Free Essay Example on Climate Change As a Major Problem

Published: 2023-01-23
Free Essay Example on Climate Change As a Major Problem
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ecology Disaster Global warming Climate change
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 911 words
8 min read

The documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" is a composition of Al Galore's speeches regarding the impacts of climatic changes. Al Galore's speeches came at a time when political contests were heated, and this would cost him the 2000 presidential election because the subjects of his speeches triggered debates. To a larger extent, Al Galore intended to discuss the problems associated with the massive climatic changes because many individuals ignored such issues, and yet climatic changes affect them either directly or indirectly.

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Environmental Risk

Climatic changes are a risk to the environment owing to its effects. There are both short and long-term effects of climate change, and this includes catastrophes such as earthquakes and global warming (Romilly 474). Such effects from the core of Al Galore's concerns in the documentary. In one occasion, Al Galore cites the massive glaciation in the polar regions of the world alongside Mt. Kilimanjaro that is increasingly losing its snow cap. The loss of snow caps and glaciation may be natural. However, they pose other risks to the environment. For instance, the loss of the snows cape increases aquatic levels of the surrounding water bodies. The net effect of this is the displacement of the surrounding animals inhabiting such regions and the destruction of plants. In the process, the islands sink, and people are displaced. Businesses and human activity also contribute to these environmental risks through activities that lead to oil spillage on land and water (Romilly 475). On land, they facilitate suffocation of animals and soil burrowing organism and thus, leading to their death. The same happens in water bodies, and the net effect of this is the disruption of nature's equilibrium that results in weather-related risks. Al Galore mentions hurricanes and storms as typical examples of the weather-related risks associated with such environmental degradation (Romilly 475).


Al Galore's documentary cites the extinction of some plant and animal species. By estimation, one million species of living organisms will be rendered extinct with time, and much of this will be a function of global warming. To this end, global warming becomes the center of focus as it generates much of the effects of climatic changes. Ideally, global warming is an environmental issue because it disrupts the normal flora and fauna by interfering with their natural habitats (Woodward 470). Naturally, the environment is a composition of the plants and animals and their interactions in their natural habitats. This implies that the environment has to maintain its features enabling the existence of such plants and animals. For instance, the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels must remain in their right proportions to facilitate plant and human life. As such, an increase in either of the two means harms to the environment. Other environmental issues pertinent to this include pollution of the environment by business activities. For instance, oil spillage is a significant issue (Romilly 474). To this end, such pollution also amounts to the general environmental destruction.

Al Gore and on the Human Scale

Gore explores the effects of high temperatures on the weather pattern, and this forms an anecdote that covers the Arctic and the Antarctic regions of the earth. In this perspective, Gore showcases the glaciation processes that will eventually lead to the destruction of the ice covering such regions. Gore goes ahead by expounding on the human activities that heighten the problems and issues associated with the climatic changes. In the process, extreme weather patterns and behaviors arise, and this includes heat waves, desertification as well as storms. Human beings feel the effect of these phenomena through the loss of livelihood and economic components (Tanner and Horn-Phathanothai 1). For instance, desertification and heat waves lead to the destruction of plant and animal life. As a result, the food shortage is the most significant effect, and this affects both animals and human beings. Also, the arena in which human beings facilitate their economic and social activities is depleted, thus denying them the room to carry out their activities. Consider the increasing melting of ice blocks in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The aftermath of is the sinking of islands on which come individuals inhabit and conduct their businesses. The displacement of such persons disrupts their activities. Likewise, increasing desertification renders agricultural land useless. Also, the loss of nature's beauty is at the core of the problems associated with climatic changes. In this perspective, desertification and heat waves trigger the death of plants and animals. This point ties in with the extinction of certain types of plants and animals that cannot withstand such weather conditions (Woodward 470).


Climatic change is a significant precursor of some of the problems faced by human beings, and, interestingly, human beings are at the core of contributing to these changes. Desertification, environmental pollution, destruction of agricultural land as well as the extinction of certain plants and animals, contributing to nature's beauty, are excellent examples of the problems brought about by climatic changes. The effects and problems of climatic changes span around natural factors and further touch on human activities. However, the net effect narrows down to the problems above that, in turn, affect human beings in various ways.

Works Cited

Romilly, Peter. "Business and climate change risk: A regional time series analysis." Journal of International Business Studies 38.3 (2007): 474-480. Accessed from doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400266.

Tanner, Thomas, and Leo Horn-Phathanothai. Climate change and development. Routledge, 2014. Accessed from

Woodward, F. I. "Editorial: An Inconvenient Truth." The New Phytologist, vol. 174, no. 3, 2007, pp. 469-470. JSTOR, Accessed from

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