Confronting Authority: Mass Activism, Media Mobilization, and the Price of Protest - Free Paper

Published: 2023-12-23
Confronting Authority: Mass Activism, Media Mobilization, and the Price of Protest - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Government Media Police
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 502 words
5 min read

In this chapter, the author argues that the citizens' experiences whenever there is a demonstration against the government are sometimes harsh, leading to protests. The experiences, images, and sound judgment that arose when the activists conflicted with the state authorities in Greece during the large-scale direct action made them (activists) confront and protest against the state. In response, the state discloses its tyrannical side by sending a police force that is armed and protected by gears to try to put them in line or set them back (Razsa &Velez, 2010 pg103). In the process, so many incidences occurred worldwide that led to injuries and deaths because the police officers deployed were using excessive force and harsh strategies towards the protesters. In Genoa, within seventy-two hours, a twenty-three-year-old Carlo was shot dead in the head, and not less than five hundred more people were hospitalized, a full-scale assault on the public gatherings.

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The oppressed citizens by the government tend to employ mass action to seek change and justice. The author tries to bring out the use of mass action to protest for a change. There was a mobilization of several activists and movements for the Thessaloniki demonstration. Some activists even showed interest in participating in the rally (Razsa & Velez, 2010 pg. 104). Several political gatherings and summits were held to mobilize activists and protestors for the Thessaloniki demonstration. Activists successfully disrupt the 1999 WTO (World Trade Organization) meetings in Seattle and the 2000 IMF (International Monetary Fund) and World Bank summits in Prague.

The author tries to bring out the effect of media in a state in conflict with its citizens. The activist was able to convey and receive messages appropriately. CNN captured some of their demonstrations. As the saying goes, "media never forgets" the activists could revisit and view some of the citizens' past images and the state authorities in conflict. The disturbing images of brutality stuck in their mind accruing to their mobilization of the Thessaloniki demonstration. As the gathering at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece was ongoing, the author and colleague were on the rooftop to record the scenes from higher grounds (Razsa & Velez, 2010 pg. 106). The police also had their helicopter flying around the roofs of the university for the same. Media was also used to mobilize activists who were at far distances within the state. Activists destroyed the cameras, which could be used for surveillance by the government.


Lastly, the author tries to argue that there is always a price to pay while directly confronting the authorities. The effects of demonstrations on the country and its people were detrimental (Razsa &Velez, 2010 pg137). Some activists were arrested, and many people suffered injuries due to mass actions and mobilizations. The shooting left some dead. There was also an economic surge in the country. In summary, the authors try to show how the people used physical confrontation during the protest and the effects of the protests.


Razsa, M., & Velez, P. (2010). Bastards of utopia. Documentary Educational Resource.

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Confronting Authority: Mass Activism, Media Mobilization, and the Price of Protest - Free Paper. (2023, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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