Aspects of Decision Making - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-10-18
Aspects of Decision Making - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Employment Ethics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 931 words
8 min read

Decision-making is an essential aspect of modern management and determines how an organization operates. Leaders are responsible for making sound decisions and choices that influence the firm's organization and managerial functions.

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According to Yip (2018), decision-making is the course of action that a leader chooses from the given alternatives to achieve the firm's objectives. In a healthcare facility, decision-making influences the services of the employees and the patients, thus, making it an integral factor in the facility's running.

Sound decision making in a health facility is critical as it involves choices that can be life-altering (Nibbelink & Brewer, 2018). Therefore, it is crucial to get these decisions right to reduce the chances of negatively affecting someone's health. The decision-making process on cases involving patients should include the patient's opinion to agree on the solution. Also, leaders in the health facility should make the right decisions on the facility's financial matters. They should ensure that the institution's financial status can sustain the continuous provision of quality health to the patients, and avoid misuse of capital, which will limit the organization's future capabilities to provide quality service.

Evidence-based decision making is the process of making choices based on the information provided by the research and results of related contexts (Poot, 2018). A healthcare facility applies evidence-based decision-making when healthcare workers and leaders face similar situations that they had previously encountered. It is vital as it helps health care workers and leaders make sound decisions relevant to past events.

According to Schwartz and Joseph (2017), data-driven decision making is the process of making organizational choices based on statistics rather than observation. Data-driven decision making ensures that choices are made based on figures rather than approximation, making the organization choose more informed options. The several types of data that are collected and used for decision making include figures on the number of outpatients and inpatients, the pharmacy, and the enrolment at the facility. A leader should use data when making decisions because the use of factual figures ensures that the leader knows the actual state of the organization, thus, make choices while knowing what is required. It also helps the leader to predict future trends when data over a period is studied.

Organizational guidelines help shape decision-making as it ensures that the leader makes choices that align with the facility's goals. In a healthcare organization, the leaders have to consider the impact of the decision they are making and ensure that it suits both the staff and the patients. Their decisions are not based on personal opinion or feelings but should be in line with the facility's objectives. The decisions made should be favorable to both the staff and the patients to create a pleasant working environment.

Ethics plays an integral part in the decision making of an organization as it ensures the choices made are fair and reasonable (Rasoal et al. 2017). Ethics does not give room for workers to be oppressed and will, therefore, certify that the choices that are agreed upon by the leaders suit the employees' ability to work. It guarantees that decision making is done without violating the rights of the employees, therefore focusing on formalism. The guidelines warrant that the beneficiary is the company rather than a single party or individual (Dane & Sonenshein, 2015).

A leader can promote ethical decision making by developing good conduct and ensuring that decent performance is a priority in the facility. They should be an example and act morally towards other employees and abide by the organization's guidelines. It will help ensure the staff follows the set rules as they emulate the institution's head. Training and educating the team on the importance of ethics is key to ensuring that the firm's decisions are ethics-driven. The leader should engage the staff to show them the importance of making ethical decisions that benefit the firm and provide a way for staff to report unethical choices in the organization against the enterprise's policies. The leader should gauge the impact of making ethical decisions to enable the firm to make better choices in the future and solve ethical conflicts, which arise during decision-making by referring to what the law states in such cases. The set rules will guide the handling of such cases. They can develop the facility's policy in a way that employees are accountable for their actions and ensure they are aware of their responsibilities. There should be employee training to ensure they can solve ethical dilemmas that they are likely to face in the facility.Decision making is key to the success of any organization as it influences how the firm operates. Therefore, it is critical that the facility's choices are in line with the goals and objectives of the firm to ensure its success.


Dane, E., & Sonenshein, S. (2015). On the role of Experience in Ethical Decision Making at Work: An Ethical Expertise Perspective. Organizational Psychology Review, 5(1), 74-96.

Poot, C. C., Van der Kleij, R. M., Brakema, E. A., Vermond, D., Williams, S., Cragg, L., ... & Chavannes, N. H. (2018). From Research to Evidence-informed Decision Making: a Systematic Approach. Journal of Public Health, 40(suppl_1), i3-i12.

Schwartz, J., & Joseph, R. (2017). Data-driven Decision Making: A Primer for Beginners. Northeastern University Blog, 14, 1.

Yip, P. (2018). Importance of Employee Relations-Why Employee Relations at Workplace?MSG: Management Study Guide.

Nibbelink, C. W., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Decisionmaking in Nursing Practice: An Integrative Literature Review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6), 917-928.

Rasoal, D., Skovdahl, K., Gifford, M., & Kihlgren, A. (2017). Clinical Ethics Support for Healthcare Personnel: an Integrative Literature Review. In Hec Forum (Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 313-346). Springer Netherlands.

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