Army Leadership Requirement Model - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Army Leadership Requirement Model - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Communication Army
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 483 words
5 min read


Effective communication is an essential tool for any group or organization. The success of passing information among members can be variance between sealing an agreement along with missing the potential opportunity (Pundir, 2017). One should manage to explain the rules of the organization to the members as well as answer the questions regarding the member’s progress. This paper discusses the importance of effective communication and how it is used in the Army, why the Army Leadership Requirement Model is essential and how it will be used, and obstacles of communication and how to overcome them.

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Fostering a Good Relationship

Effective communication is crucial to me because it helps in fostering a good relationship between the Army member, along with their leaders, and this improves morale and efficiency (Pundir, 2017). Many institutions, organizations, or groups may fail to perform their duties well due to a lack of effective communication. Listening skills allow people to understand what leaders or colleagues are saying. In this case, it helps in minimizing misunderstanding and misinterpretation among members. I will use effective communication to pass messages among members and solve disagreements when they arise.

Essential Contributor

The Army Leadership Requirement Model is crucial to me because it is an essential contributor to a person as well as unit enthusiasm and effectiveness. It identifies the main competencies as well as attributes appropriate to all kinds plus Army organization’s echelons (Army Study Guide, 2014). Besides, it conveys expectations plus establishes the abilities required of all leaders of the Army regardless of attire, grade, rank, or uniform. I will use the model to align the prospects with leader progress activities as well as personnel management systems and practices.


Various barriers are faced in communication, but there are also ways of overcoming them. One of the obstacles is the language barrier, where if the one passing the information uses big words, inappropriate language, or jargon language at the inopportune or incorrect time, this can lead to misinterpretation or loss of information (Pundir, 2017). Such a barrier can be overcome by simplifying things for others to understand the message well. An emotional barrier is another obstacle of communication, and it is caused by experience either disagreement at home or work. The emotional barrier can be overcome by removing feelings or emotions in a particular space and talk to people in the usual way.


Effective communication is vital to every organization or group of people. For productivity, effective communication should be exercised by both leaders and members of the group. It is essential to identify the barriers accompanied by effective communication or listening skills and solve them early.


Army Study Guide. (2014, November 20). Army Leadership Requirements Model ( Army Education Benefits Blog.

Pundir, R. (2017, May 24). 6 Barriers to Communication and How to Overcome Them.

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