Because Tomorrow Depends on Today, Free Essay on Environmental Issues

Published: 2022-03-24
Because Tomorrow Depends on Today, Free Essay on Environmental Issues
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Human
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 898 words
8 min read

Human beings usually engage in actions that have far-reaching consequences, which can adversely affect their comfortable living as time advances. Fiona Harvey's article "Humans damaging the environment faster than it can recover" was published in the Guardian in 2016, and provides concise information regarding the position of the environment in the future. Harvey claims that radical action is a critical need if the world will sufficiently combat the soaring damage apparent in the land, water, and biodiversity among other elements. By and large, Harvey's argument is persuasive while emotionally showing the unpleasant side of the current human practices towards the environment. The primary focus is to exemplify the real problem and the need to respond in a way to avoid the regrettable consequences.

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When making an argument, one can use different approaches to make a claim and make a conclusion. One way is to follow the Aristotelian style where an article's author or any publication uses evidence, emotional appeals, and elements such as ethos and logic to confirm a position. Similarly, the application of Rogerian argument model is a case consideration among many people and factors negotiation where one evaluates how two or more opposing views can compromise and reach a common goal. With the fact that Harvey doesn't consider opposing views as well as rejecting any compromise, it is evident that the entire argument is purely Aristotelian.

Fiona Harvey's article primarily reflects the impacts of the current lifestyles that harm the earth. The central claim is that degradation as manifest today is quickly outpacing the planet's capacity to "absorb the damage." By and large, this example illustrates an emotional appeal since it connects the reader to what is taking place in the surrounding, the consequences, and the need to take action. Therefore, it comes out that everyone has a responsibility regarding the current and future damage; thus, unless people realize it and respond sufficiently, the world will continue being increasingly inhabitable.

According to Harvey, given the current statistics and through observation, "the rate of deterioration is increasing globally." Indeed, the primary cause of this worsening condition is "people's continued exploitation of natural resources without any significant replacement." Therefore, the usage outpaces the replenishment hence depletion. From this explanation, the use of logic is manifest in the sense that if what people use is more than what comes in to fill those gaps, there is no doubt that exhaustion will occur. More so, considering that every human being is reliant on the available resources and their number is soaring as well, there will be an increased need in the future and satiation will not be possible.

Harvey quotes from a UN study that water sources are one of the most hit areas. Reason being, it faces an escalating threat due to its overuse from the people and animals. Also, climate change, pollution of land and marine life, and high urban growth lead to its reduction as well. In this case, considering that most of the natural resources and particularly land are the ones that provide "replenishment of water sources," overusing them without reasonable replacement will "only worsen the current condition" that isn't in a pleasant state as well. Harvey's article also warns that if the current trend doesn't come to an end, there is no way the world will be able to overcome the consequences.

According to Harvey, three primary interventions can address the issue of usage outpacing recovery. Firstly, it is essential to enact solutions that primarily seek to "improve the current patterns of production and consumption." In such a case, there will be improved and alternative sources of the resources such as substituting energy sources. Secondly, people should make it an obligation to use the available resources sustainably. Thirdly, intensifying campaigns that sensitize the populace about their actions and impacts is also vital since a more informed world will understand the issue and act accordingly.

With these examples, Harvey succeeds to support her claim in that there aren't enough mechanisms in the present day to adequately prevent usage of natural resources to outpace the recovery. Evidently, they are not only carefully chosen but also factual, emotional, and relevant. The application of ethos is also an apparent consideration since she uses relevant examples that are reasonable to relate with and make a reflection. More so the illustrations are highly persuasive and cause the reader to have a vivid picture of where the world's future direction. Thus, the information is not only enlightening about the phenomenon but also showcase the author's ability to incorporate excellent writing skills while using the Aristotelian approach.

The only shortcoming in the article is the generalization that the world is promoting the damage through the same actions. Thus, every place will face the consequences at the same time, and the adverse impacts will be universal. Even if the trend is visible, there is no way it can or will be standard. More so, there are some areas with improved efforts regarding environmental conservation, and there is a high probability of the impacts being less impacting as time progresses. Nonetheless, and in summation, Fiona Harvey successfully uses the Aristotelian approach to deliver her point home; humans are damaging the environment in a way that outpaces the available recovery strategies.

Works Cited

Harvey, Fiona. Humans damaging the environment faster than it can recover, UN finds. The Guardian, 19 May 2016.

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Because Tomorrow Depends on Today, Free Essay on Environmental Issues. (2022, Mar 24). Retrieved from

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