Free Essay Example - Applied Public Relations

Published: 2023-03-03
Free Essay Example - Applied Public Relations
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Communication School Social responsibility Organizational culture Public relations
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1565 words
14 min read

The success of any institution depends on the efficiency of the communication between the stakeholders. Communication is vital for the success of every institution as it helps create harmony between the teachers, administration, and parents. The absence of efficient communication can lead to miscommunication and result in conflict that might negatively impact the efficiency of operations within the institution.

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Public relations is essential in public schools, mostly because the schools represent a significant portion of the public's tax bill. The citizens have a right to enquire how their taxes are being utilized and accounted for. An effective public relations professional can help relay that information to the relevant parties (Dozier et al., 2013). A public relations professional can also help shape and mold the public's perception of an institution. The overall experiences and opinions of the institution dramatically contribute to the communication between the institution administration and the surrounding community.

The increase in the usage of social media among people of all ages has created an untapped market for the institution to access prospective clients. The ban that existed prohibiting institutions from utilizing platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to relay their agenda has been lifted, and now they can access the avenues (Cornelissen, 2008). Public Relation is essential in helping the institution develop and maintain their social media handles. The message that should be relayed in the platforms should be appropriate and sensitive to the public.

The public is emotional and attached to public school as they are responsible for the well-being of the children who are considered a nation's greatest resource. The public relations department will be responsible for sharing information about the school and its ongoing programs that will help create a good rapport with the targeted audience.

The changes in time have necessitated the investment of institutions on online platforms and websites. Gone are the days where the school administration relayed information using memos and newsletters. Institutions can now create online advertisements about their institution and attach images to showcase the school structure and past events. In the past, institutions only sort the services of a public relations expert when they encountered a crisis. Institutions rectifying the bad publicity that might have been as a result of am incidence. This was a risk as an inefficient public relations manager could ruin the perception of the school (Curtis et al., 2010).

Embracing public relations ensures that the school builds and develops the desired image instead of delegating the responsibility to the public. Efficient public relations personnel can contribute to the efficiency and success of the superintendent. Communication has been highlighted as a challenge between the administration and various stakeholders. Public relations personnel can help facilitate frequent communications to ensure all the relevant people are informed on the ongoing programs in the institution.

Public communication and improved performance

Effective communication results in increased problem-solving. This efficiency is reflected in the enhanced teacher's attendance rate. Improved teacher's attendance ensures that the students are learning for the required hours without failure. Regular engagements during lessons will result in better understanding and enhanced performance among the students.

Efficient communication can also help guardians and parents become more involved in their children's participation and performance in school. The parents will be able to identify their children's weaknesses and encourage and support them. Community participation in a child's learning process helps increase their probability of succeeding and reaching their potentials (Melkers, 2006). An efficient public relations department can help mold the perception of the public about the institution. Performing institutions attract admiration from the community. People love to be associated with institutions making a positive impact in the community. The reputation of the institution will grow significantly and attract the best the community has to offer in terms of tutors and supporting staff. Public relations is directly associated with the performance of the students and the institution in general.

Public Relations and Marketing

Public relations helps an institution take charge of the perception they want the public to associate with the institution. It is risky to allow the public to form an opinion about the institution as they have limited access to the operations of the school. Public relations give the institution control over their image, positioning, and the message they are willing to share. Public relations can be a great marketing tool for an institution. It is believed that most of the time, the products that perform best in the market are not the best products but products that have been marketed best.

In school selection, parents often settle for low performing institutions as they do not have access to information that will enable them to make informed choices (Ehling et al., 1992 ). An institution can invest in improving the quality of education for the student and enhance their communication with the guardians of their students and still record-low admission rates. Public Relations is vital in helping market the institution by ensuring that the institution's online platforms are updated frequently, and relevant information and advertisement to help increase the public awareness about the institution are promoted efficiently. Public Relations can help increase the school enrolment and improve their income significantly. Public institutions are the safe keepers of the American dream, and they need to reach out to the public to allow them to earn their dream.

Public Relations and communication

High performing institutions and companies are characterized by the presence of frequent and transparent communication, interaction, and inclusive decision making. Institutions that involve their employees in the decision making process record increased gains of up to 40% compared to their counterparts. Efficient communication increases the employee's motivation and also improves the quality of services rendered to their customers (Grunig, 2013). A communication plan is only suitable if every person takes responsibility and makes their contribution by playing their roles. Online platforms, emails, newsletters, and brochures are essential in helping relay information from the management to the staff. An effective communication plan cannot be one way it requires communication from the team to the administration to be incorporated.

Communication is about listening and talking. By embracing this system, the management can be able to identify the issues of concern by the community and immediately adopt measures to help resolve them. Public Relations is essential in helping develop an association between the institution and the community (Cornelissen, 2008). These relations can then be utilized by the institution to complete their communication system. The inclusive participation of everyone creates relationships that help develop a positive image for the institution. Public relations can help public schools improve on communication, which allows the operations and success of the institution.

Public Relations and Information Technology

Technology creates a platform for communication and interaction between people of all ages. An experienced public relations expert should be in a position to exploit this opportunity and generate traffic for the institution. Public relations personnel should employ their technical knowledge to familiarize, monitor, and predict new developments in the technology field (Dozier et al., 2013). The know-how is vital as it helps them develop a guide for the institution on how they can utilize technology to foster public perception. The public relations expert should help the superintendent in actualizing the institution's vision. Public relations personnel should provide technical support to the superintendent during his presentations by providing a visual representation of his words and ideas.

Public Relations and Social Responsibility

An institution must create good relations with the community. Public schools target to improve the livelihood of the community by allowing the children to acquire education. The school should partner with organizations that undertake projects that share the same goals and interests as them. Public schools cannot improve the lives of the community by themselves; they need assistance from the community (Kane et al., 2009). An alliance with the community will help the institution identify the areas that are significant and matter most to the community. Public Relations is responsible for identifying projects and activities that the institution can engage in.

Public Relations in Crisis Communication

Communication is essential in managing a crisis despite its magnitude. How a crisis is resolved can lead to harm or gain for an institution's reputation. The public relations department has the responsibility for developing a crisis communication plan (Marra, 1998). The goal of a crisis communication plan is to provide a guideline on the measures to take during a crisis. The plans help regulate and stipulate the role the players will take during the resolution of the conflict. The crisis communication plan should reflect transparency and help create credibility and authenticity of the message that will be conveyed.


Cornelissen, J. P. (2008). Corporate communication. The International Encyclopedia of Communication.

Curtis, L., Edwards, C., Fraser, K. L., Gudelsky, S., Holmquist, J., Thornton, K., & Sweetser, K. D. (2010). Adoption of social media for public relations by nonprofit organizations. Public Relations Review, 36(1), 90-92.

Dozier, D. M., Grunig, L. A., & Grunig, J. E. (2013). Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge.

Ehling, W. P., White, J., & Grunig, J. E. (1992). Public relations and marketing practices. Excellence in public relations and communication management, 357-394.

Grunig, J. E. (2013). Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge.

Kane, G. C., Fichman, R. G., Gallaugher, J., & Glaser, J. (2009). Community relations 2.0. Harvard business review, 87(11), 45-50.

Marra, F. J. (1998). Crisis communication plans: Poor predictors of excellent crisis public relations. Public relations review, 24(4), 461-474.

Melkers, J. (2006). On the road to improved performance. Public Performance & Management Review, 30(1), 73-95.

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