Attention-Getter/hook. Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-14
Attention-Getter/hook. Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Public health Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 571 words
5 min read

If you treat COVID-19 normally, the disease will treat you abnormally, therefore, do not touch your face, socialize or walk without a mask because those are the new normal

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COVID-19 is among the worst epidemics the world has ever faced since the Spanish Flu: 1918-1920. The COVID-19 pandemic has decimated over 349,095 people with over 5,488,825 confirmed cases worldwide. COVID-19 has significantly changed everything in all spheres of life. it has led to political, economic, social, technological, and legal changes. The most affected are the sociopolitical changes across the world as businesses have closed, borders closed, flights canceled, and movements stopped. It has not only affected cross-border trade and movement but also movement within countries as the specific nations introduced curfews, and containment measures to prevent the spread of the virus to other areas. By examining the impact of COVID-19 on the socioeconomic aspect of life, the essay seeks to persuade the audience to observe the imposed minimum measures for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.


Updates and Changes Affecting Work Sites.

Being introduced measures to protect Employees, Communities, Suppliers, and customers

All employee must adhere to from the minimum measures such as sanitization, and the use of personal protective equipment

The employees are educated on how to work safely during the Corina virus pandemic and observe the state, municipal and federal regulations

The company has suspended all operation in some work sites such as California

The company has closed to all but mission-critical operations in Huntsville, Alabama

Some employees cannot work remotely such as from home using its ultrawide network

The WHO COVID-19 health and safety measures

The detailed the minimum measures for handling the COVID-19 including observing social distance and sanitizing hands, avoiding shaking of hands or touching faces.

The WHO stated that people must wear masks to cover the nose and mouth whenever one is out of the house.

There are also emergency use ICD codes for COVID-19 and receded that the movement should be alerted in case of suspected COVID-19 case

Living in close quarters & stress and coping

CDC has introduced measures and guidance for living in the COVID-19 eras.

The CDC has recommended that people should observe sanitization measures such as cleaning and disinfect surfaces and hands whenever they come back home.

Families must cope with the stress of long indoor stays, especially children who are forced to stay within the confined of the home or compounds and prevent interacting with people

CDC has advised the people not to stigmatize the COVID-19 people and prevent social panic through rumors

The CDC also introduced minimum measures for those traveling and how to handle funeral by using technology during the grieving and observing social distance


Everyone is expected to observe health and safety measures such as social distancing, putting on Masks, and other personal protective pieces of equipment, and sanitization.

The people have been instructed to stay at home and if possible, work from home

Companies have been urged to develop their remote work policies and only operate the worksites charged with mission-critical activities.


Boeing. (2020). Boeing: Information for Boeing Employees and Retirees about COVID-19. Retrieved 27 May 2020, from (2020). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-Daily Life and Coping. Retrieved 27 May 2020, from

WHO. (2020). United States of America-Information note on COVID -19 and NCDs. Retrieved 27 May 2020, from (2020). WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard. Retrieved 27 May 2020, from

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Attention-Getter/hook. Free Essay Example. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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