Atlas International Business Case: Globalization and Economic Indicators for the Scrap Metal Recycling Industry

Published: 2023-05-14
Atlas International Business Case: Globalization and Economic Indicators for the Scrap Metal Recycling Industry
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Globalization Business strategy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 821 words
7 min read

Atlas Scrap Metal is an international business located in Richmond, California (Maloney, Grimm, and Anctil, 2020). Alex narrates how the scrap metal business may not look attractive and desirable to some people, but the fact is that she was very proud of this particular business. The Metal Recycling industry does not only focuses on just business but also on how to ensure that resources on earth are well sustained. The company sells and recovers metal from various pieces of materials like motors. Atlas gets to acquire another product through the process of reclaiming steel. The mixed non-ferrous materials consist of non-ferrous metals and waste. Hence, the non-ferrous can be sold for further processing by the recyclers to reclaim aluminum, zinc, and copper.

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Alex is left speechless, seeing a lot of full containers packed with non-ferrous materials to be delivered to Chinese buyers for processing through a ship coming from China. Alex's father recommends the metal prices lately, but he states that this is not always the case since metals prices can be volatile because they are commodities too. There are rapid growth and expansion in China and some developing countries, making the scrap yards benefit more from higher prices (Maloney, Grimm, and Anctil, 2020). Import restrictions and new tariffs imposed in China on recyclable materials result in an adverse result on scrap metal exports from the United States, and Alex's father wonders how it will be for future customers. Alex started recalling all that she had learned previously based on global waste and sustainability, together with the knowledge she had acquired from her family's scrap metal industry while she was growing up.

On sustainability and waste, the economy of the existing globe trails a linear model that is based on taking, made, and disposes of. Sustainability creates a balance among people and the environment to cater for future needs. Waste disposal should be reduced to prevent environmental pollution. Waste should be recycled and reuse waste items, among others. Wastes have value when valuable products of waste can be reused and recovered from being sold around the world. Metals are highly recycled, earning global industries high profits (Maloney, Grimm, and Anctil, 2020). Initially, the demand and supply of recyclable waste only operated locally, but nowadays, scrap metals are shipped all over the whole world. Recycled metals tend to contribute to developing and reducing mined metals demand. A variety of factors and global conditions can control the flow of scrap metals in the world by either encouraging or discouraging the scrap metals producers. Another issue that is overlooked is the global market for scrap metals, where the United States regarded as the largest exporter and generator of scrap metal. One-third of the scrap metals in the US are exported to other nations, while half of it is for domestic use. These scrape metals are used in various manufacturing and construction industries, such as packaging, machinery, and automobiles, among others. Global economic forces mainly set metals commodity prices.

Alex resolves to collect records to help in a better understanding of scrap metal in the current global market hence can determine shifts within the next ten years. There several requirements for this particular case. Questions for the case study are prepared, which covers a description of the significant issues of the fact, risks and opportunities, global economic factors, and globalization facilitation of the scrap metals market. The case study questions are mainly set to help carry out the research easily and efficiently. Research is conducted adequately on international shipping costs operations to know the constant value that affects the global scrap metal industry. Analysis of trade balance between countries and the U.S is carried out to understand the trade deficit or surplus (Maloney, Grimm, and Anctil, 2020). Research on international wage differences across the world is carried out.

The case conducted on Atlas international business surveys the environment of international business concerning Atlas. This particular case study gives a general idea of global waste, recycling industry, and scrap metal to introduce complex political, cultural, economic, and geographic factors based Atlas Scrap Metal. According to this case, the students are expected to conduct research on shipping rates, exchange rates, scrape prices, global wages, and commodity metal prices (Maloney, Grimm, and Anctil, 2020). Students get to be introduced to global forces through researching data that influence the recycler's costs and revenues that are also reflected it Atlas managerial accounting case, which examines joints products such as scrap metal in the recycling industry on an international level. The Atlas international business case demonstrates several economic factors which are based on dynamic and change over a specified period. The case also addresses the specific need for the addition of various resources that are capable of exposing students to sustainability themes and international business issues.


Maloney, M. M., Grimm, S. D., & Anctil, R. (2020). Atlas international business case: Examining globalization and economic indicators for the scrap metal recycling industry. Journal of Accounting Education, 100661.

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Atlas International Business Case: Globalization and Economic Indicators for the Scrap Metal Recycling Industry. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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