are the running cost, performance, resale value and the car emissions. It is true that diesel engines are very superior in fuel economy compared to a gas engine (Lee & Cho, 2009). Due to its stress of high compression in diesel combustion, these cars are heavily constructed. This makes diesel cars to be more expensive as compared to the gasoline cars. Diesel engine vehicles are economical when using it for long distance traveling, but for short trips, one should consider choosing a gasoline powered car. Diesel cars need to be driven at higher speed to avoid being clogged.

The car performance is another factor to consider when one wants to buy a diesel engine car or gasoline running engine. The writer states that the cars that run on diesel are notorious for endurance. As stated the cars that won car races since 2006 ran on diesel. This is possible because diesel cars are built to withstand the stress of high compression (Bourhis & Leduc, 2010). They can go much longer than the gas-powered vehicles before requiring any service. High speed for long distance requires a diesel powered engine, and if an individual needs a car that can handle short distances, one should go for a gas powered car.

Resale value becomes another determinant when it comes to deciding to choose between a car powered by a gas or diesel. At some point, you will need to part with your car. The articles argue that there is more chance of earning more when you sell your diesel car compared to a gas car. The reason for this is that the market today is less flooded with the diesel cars. Diesel cars offer a better fuel economy and have a better technology compared to gas-powered cars. This gives a diesel car better resale value, unlike the gasoline cars. Since it is expensive to acquire a new diesel car, people will prefer to purchase a used diesel car.

From the past diesel car were known to be notorious for the dirty emissions. However, today diesel cars run more cleanly. Most of the diesel vehicles can now meet the standard rates set by the government. Despite meeting these rates, diesel cars emissions releases nitrous oxides and carcinogens into the air (Thiel, Perujo & Mercier, 2010). Gasoline emits less of this substance; this is because gas-powered vehicles have improved over the years, making major innovations on their gas engine converters.

There is no wrong or right is deciding between a gasoline car and a diesel car. It is true the diesel car engines have improved with time. This is almost edging out the gasoline cars in the market, especially with the reduction of dirt emission. One of the factors to consider right now is the government regulations. Despite the article giving much weight to choosing the diesel car over the gasoline car, we should consider the size of the vehicle in making such choices. There is a situation where will be served well by heavy diesel truck and another situation that can be served well by a small gasoline truck. A truck should be a determining factor when choosing between gasoline and diesel. If you are traveling for short distances, a gas vehicle will be appropriate, as it only needs less maintenance and offer advantages over diesel vehicle. Generalizing is never a good idea when dealing with this issue. Specific purposes should be looked into to aid in a proper decision making when choosing what car to buy. After seeing all the advantages and disadvantages of gas and diesel engines, the choice remains a personal matter. However, the best factor to consider is when purchasing a vehicle is how you plan to utilize it.


Bourhis, G., & Leduc, P. (2010). Energy and exergy balances for modern diesel and gasoline engines. Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole, 65(1), 39-46.

Lee, J., & Cho, Y. (2009). Demand forecasting of diesel passenger car considering consumer preference and government regulation in South Korea. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 43(4), 420-429.

Thiel, C., Perujo, A., & Mercier, A. (2010). Cost and CO2 aspects of future vehicle options in Europe under new energy policy scenarios. Energy policy, 38(11), 7142-7151.

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