Child Neglect or Mistreatment - Essay Example

Published: 2022-08-26
Child Neglect or Mistreatment - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Creative writing
Categories:  Child abuse
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 698 words
6 min read

General Reaction

Children must receive good care and treatment for them to grow normally and develop all the human character and senses. Child neglect or mistreatment at early stages have adverse effects on the child. Such children resort to things that can give them company and try to identify with such things or creatures. The child environment determines largely the normalcy in the growth of the child. Small environmental changes lead to big effects which can totally change the manner in which the child behaves and the learning capacity (Christian, 2014). Child neglect is a crime that should be punished through stiff laws to ensure the safety of children and encourage positive care and treatment to all the children.

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Conflict between Research Goals and Child Treatment and Care

Based on the three research projects there is a conflict of interest between the child's need for positive treatment and care, and the goals of the research. Researchers' main aim is to study and understand various factors that hinder the normal growth of children in an effort to understand the life of a child and make changes in their growth. However, most research has exposed the children to developing different habits and character traits that are not human. The research cannot stop before getting the intended results thus causing harm to the children. Research on children should be a controlled and governed activity to ensure the protection and respect of the children rights by the researchers.

Harm from Researchers' Intentions

The researchers and scientists in the three experiments had good intentions in their effort to study child behavior. Unfortunately, their good intention resulted to harm in the involved children. Winthrop Kellogg's aim was to study behavior difference in the growth of his son and a young monkey. The result was delayed speech in the child and the child developing sounds like a monkey (Christian, 2014). Harry's research although not with a human led to the confusion and isolation of the small monkeys he used. The experiments on Genie also led to some conflict of interest with the researchers at times not minding of her care, which led to the isolation and protection by the state.

Consent for Experiments

The consent to conduct experiments on feral children should be given by the human rights advocates, the institutional review board or pediatricians (Devettere, 2010). These groups of individuals are responsible for the protection of children and they would only give consent in situations where they are sure of the safety of these children. They will give informed consent as they ensure that the children are treated positively and their rights are protected. Children authorities might fail to give informed consent to children experiments because they might fail to understand all children affairs.

Consent Prevention

In most situations, these children are usually abused and neglected by their parents or guardians. Therefore, the parents and guardians of these individuals cannot be allowed to give consent because they do not care about the children (Devettere, 2010). They could end up giving consent to anyone as a way of getting rid of such individuals. The psychologists cannot be relied on to give such consent because they have an interest in the child matters. They may end up giving the consent to allow them or their colleagues have the opportunity to conduct research and experiments on these children without considering their safety and rights.


Christian, G. (2014). Wild Child: The Story of Feral Children. Retrieved from:

Devettere, R. J. (2010). Practical decision making in health care ethics: cases and concepts. Washington: Georgetown University Press. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "" \l "v=onepage&q=who%20should%20give%20consent%20for%20experimentation%20on%20children&f=false"

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Child Neglect or Mistreatment - Essay Example. (2022, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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