Free Essay: Challenges Faced in Transferring of Knowledge and Training Programs in India

Published: 2019-06-24
Free Essay: Challenges Faced in Transferring of Knowledge and Training Programs in India
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Internship India
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 422 words
4 min read

The biggest problems in the transfer of knowledge to trainees in India include the language barrier, differences in organizational culture, as well as poor educational levels among the trainees (Sheng, Hartmann, Qimei, & Chen, 2015). The fact that most of the trainees have medium to minimal educational levels makes it difficult for an individual with a higher level of education to train these individuals (Sheng, Hartmann, Qimei, & Chen, 2015). This pushes the individuals performing the training to seek help while performing the training (Sheng, Hartmann, Qimei, & Chen, 2015).

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According to Sheng, Hartmann, Qimei, & Chen (2015), the Cross cultural training can be difficult due to poor communication between the trainer and the trainee. Sheng, Hartmann, Qimei, & Chen (2015) found that a difference in organizational culture results in the training process taking longer than it should as the trainer takes their time in understanding the trainees culture. Often, these two problems end up resulting in the training process taking longer than it should. Other times, the trainees do not receive the stated knowledge appropriately (Sheng, Hartmann, Qimei, & Chen, 2015).

How to Ensure Training Meets the Needs of Local Audience

Training is only effective if the audience receives it appropriately. This can only be achieved if the training meets the needs of the local audience (Zarzu, & Scarlat, 2015). To do this, the trainer needs to first research key issues about the audience (Zarzu, & Scarlat, 2015). Zarzu, & Scarlat (2015) argue that the trainer needs to be conversant with the trainees culture, as well as understand social norms with respect to the trainees culture. The trainer also needs to be conversant with the trainees every day needs (Zarzu, & Scarlat, 2015).

The most appropriate trainer is therefore an individual who is a local (Zarzu, & Scarlat, 2015); however, this individual must have the skills to understand the training process. Addressing these needs will ensure these needs ensure that the audience completely understands the information shared according to their own perception (Zarzu, & Scarlat, 2015); thus making the process effective.


Sheng, M. L., Hartmann, N. N., Qimei, C., & Chen, I. (2015). The Synergetic Effect of Multinational Corporation Management's Social Cognitive Capability on Tacit-Knowledge Management: Product Innovation Ability Insights from Asia. Journal Of International Marketing, 23(2), 94-110.

Zarzu, C., & Scarlat, C. (2015). Knowledge Management for Knowledge Development: Lessons Learnt While Implementing International Projects by Multicultural Teams. International Journal Of Management Cases,17(4), 221-231.


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