Compare and Contrast Essay on Roles of Divine Beings in Bhagavad Gita, Aeneid, and Inferno

Published: 2023-06-13
Compare and Contrast Essay on Roles of Divine Beings in Bhagavad Gita, Aeneid, and Inferno
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1601 words
14 min read


I was comparing and contrasting different texts on how the role of divine beings (God or the gods) differs the texts: Bhagavad Gita, Aeneid, and Inferno.

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As it is demonstrated in various texts, the role of divine beings has been diversely addressed in different articulated contexts (Night et al.).While some of these articles are similar, others are having different concepts roles of celestial beings. The texts that address divine beings include Bhagavad Gita, which is translated by Laurie L. Patton, the Aeneid Virgil in translation by Robert Fagles and Inferno that is altered by Dante (Night et al.).


In comparing all the texts on the roles of divine being, it is evidential that the familiar purpose of divine being is to make every human being to have a vivid attention on him, to seek him more continuously and to struggle to have his attention in human being`s life (Russel). For instance, Commencing with the context of Bhagavad-Gita, the character known as Lord Krishna seem to argue with Arjuana about divine being in connection to divine being (Night et al.). After several moment of discussion, they all come in to conclusion that all human beings have divine being inside them as their guardian angel and thus they are all controlled and protected by the divine being throughout their entire life. Similarly, different authors in the context of Inferno and Aeneid Virgil seem to have the same information concerning divine beings (Night et al.).The authors in these articles have also found out that human being is found of troubles and struggles throughout the entire life. However, the struggles are said to be a plan of God who does that inform of a divine being in a good plan so that the mankind can turn away from their evil ways and seek God to save them from their strive. (Night et al). Additionally, Vigil and Inferno, have the same understanding that there should be no pain in human beings` life since suffering is real to mankind where it is in the God`s plan. Therefore, human being should preserver all the pain and suffering for they will have to overcome as long as they shall keep their hope and determination to God (Night et al). Moreover, all the texts on divine being informs the reader that seeking God is the paramount obligation given to mankind so as to overcome their sinful nature which leads to suffering as a form of punishment from God.

Unequivocally, in all of these texts, it is God`s mandate to provide human being with a helper, who in this case is a divine being in form of a spirit (Russel). It is by this soul helper, where mankind is provided with eternal life by the assurance of life even after death in heaven. However, the assurance of eternal life is said to be given to those who believe through Jesus Christ which in this case is the divine being, as a way of salvation. Apparently, Aeneid text on the truth about divine being, wherein he addresses about mankind`s deeds as his own way of self-judgment after death where he connects good deeds as a gate pass to entering heaven (Russel)

Moreover, in all the texts on divine being, there is a same information that characters were brought into hell in God`s intention of Justice to their sins. Evidentially, it is evidential in the infernos and in Virgil where the sin of character Dante while on earth, leads him to hell where Aeneid Virgil is said to have found them in Rome after being beaten from Troy. Thus, from these texts, it is agreed that all these books were critical in teaching about God`s role in sacrificing divine being as a spiritual guide to human being ((Russel)

Explicitly, the role of a divine being in guiding mankind into his kingdom after death is clearly put across in all of these texts. Consequently, the characters that maintain their strong relationship with divine being under earth are said to find themselves out of conflict and trouble (Russel).Additionally they eventually succeed on their way to paradise where in this case it is heaven as it is articulated by Virgil and Infernos

Furthermore, the role of the divine being in judging between the right and the evil is addressed in a similar way in all the contexts. Relatively, it is the role of a divine being to help us distinguish between bad and good. In Inferno`s context for instance, Dante explains that God`s punishment depends on the classification of sin before judging a person (Bryson).The context in Virgil and Infernos elaborates that it is essential for a mankind to strictly follow doctrinal Christian values in order to escape God`s judgment since there is no great sin than the other.

Apparently, the role of the divine being is also said to be of enlightening people on compassion and loving one another as a command from God who is said to be full of love and compassion to his people (Bryson). In support of this, it is evidential from the excerpt in Virgil where Aeneas was evacuated from his difficulties, granted him the city remains and finally gave him a gate pass to heaven. Additionally, this is also attributed in other books on divinity where God is said to have saved those who adhere to him even in their exact times of need. Thus, this concept from these books informs the reader that God loves the righteous and He cannot hide from them even at the time of their difficulties (Bryson).

Another similar comparison clearly shown in all contexts is the role of a divine being to punish all those who do evil and sin after they pass on (Russel). Dante's divine comedy represents the most influential description of life after death. Dante, in his book The Inferno, prospects the hell, place where sinners reside after they pass on. He heavily derived this account from Vigil's book, The Aeneid, delineates Aeneas's expedition to the underworld.

Another similar comparison clearly shown in all contexts is the role of a divine being to punish all those who do evil and sin after they pass on. Dante's divine comedy represents the most influential description of life after death (Bryson). Dante, in his book The Inferno, prospects the hell, place where sinners reside after they pass on. He heavily derived this account from Vigil's book, The Aeneid, delineates Aeneas's expedition to the underworld account the tremendous advancement that society has undergone during the interim. Their underworld differences portray society's fundamental differences in beliefs concerning life after death (Bryson).


It is quite clear that the contexts in all the divinity books differ in several instances. Vibrantly, Virgil has presented his believe on hell based on the argument that the sins that are committed during lifetime are also punished during the lifetime (Nicolae). Arguably Virgil`s author insists on the fact that all people have to be punished of their sins since no one is perfect. However, in other stories, such as Infernos, author Dante argues totally different on ideas concerning life after death where he explains his believes that hell was made for the sinners and heaven for the righteous (Nicolae). Inherently, Dante elaborates clearly that all sins committed by a person can be cleansed and be allowed into heaven as long as the person would repent for forgiveness while he is still alive (Nicolae).

Perhaps, in the Vigil's story, there is an opinion that nobody was perfect in entire life; that is, nobody can live without sin (Nicolae). However, all souls that penetrated underworld had to pay for it. Additionally, it is articulate in the Virgil`s book that the deceased people that have been in hell for a thousand years will resurrect back where their memories will be refreshed and finally allowed into heaven. Nevertheless, Virgil book`s ideology on resurrection is contrary to the Infernos where deceased people are said to be separated with the living people till the judgment day (Nicolae).

Debatably, author Dante in Infernos book claims that the evil people and righteous are separated by God where souls are grouped in accordance to their actions while in the land of the living (Bryson).Consequently, the righteous souls are put under heaven whilst the sinful souls are put in hell to wait for the most highs appraisal. Contrary to Dante, Virgil`s idea of separating the deceased does not seem to be clearly assimilated. The identification of evil and righteous is different where the author to Virgil shares the ideology that all the dead are put together before the day of God`s Judgment (Russel).


In conclusion, the common role of divine being is to teach us how to struggle with the hard situation in our lives. The common theme in all stories seems to be edifying righteous from ungodly hands; however, the kind of variety in their description of the afterlife. They give the same theme of trials struggles by the main characters. In all of them, the divine being shows them how to persevere and give them salvation as the only way to follow. However, there are some identified differences under the divinity books, where authors' ideologies on life and divine being convey information that is contrary to the other.

Works Cited

Russell, James R. "Odysseus and a Phoenician tale." (2018).

Night, Stormy, et al. "Inferno Essays (Examples)."

Bryson, Michael. The Humanist (re) turn: Reclaiming the Self in Literature. Routledge, 2019.Sfetcu, Nicolae. Death: Cultural, philosophical and religious aspects. Nicolae Sfetcu, 2016.

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Compare and Contrast Essay on Roles of Divine Beings in Bhagavad Gita, Aeneid, and Inferno. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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