HRM Essay Example: Develop a Supporting Human Resource Plan

Published: 2022-10-04
HRM Essay Example: Develop a Supporting Human Resource Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 839 words
7 min read

For an HR to succeed there is always a great need to a good strategy plan with will lead to success of the company. Putting more emphasis on a human resource management is important for the success of a company or any organization. For an organization to start or expands its region to the sub-Sahara African it would require a good plan that will a there to the tough conditions. When an organization moves to another country its always a big step as a human resource manager you have to be sure and concerned that the organization success depends on you.

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One of the best sustainable plans that a HR should come up with as a strategy to expand to the sub-Saharan Africa, is to open up branch of offices in areas with high probability for the company to expand its product and also give all the sub Saharan Africa a good opportunity with the product. Any organization that has to open branches in sub-Sahara Africa should always consider having a good working strategy. To create a good strategy its important to know that location is one of the primary strategies. Example if you decide to start a company in a country like Kenya, how can you develop a human resource strategy that can result to be a success when the organization gets there? What skill would be need to develop a good strategy?

Strategic Human Resource Planning is a key component of HR management, strategically linking HR directly with your organization's strategic plan. Integrates HR strategy and systems to accomplish mission, mission, strategy, and overall corporate success while addressing the needs all of the employees and other market stakeholders through the strategic human resource planning, the smallest enterprise size organization. Central has a strategic plan to make their mission successful in Sub-Saharan Africa. My chosen country is Kenya. the Champions This organization can help bring revenue to Kenya where they can. Migration includes financial and psychological costs. The number of migrant workers in this country is 50. Many employees will not be able to move until they know what the organization will do in Kenya. If your organization is doing well and doing business well, you can hire more staff to expand your organization.

Establishment of commissary is all the organization needs. When it comes to employee preferences and need, commissary helps a lot. Therefore, the provision of such services in a particular place will serve a lot of intervention. This would make sure they do not suffer looking and seeking for the substantial amount of milk since they will there to give help in provision. Commissary serves an important role when it comes banking services. The urgency of treatment is provided in the commissary, hence people will likely to visit there, despite the fact that Ethiopia has many hospital and care centers that any kind of employee can attend to. there is no point in time you would find commissary crowded comparing with the normal services.

An organization prepares parties and individual involved for what could go wrong in the process. It's wise to expect anything wrong to happen but have the plan on countering the problem. The setting of assignment length should be organization responsibility allocating a year for individuals with families. it's a common occurrence for people to leave their families at home when searching for greener pasture out of their country in hope to raise their standard of living. Some people family dictates their lives hence they find it hard to leave them behind, but when it involves work and career they remain with no choice. People with families had to go back to their families and take something back. Therefore, it gives them time with their families.

Any family in Ethiopia, their children will be able to attend school. Normally, they school between September to July. The government offers free education at the primary level that covers for eight years of study in the curriculum. Many households in Ethiopia are built of mud as well as mortar. The roof of these households is usually thatched, it is estimated to 85% of all households in Ethiopia. As such, employees will choose to live in these houses or their own choice. The major challenges and concerns to Ethiopia government is an overcrowded settlement and shortage of housing.

Any organization would dream of making their employees comfortable and provide good accommodation for their order to achieve such goal, an organization should have substantial space of compound to provide stable accommodation for their employee. Their focus should avoid their employees to settle and live in overcrowded huts. Therefore, it is a wise decision to pull out a reasonable budget to build apartments for their employees to live comfortably. The organization should aim to provide a good living condition to their employees especially when the company relocates.


By collaborating with other organizations, you may have better success at dealing with a shortage of certain skills. (n.d.). HR Planning. Retrieved October 10, 2016, from

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HRM Essay Example: Develop a Supporting Human Resource Plan. (2022, Oct 04). Retrieved from

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