Developing Your Team: Key to a Manager's Success - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-25
Developing Your Team: Key to a Manager's Success - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Communication Leadership management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1072 words
9 min read

A manager's success depends on teamwork rather than individual best practices, and the success of the team equals the success of the manager (Rickard, 2019). Managers' ability to inspire and develop the subordinates is critical to the future since the higher someone climbs the leadership ladder, the more they depend on others to achieve the crucial objective as goals. Developing your team is an essential part of a manager. Therefore, it is vital to know your team, identify needed training, and work closely with the HR to ensure timely right training. The team has to be goal focused on unique expertise and complementary skills to cooperate, invent, and produce excellent results consistently (Rampton, 2020). The essay depicts the critical elements needed when assembling the working team.

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A diverse team is often more innovative and creative as it brings together individuals from different walks of life (Ross, 2019). The employees come from various backgrounds and experiences, which will allow a combination of unique ideas in improving organizational effectiveness and productivity. As a manager, the diverse team will enable top talent maintenance, strengthen brand image, and boost company profits. Research suggests that companies with both males and females on boards outperform companies with only males (Rampton, 2020). Similarly, a multicultural team is beneficial to a company, but only when it collaborates and works harmoniously together.

As a new manager, I would employ several tactics to create a diverse team of employees with different strengths. They include customizing my vision and strategy, focusing on the recruitment and selection process, and prompting ongoing discussion. I would implement a diverse vision, definition, and rationale to make all cultures and religions comfortable in my team. The message of diversity from the top will encourage diversity of the workforce and collaboration.

I would focus on the recruiting and selection processes to ensure there are unbiased interviewing and selection and encourage the application of employees with diverse talents. It can be possible by expanding advertising and recruiting sources and attracting a broader range of applicants for diversity, culture, and skills (Rampton, 2020). When developing a diverse team, it is important to regularly engage in open and honest multidirectional work to develop a shared understanding that diversity requires hard work and commitment from each staff.

A team with positive dynamics trusts one another, have a common goal, and depend on each other to succeed. Low dynamics in a group make it difficult to arrive at joint decisions or make wrong choices due to different work behaviors. As a manager, I should know my team to preempt problems that are likely to arise to formulate solutions that would encourage positive dynamics and employee behaviors. To control employee behavior, I would tackle problems in time before the team's functions are interrupted. When an employee adopts unhelpful to the group, I will encourage personal reflection and change of behavior.

Defining roles and responsivities is a suitable approach to improve team dynamics and behavior due to clarity (Rampton, 2020). I would issue the team with a charter that specifies the mission and objectives and regularly reminds the group to stay focused. I would also encourage team building for the employees to emphasize open communication in the team. The communication channel should be clear to avoid ambiguity, which negatively influences employee dynamics and behavior. As a manager, I would pay attention to decisions made to detect groupthink, bullying, or free riding. Proper decision making requires open discussions without discriminations, which I would encourage among my team members.

Managers have various management techniques to implement throughout their careers, and handling of circumstances will depend on the style adopted (Rickard, 2019). For instance, a manager can approach conflict resolution in many ways. A manager can decide that will quell the conflict without including the conflicting partners, or a manager can be a mediator and help the two employees reach a solution. Each approach is dependent on the management techniques appropriate for work efficiency. Management style informs the process of making decisions, planning, organizing work, and the exercise of authority.

Democratic and Laissez-faire would be my management techniques to ensure my team aligns with the company mission. The democratic management technique includes the employees' involvement in the decisions that shape the organization's future (Wakeman & Langham, 2018). I would incorporate employee ideas and contributions to feel like owners of the company's mission and goals. They will thus be determined and work hard to achieve the company goals, which will be a success to each team member. I would show trust in my team by taking their opinions before deciding to increase employee motivation and productivity.

The second management technique is Laissez-faire, whereby my management will have little interference with the staff's works. I would delegate some tasks to the team and to solve the problems and make decisions. It will enable the employee to stay informed of the company goals and assume the responsibility to achieve the set objectives. I would act like a mentor and always remind the team company goals as they flourish their creativity. A good manager is the one who can adjust management techniques to suit the needs of the staff (Rickard, 2019). Despite task delegation, I would be available to help where necessary and inform the workforce what needs to be done and when to achieve company goals.

Developing a working team would require a critical analysis of the members to be diverse and possess different strengths to have high performance (Wakeman & Langham, 2018). For team success, having shared goals, shared leadership, open communication, clear roles, early problem solving, and trust is essential (Rampton, 2020). Managers should be able to select the best management style to deal with various situations throughout their career life for smooth operations and achievement of company goals. The accomplishments of the teams form the basis to weigh the performance of the manager.


Rampton, J. (2020). Why You Need Diversity on Your Team, and 8 Ways to Build It. Entrepreneur. Retrieved 31 August 2020, from

Rickard, R. (2019, April). Team development. In BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2019 (pp. 301-301). BSAVA Library.

Ross, J. (2019). Welcome to the Jungle–Developing a Strong Team.

Wakeman, D., & Langham Jr, M. R. (2018, April). Creating a safer operating room: Groups, team dynamics and crew resource management principles. In Seminars in pediatric surgery (Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 107-113). WB Saunders.

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Developing Your Team: Key to a Manager's Success - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 25). Retrieved from

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