Athletic Director's Profile, Career Essay Example

Published: 2022-03-04
Athletic Director's Profile, Career Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Job Profession
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 698 words
6 min read

My career choice has always been that of an Athletic Director. My decision comes about as a result of the duties associated with the position which include overseeing the programs, staff, teams, and facilities. My primary job will be designing new programs, planning, and events as well as developing the departmental annual report. Over the last 20 years, athletic director department has gained unmeasurable momentum due to their undying efforts of organizing and promoting sports for young kids at a minimal cost. The program offered by such departments are gradually increasing across all the scope of life. According to the British Colombia Recreation and Park association article, the recreation which majorly my work description promotes team building, cohesion and healthy living (Thibault, & Harvey, 2015). As part of my work, my goal is to improve emotional connection among participating members to enhance cohesion in the community.

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The Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that the employment rate of athletic director employees is expected to increase by approximately 10-15 percent in the next ten years (Abel et al.2014). This represents a faster growth and availability of opportunities in my career choice as compared to other careers. As an athletic director, some of the employment opportunities include sports camps, senior centers, summer camps as well as recreational camps. My position is also associated with responsibilities that encompass both management and leadership positions. As a manager, my central roles will involve planning events. My leadership position will include physical attendance of these activities to ensure that everything goes according to the plan. There are some of the instances that these two skills are required. Nevertheless, in this kind of career, both work hand in hand, and it is challenging to separate leadership and management in athletic director docket as illustrated by the go2HR article (Stewart, 2016).

In most cases, responsibilities of an athletic director vary from one time to another. However, among the top duties will include the application of unique marketing strategies in the sports field. Currently, the use of social media as the chief marketing avenue has gain popularity. Statistics have shown that almost 80% of sports fans frequently visit social press while following their favorite matches on a television (Hogan et al.2016). Furthermore, success will be more if social media and using influential people in the society will be fused together (Devlin, 2016). Additional, marketing can be achieved through the organization of community-level sports to involving the youths.

My primary work as an athletic director will be promoting the program using all means possible. For instance, spotting potential investors who can be interested in investing in sports talents. Also, my work is to look for business who can offer financial support to my teams especially if it is a high school setting. At an advanced level, for example in college, my work as an athletic director will be to spot and nurture new talents who will attract more spectators and followers. Moreover, as an athletic director, I will be handling the organization's finances to facilitate the programs.

Conclusively, I believe I possess all the required skills for this career choice. My passion for sports gives me the confidence to move on and cultivate my career to be the most prolific one. Towards my next step in my future career, there are some of the things that I will need to have in place. One of them will be overcoming my certainties and build confidence in myself. Such kind of actions will place me in a better position of shinning in the industry. Secondly, I will use my existing networking skills to build my career and connections that will take my career to the next level. With this kind of attitude, I believe I will achieve my career goals.


Abel, J., Deitz, R., & Su, Y. (2014). Are recent college graduates finding good jobs?

Devlin, M. B. (2016). SPORT AND ADVERTISING. Defining Sport Communication, 312.

Hogan, P. I., Santomier Jr, J., & Myers, B. (2016). Sport Education in the VUCA World. Journal of Physical Education, 3(1), 1-37.

Stewart, D. A. (2016). Human Capital Management-The Need for Succession Planning.

Thibault, L., & Harvey, J. (2015). Sport policy in Canada (p. 435). University of Ottawa Press/Les Presses de l'Universite d'Ottawa.

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