Analysis of Trevor Jones - Free Essay on Child Development

Published: 2019-06-11
Analysis of Trevor Jones - Free Essay on Child Development
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Society Child development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 991 words
9 min read

Drawing Trevor Jones is a 3-year-old child, whose checklist was done when he was a one-year-old toddler (12months) with an excellent growth record. Using the preliminary checklist of 8 to 12 months, Trevor who has just completed his twelve months shows significant positive traits in his growth. At twelve months, Trevor is perfect in his movements as he shows positive traits in all the movement checklist. He can walk few steps which show that he has achieved a lot for his age. The positive movement attributes for at his age shows that he lacks any form of physical deformity that may be disadvantageous to movement at his age.

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Though he has a superb record in movement, Trevor had a problem with his fingers and hands skills. At 12 months, a typical toddler is supposed to have use of grasp (the use of the index fingers and the thumb). This indicates that he was yet to develop the fine motor skills, which are the muscles that assist in the coordination of the finger and hands. This is further illustrated by the inability to bang two one inch cubes together and inability to scribble something down. The poor muscle development may have resulted in him developing a poor handwriting when he grows up.

Trevor had significant cognitive development, at twelve months he could explore objects in many different ways and able to look at pictures correctly once named.The growth in cognitive skills as illustrated means that Trevor was progressively building on his learning abilities including skills such as attention and memory. The growth in cognitive skills is vital to ensuring that analyzation, comparison, and remembrance is part of children growth that will enable them to understand cause and effects of things as they grow up (Grissmer, Grimm, Aiyer, Murrah & Steele, 2010).

Though Trevor is good at the emotional display as he showed emotions through crying, imitating people and being able to stretch his body when being dressed; his language development was quite slow. Children of his age are expected to be able to babble some words such as mama which children of less than two months do. This may be as a result of him lacking enough individuals around him who can make him motivated to start bubbling.

Learning objective for Trevor Jones

Trevor had an issue with the use of his hand and finger skills, using the physical development and health domain, an improvement will be achieved.

Trevor needs to develop and improve on his hand and finger skills, at 12 months he was unable to perform tasks that a typical 7-10 months toddler is expected to undertake. He is not only unable to grasp using the thumb and the index fingers but also unable to scribble down. Applying physical and health domain to improve his fine motor skills will highly address the poor muscle development issue. The muscles are involved in the coordination of the hand and finger hence affect simple tasks like writing, it results in poor handwriting. Through developing the hands dexterity, by doing hand exercises and enhancing practice in handwriting and use of tools, Trevor will develop his fine motor skills (Grissmer, Grimm, Aiyer, Murrah & Steele, 2010).

A curriculum linked developmental assessment for Trevors fine motor skills (handwriting)

The assessment of the handwriting skill aims at looking at the progress of Trevors fine motor skills. The development of the fine motor skills will be assessed throughout the school session year. A look at how Trevor writes his name will be used to gauge the progress. On a bi-weekly basis, the progress will be recorded. The progress will be documented as he will be writing the name in a file. The names will be written in a flip page, where the precise date will be recorded. A monthly progress evaluation will be done to gauge the progress. Throughout the time of the assessment, Trevor will be helped to enable him to get the best out of his abilities. Any positive progress will be highly encouraged.

The documentation of the progress is not only key for monitoring the improvement of Trevors fine motor skills but also crucial in designing a workable and realistic measures to counter cases that may arise from other school children having such challenges.

The curriculum linked assessment modality set for Trevors fine motor skills development is in line with the teacher-developed assessment. The assessment set was purposeful as it aimed at monitoring the progress of Trevor in terms of his handwriting. The major purpose of the outcome was to see an improved handwriting by Trevor, which connotes an improvement in his fine motor skills. Furthermore, the handwriting skill is a skill that is taught in class hence an expected improvement as the learner will be assisted to ensure that he positively progresses. Though strong in cognitive abilities, Trevor will be assisted by using his strength for him to successful improve on his fine motor skills.

The objective to help Trevor improve his fine motor skills is to be achieved through improving his handwriting. In the assessment, the fine motor skill is to be achieved through improving in his handwriting. In the objective, the level of learning though wide in spectra as the objective was highly based on the analysis of when he was a twelve month toddler; highly relates to the assessment that was more specific as it addresses the handwriting that is more specific.

The result of the curriculum linked assessment will be utilized to help children with issues of fine motor skills develop critical foundational skills for learning. This will ensure that desired outcome are achieved for the successful readiness of children for school. The results could be further used to come up with a comprehensive time frame whereby learners with handwriting deficiency would have their issue addressed.


Grissmer, D,. Grimm, K., Aiyer, S., Murrah, W, & Steele, J (2010). Fine motor skills and early comprehension of the world: two new school readiness indicators. Developmental psychology, 46(5), 1008.

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