Essay Example. Computer Science Senior Project

Published: 2023-03-03
Essay Example. Computer Science Senior Project
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  University Learning Computer science
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 455 words
4 min read

The Senior Project for Computer Science students at the Cal State University of Long Beach is meant to prepare students for the workforce. Right now, the senior project class, CECS 491A, and 491B are self-directed, with each student occupied in group projects with technologies that they are interested in learning. Techniques that students choose are JavaScript, desktops games written in C#, Android mobile application, web applications, and unity, thus helping the students to build a project which interests them for the specific field of Computer Science that they wish to work in.

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CS Department needs two uninterrupted semester courses for the senior project. The reason for these two courses is to get students ready to work in the actual industry after graduating. There are different types of technologies related to planning, testing, developing, and organizing software applications. Each professor has their particular lectures for the courses which are different from other professor's lectures.

I have noted that there is a changing level of skill among Computer Science students. The software industry follows the best practice; therefore, the university must exploit all its resources to ensure that the curriculum is preparing students and improving their competence. The group and I propose that the two-semester Senior Project class consist of a group project as well as completion of the selected LinkedIn learning courses. Also, our group aims to modify the Computer Science curriculum to extend students' skills so that they are better preparing for the industry.

Work completed

Our group surveyed to show the problem that Computer Science seniors are facing as, according to the results, 55.6% of students do not feel self-assured that they will land a software creator job within three months after graduation. Students also revealed that 50% are confident that the Cal State Long Beach Senior Project does not prepare them for their career as software developers. The survey also shows that 90% of Computer Science seniors have not been able to land their dream job or even an internship.

Work to be completed

Computer science students must seek substitute resources such as documentation, video tutorials, or online courses to become developers that companies are trying to hire. Cal State Long Beach has the opportunity to modify their curriculum. Need the chair, and the professor of the CS section to decide on the set of lectures, including the necessary technologies students must know and which LinkedIn learning courses should fit the necessity.


Students learning about this software obtained knowledge about the general Linux familiarity, Git Version control, developing, and delivering software with Docker. The experience also helped the students to use the cloud and determine the Microsoft Azure. Through this research, the students could learn and obtain knowledge which can be utilized in the future.

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Essay Example. Computer Science Senior Project. (2023, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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