Paper Sample: Antisocial Personality Disorder

Published: 2023-03-14
Paper Sample: Antisocial Personality Disorder
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Counseling Mental health Personality disorder Behavior change
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 946 words
8 min read

An antisocial personality disorder is a long-term mental health condition majorly characterized by total disregard of other individuals' rights and feelings. Individuals suffering from antisocial personality disorder always have pervasive behaviors. Their behaviors are usually characterized by constant patterns of manipulation, violation of other people's rights, exploitation, and deception (Durmaz, 2017). Individuals with antisocial personality disorder may put in to use all the combination of the above characteristic to get whatever they want at all costs and achieve personal desires without taking into the consideration of the repercussion of their actions (Hesse, 2010).

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Hayes-Skelton and Lee argued that individuals with antisocial personality disorder are not empathetic and cannot contemplate the feelings of people around them without help (2018). Such behaviors often cause the individual a lot of problems in their workplaces, and always detrimental to their relationships. Additionally, their impulsive nature of action can lead to arrests and imprisonment. Some of the typical traits of antisocial personality disorder are very evident in Rhonda. Rhonda is a Hispanic female, 32 years of age, she experiences different life stress, thus seeking mental health care. From her statements, she reveals that she has no children, has no close friends and complains that it seems that everyone has abandoned her. She also recounts that she recently broke up with her boyfriend and now single. From her narrative, she is found to have several imprisonment transgressions including, stealing, in possession of controlled substances and illegal firearm, and fighting.

As a child, she was very reckless leading her into trouble with other kids most of the time. She feels like she has come to an end. Being in financial distress, being fired from different jobs and trouble associating with her fellow employees causes her more resentment. Rhoda feels individuals around her are always liable for all that happens to her. The assignment, therefore, assesses Rhonda's state, determines the suitable diagnosis, and suitable therapy.

Psychological Testing

Carrying out a psychological test will determine the real problem and the most suitable therapy and medications for Rhoda's mental health situation. Psychological test, being not a universal test, psychologists will always choose and pick one particular set of tests and assessments for evaluation of each client. By using assessments and tests, a psychologist will be able to have a whole picture of the individual's limitations and strengths enabling her to consider the right treatment plans (Hesse, 2010). Building on the information available regarding her pervasive behaviors such as, inability to care about the needs and feelings of others, stealing, fighting, and seeing it normal to violate the law which led her to serve in jail in several instances, it is eminent that she might be suffering from antisocial personality disorder.

By fully understanding and exploring Rhonda's behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and family patterns during psychological testing, a psychologist will be in a position to recommend intervention vital for individuals like her battling with antisocial personality disorder. According to Ahn, Lee, and Kwon (2018), early recognition and diagnosis of patients with antisocial personality disorder can help psychologists work together with patients to inspect different available resources that can be used to promote recovery. Additionally, a psychologist will be in a position to determine the right therapies clinically effective and justifiable treatments for such patients.

Group-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Various therapeutic approaches have been employed especially to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Group-based cognitive behavior therapy has been considered to be one of the most effective therapeutic approaches. It can be carried out on patients suffering from problems such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality disorders, and depression (Ahn, Lee, & Kwon, 2018). It is also known to be effective in lessening depressive symptoms especially for persons with various disorders that make them engage in a wide variety of behaviors such as, substance abuse, criminality, and cruelty (Le Corff & Toupin, 2013). Rhoda's case is linked with a wide variety of disturbances such as constant rule-breaking, unemployment, relationship difficulties, substance use, and criminality. Group-based cognitive behavior therapy is, therefore, considered to be the best therapy for persons suffering from antisocial personality disorder. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) alone is ineffectual in patients with antisocial personality disorder (APD), however, it can be very successful when used along with cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) approach (Hayes-Skelton & Lee, 2018).


Considering the negative effects of that antisocial personality can have on our people, families, and community at large, it is therefore pragmatic that physiologists to be at the forefront in creating awareness regarding such disorders. Additionally, health and designated personnel should provide priority treatment to individuals battling with such disorders (Hesse, 2010). When early signs are noticed, alleviating suffering should be the main goal of the treatment. By referring patients with symptoms to physiologists for physiological testing, medication, and psychotherapy, individuals will be in a position to be assisted early enough to enjoy their improved quality of life.


Ahn, J., Lee, H., & Kwon, J. (2018). The changes and relationship of social anxiety symptoms, positive and negative self-views during cognitive behavior group therapy for social anxiety disorder. Cognitive Behavior Therapy In Korea, 18(4), 377-391. doi: 10.33703/cbtk.2018.18.4.377

Hayes-Skelton, S., & Lee, C. (2018). Changes in Decentering Across Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 49(5), 809-822. doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2018.01.005

Le Corff, Y., & Toupin, J. (2013). Overt Versus Covert Conduct Disorder Symptoms and the Prospective Prediction of Antisocial Personality Disorder. Journal Of Personality Disorders, 1-9. doi: 10.1521/pedi_2013_27_074

Hesse, M. (2010). What should be done with antisocial personality disorder in the new edition ofthe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V)?. BMCMedicine, 866.doi:10.1186/1741-7015-8-66

Durmaz, O. (2017). The Relationship Between Harming Behavior and Substance Use Profile,and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Antisocial Personality Disorder. Dusunen Adam: Journal Of Psychiatry & Neurological Sciences, 30(3), 194-01. doi:10.5350/DAJPN2017300303

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