Clinical and Counseling Psychology - Free Paper Example

Published: 2024-01-08
Clinical and Counseling Psychology - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Career Counseling
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1274 words
11 min read


In America, clinical and counseling psychologies are referred to as distinct specialties. The two specialties have different origins (Scheel, et al., 2018). The similarities and differences between their workplaces were examined during the early, mid, and late-career phases (Keefe-Cooperman & Brady-Amoon, 2017). However, in a workplace setting, clinical and counseling psychology manifest more remarkable similarities. The article explores the existing differences and similarities between clinical and counseling psychology in their workplace settings. In regards, the report observes proper psychology professionalism by providing precise and correct explanations regarding the similarities and differences between the distinct specialties.

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Theoretical Perspective on which the Study is based

The study is based on an efficient theoretical perspective. It gives a clear account that the distinct specialties have different historical origins. However, over time, the two converge and develop strong similarities in their workplace settings (McLaughlin & Boettcher, 2009). Clinical psychology emanates from the mental health movement that influences psychology dysfunction and rehabilitation. On the other hand, counseling psychology originates from a vocational guidance movement that affects the relationship between the production of an individual to his/her immediate working environment.

The theoretical models utilized in analyzing the distinctions between clinical and counseling psychology training programs include training models by (Korman (1974); Norcross, Kohout, & Wicherski, (2005) and theoretical commitments by Norcross & Prochaska, (1982); Ogunfowora & Drapeau, (2008). Other preferred theories in clinical programs include behavioral and psychodynamic approaches. Clinical psychology has also applied the scholar-practitioner model. However, according to the source, the most preferred current model in clinical psychology is the Psy. degree.

Hypotheses Presented in the Study

The research work has a precise hypothesis that clinical and counseling psychology have significant differences in workplace settings. The study gives the reader a clear understanding of the distinct specialties. Historically, both clinical and counseling psychology was placed under the scientist-practitioner model (Morgan & Cohen, 2010). According to Neimeyer, in his training programs, there are qualitative differences between clinical and counseling psychology (Neimeyer et al., 2011). For example, he asserts that learners in counseling programs reported higher socio-emotional mentoring but lower productivity in the area of research work.

Sample(s) Presented in the Study

The research employed an Internet survey method to collect, sample, and select the participants. The willing participants were provided with email so that they could forward their memberships. A total of 5666 responded to the survey (Neimeyer et al., 2011). Among the respondents, women showed a higher turn-up than men. The survey incorporated questions concerning the distinct specialties and the current workplace setting.

Where the Study was Conducted

The research work was conducted in an organizational setting. Both the state and SPTAs played a significant role in the case study. The two bodies formed a strong organization whose aim was to conduct successful online responses from various participants. The selection of the participants was random across North America. The method for sampling and selecting participants was convenient for all people across North America (Neimeyer et al., 2011). People could forward their responses at ease regardless of their residential areas.

Ethical Concerns in the Study

The study suitably fulfills the ethical concerns that significantly maintain the moral standards as required in all societies. The research retains high levels of integrity (Neimeyer et al., 2011). Integrity is witnessed in the methods and procedures for selecting the participants. The selection of participants was fairly done. More so, the level of accountability was well achieved. The study accounts for every response from all the participants. Additionally, the study observed a high degree of confidentiality. The recording of participants' responses was neither manipulated nor biased. Most interesting, the whole research did not cause harm to any participant. In other words, respect for human rights was prioritized.

Results of the Study

The results revealed that there is a big difference between clinical and counseling psychology (Neimeyer et al., 2011). There was a backdrop of huge similarities between the workplace settings of the two specialists. However, at each career square, the profiles of the two specialists were quite similar. Clinical psychology manifested a greater decline than counseling psychology (Neimeyer et al., 2011). Across all stages of my career, the independent practice was a predominant workplace setting for the two specialists. From the analysis, the percentage of academic work settings remained consistent throughout the career phases (Neimeyer et al., 2011). However, counseling psychology recorded the highest rate in academic workplace settings. The results obtained were excellent and reliable. Therefore, the hypothesis of the case study was well supported.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Study

The study had both strengths and weaknesses. However, forces were more than the limitations. Among the study's strengths is that the entire process for sampling, selection, and collection of the required information was cost-effective (Neimeyer et al., 2011). The responses were forwarded through the internet. Therefore, the researchers' costs of travel were reduced. More so, the information obtained was reliable. Thus, the researchers were able to achieve the objective of the study suitably. Again, the entire research manifested a significant level of generalizability. As a result, the information obtained was useful for a broader group of people and in different situations. On the other hand, the limitation of the study is that not all responses were gathered. Mainly, the internet breakdown could have contributed to fewer responses than it was expected.

Possible Contemporary Applications of the Results

The results obtained from the article have quite significant contemporary applications to the current and future generations. For instance, the results provide students with enough information to understand the specialty one should pursue (Neimeyer et al., 2011). Particularly, the results acquaint learners who yearn to undergo training in professional psychology with enough information concerning psychology basics. More so, the results help students to gain a realistic sense of their workplace probabilities (Neimeyer et al., 2011). To a greater extent, the results provide enough information about the actual setting in which a graduate can secure employment. Additionally, the results will help scholars and researchers to develop more interest in expounding the concept for the specialty in international contexts.


The article explores the existing differences and similarities between clinical and counseling psychology in their workplace settings. The source has observed proper psychology professionalism by providing precise and correct explanations concerning the similarities and differences between the distinct is evident from the study that there are differences between clinical and counseling psychology in workplace settings. However, at some career phases, the two specialties manifest some similarities. It is important to plan for extensive research that will solve the issue of distinct specialty. The results obtained are significant in strengthening the field of psychology. For instance, the information acquaints graduates and students with enough knowledge to pursue psychology-related courses.


Keefe-Cooperman, K., & Brady-Amoon, P. (2017). Psychology, counseling psychology, and professional counseling: Shared roots, challenges, and opportunities. The European Journal of Counselling Psychology, 6(1), 41-62.

McLaughlin, J. E., & Boettcher, K. (2009). Counselor identity: Conformity or distinction? The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 48(2), 132-143.

Morgan, R. D., & Cohen, L. M. (2010). Clinical and counseling psychology: Can differences be gleaned from printed recruiting materials? Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 2(3), 156.

Neimeyer, G. J., Taylor, J. M., Wear, D. M., & Buyukgoze-Kavas, A. (2011). How special are the specialties? Workplace settings in counseling and clinical psychology in the United States. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 24(1), 43-53.

Scheel, M. J., Stabb, S. D., Cohn, T. J., Duan, C., & Sauer, E. M. (2018). Counseling psychology model training program. The Counseling Psychologist, 46(1), 6-49.

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