Density of Trash - Paper Example

Published: 2024-01-11
Density of Trash - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social issue
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 399 words
4 min read


The density of the different households varied by day of the week and time of the day but overall, the kitchen trash can had a lot of items, this in part as this is a communal garbage can and everyone in the household uses it as well as garbage only goes once every two weeks now vs. every one week for recycling. The recycling varied between the most and the middle; we had many amazon packages coming in sometimes as my dad had to order many pandemic supplies for his office; thus, we had lots of recycling. The bathroom had the least amount as it was just me who was using it.

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Trash Materials

Trash materials did vary at different times and places. Kitchen trash started to decrease in pandemic wear, which moved to different bins and compost would vary at the different time such as at night it would be the most near the end of the weekend such as Monday night had the moist compost. Single-use plastics for the kitchen and recycling were the greatest mid-day on weekends, but it was the greatest during the evening on a Monday for the washroom. The packaging was also the greatest midday on the weekend packaging and started to distribute from recycling bins to the garbage bins. Personal items were near even the whole way thru for different recording times, but personal items started to distribute to different household bins. Overall, Midweek in the morning had the least amount of waste.


The different categories had different peak times; for example, compost would increase to the most. On Mondays evenings, we would have all the food waste from the weekend, and most everyone would be eating at home these days. Personal items were mostly found in the bathroom and recycling as a lot of these would be either recyclable or toiletries, so everyone was contributing to this. Single-use plastics would be the greatest Saturday as most people would be home, and a lot more snacks would be eaten this day as week as the kitchen trash would be taken out later that day. Pandemic items started to increase as new restrictions such as mask mandates became greater. Packaging peaked in October as my dad had ordered plenty of items for his office due to a new need as many of his pandemic items were running low from May.

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Density of Trash - Paper Example. (2024, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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